
Behind The Screen!

Warning: This is a yandere romance novel. Kanzaki is your average everyday guy. He has just finished college for a degree he didn't even care for but luckily by the grace of God he was able to get a job that he liked much more than the one he got a degree for. He became a V-Tuber! Kanzaki was quickly becoming a streaming sensation at an astonishing rate but there was always one person that commented strange things about loving Kanzaki. Where will this lead? Read to find out!

Unmasked63 · Realistic
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114 Chs

A Quick Visit

After Selena gave Kanzaki a kiss she made her way out of his apartment and locked the door with the master key she had from owning the building.

'His face is so cute when he's sleeping!~ It makes me want to ravage him on the spot!~' Selena thought to herself as she made her way to the elevator.

With these thoughts, her face slightly reddened and her breathing became a little rougher but she quickly composed herself after remembering the reason she was outside her room in the first place.

'If I figure out why this person is recording me and my darling I will reward myself with tasting more of his body~' Selena thought to herself hungrily as she reminisced the time she let herself go a little onto Kanzaki after she drugged him.

By the time Selena stopped drooling over those past thoughts she had already arrived outside of the apartment and in front of her sat a black van that had no markings. Most people in this situation would freak out or become a little unnerved considering the time of night but Selena wasn't like this.

Instead of being scared Selena smiled and slowly entered the passenger side of the van before turning toward the driver who was wearing a mask to hide their identity. However, not even a mask could hide their slightly shaking body that seemed to be afraid of Selena sitting next to them.

Of course, Selena recognized this but didn't care in the least, "Drive now." Selena said sternly getting the attention of the driver and bringing them out of their own head.

The driver knew better than to say anything else because they had seen what happens to people that question Selena. One of them was killed on the spot and left to rot in an abandoned building all because they tried to question Selena's methods with Kanzaki.

Even the word Kanzaki was banned from her subordinates' mouths and the only way they could mention him was by using the word master which Selena had chosen.

Selena and her driver drove for more than 10 minutes before finally arriving at a large building that went high into the sky, almost reaching the clouds. It was so tall that it made some of the other skyscrapers look like tiny children.

'So this is the Witch headquarters.' Selena thought to herself as she stared at the building looking at each floor closely wondering if she could see the person that hired the girl from earlier.

After staring for a few moments Selena finally stepped outside of the van and made her way into the building while being followed by the driver. In addition to this many other black unmarked vehicles began arriving in front of the building with the passengers of the vehicles quickly getting out and funneling inside behind Selena.

When Selena entered the building she was quickly met with the sight of a female receptionist who was on her phone clearly oblivious to the scene in front of her since she thought no one would be entering the building this late at night.

"Ahem!" Selena slightly coughed getting the attention of the receptionist in front of her. When the girl finally looked up she was met with the barrel of a gun placed on her forehead.

"Please escort us to the floor where a worker named Todd is staying." Selena said with a bright smile as the receptionist's face contorted into one of horror. The gun itself wasn't even the scary part as the receptionist saw that there were more than 10 people behind Selena with even more weapons!

However, the receptionist couldn't discern any of their identities since all of them were wearing some kind of face mask or covering to mask their identity. Selena was currently wearing one with a human face but the only difference was that the eyes were in the shape of a heart.

"S-sure please follow me." The receptionist squeaked out after a few seconds. It was clear to her that there was no way to disobey what Selena said since if she did she might end up dead. In her mind, her life was worth more than Todd's but at the same time, she wondered why the crew wanted anything to do with him anyway.

'Did he finally mess with the wrong person?' The receptionist thought to herself as she and Selena entered the elevator alongside the rest of the crew and began making their way up to Todd's floor.

The reason the receptionist had thoughts like this is due to the fact that most people in the Witch building didn't like Todd in the first place. He was kind to some of the guys in the building but to most of the females in the building, he was quite lecherous. There had been many occasions he had tried to grope them when given the opportunity but he never got in trouble because he blamed it all on a misunderstanding.

Most of the time people wouldn't get away with something like this but he was also very high up in the Witch ladder allowing him some ways of keeping what he does off of his record and even getting those that speak up fired.

'Whatever is coming your way you probably deserve it.' The receptionist thought as the elevator reached its destination. Whether or not she meant her thoughts didn't matter. She might have just been rationalizing what might happen after she led Selena there. Regardless, Selena had a large smile on her face as they arrived on the floor.


The elevator sounded before the doors slid open revealing a wide open space that was one of the work floors for Witch. There were many cubicles all over the place but most of the area was dark since most of the workers had left already. However, in the far corner, there was a lone light that was still on and also the goal of Selena and her crew.

'Found you!' Selena thought with a crazy smile as she quickly made her way to the cubicle with the light still on.


Witch: 145,222 Followers

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Authors Note: Hello everyone! It sure has been a pretty action-packed few chapters but don't worry we are getting back to the gaming soon! One thing I did want to touch on while I am on here is that none of you have to worry about paying for any of the upcoming chapters! For those of you that are reading as I'm writing the book I will keep it 100% free as a thanks for sticking with me even after my small break. However, once I do post the final chapter you all will have 2 days before I make the chapters paid. For those that are reading this after I finished the book I still love you too <3. Hope you all have a great day!