
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

What have I done?

Becca's POV

"That's nice and very greatly appreciated but I'm going to have to decline your offer," Nathan says with an apologetic look on his face.

Everything else passes by in a blur right up until the moment my grandmother leaves. I snap out of the daze I'm in as I round the table and get right in Nathan's face

"What the fuck do you mean by 'I'm going to have to decline'?" I ask Nathan with surprise in my voice at the fact that he's about to throw this opportunity away.

"Look babe I'm sorry but I have something really important that I have to do but we can totally go another time. Just trust me when I say that I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't totally important" he says apologetically as he holds my hands in his.

"I'm important too, Nathan. you don't get to just neglect me and hope that when you come back I'll still be willing" I say as I feel the tears that threaten to fall out of my eyes

"babe don't do that. don't diminish your importance in my life because if you don't already know how important you are tome then I'm ready to spend the next 45 minutes of my lunch break explaining it to you," he says but I'm not having any of it cause I turn away from him and expect him to get the message which if it's not clear enough is 'go do your important stuff, I won't wait for you to realize I'm more important. I'm going to be the best thing you never had.'

in hindsight, I should have realized that he's as stubborn as me cause he doesn't take no as an answer. one moment my back is turned away from him and the next moment he's spun me around and his lips smash into mine. by some miracle or highly questionable experience, his lips connect perfectly, and slowly (I mean immediately) my anger fades and is replaced by burning desire as we pour our emotions and frustrations into the kiss.

"You are lucky I like you," I say as I pull away before changing my mind and leaning up to place a short kiss on his lips.

"well I like you too," he says and gives me a short kiss of his own before adding "especially that sweet ass and those perky tits" as he grabs my ass and silences my protests by kissing me. My anger slowly fades as the magical power of those lips turn my brain to mush and my thoughts to sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows.

"You'll be alright in Paris babe," he says as he pulls away and runs his palms up and down the length of my upper arms.

"Well good luck with whatever is so important that you have to cancel on Paris," I say with a dry throat as I avoid eye contact with him so that he can't see or feel the confusion I feel because he cancelled.

"Don't stress about it. That crazy motherfucker is going to get the beating of his life" Nathan says as he starts to walk out right after placing a kiss on the side of my head.

"Wait, you're canceling on me just so that you can beat some insignificant piece of shit up?" I ask as my anger starts to rise slowly and steadily.

"Babe this one is totally personal. I can't let anyone else get their hands on him before I do" he says apologetically as he stops in his tracks and turns around.

"Oh so now it's personal? What did he do? Did he molest you as a child? Cause that's the only way I'm ever going to be able to forgive you" I say as my anger rises a few more degrees.

"Babe it is way worse than that," he says as he places his hands on my shoulders in an effort to calm me down

"then help me understand Nathan cause if I'm being honest, then I don't understand what's so important about this guy that it can't wait," I say as I turn to face him and try to force him to make eye contact which I eventually do

"Babe I can't let it go and it can't wait because this guy is as psycho as they come and I can't have you wrapped up in all this but if you insist then you might want to sit down. Also, we're going to need a lot of alcohol" he says as he guides me towards the sofa. Let's just say two hours and a bottle of scotch later, I was very well aware of the sick fuck in the fleshy face mask.

"I still can't believe that he actually picked it up and ate it," I say from my comfortable position on the couch with his beautiful head in my lap and his beautiful pink lips scarfing down some chips from the secret snack bar currently hiding in my large office safe, right behind the gold bars and a stunning evening gown made up entirely of diamonds and 1% cotton. I seriously hope that I have a formalin guy cause after the first grey hair pops up; I'm killing Nathan and preserving his head so that I can look at it whenever I want.

"So now do you understand why I have to find this guy and reduce his existence to nothingness?" he asks as he shakes his head around to get more comfortable even though he's completely unaware of the wetness he's causing down under by brushing up against my heat.

"I think I do. So he beat you up and now you want to find him so you can swing your dick in his face and show him that you have the bigger dick?" I say as I pretend to read from the notes I made even though they were just doodles of Nathan.

"No babe it's not a dick-swinging competition. It's something that I have to do for my pride and my reputation" he says as he sits up and turns to face me.

"So that means everything I just said is correct," I say with a chuckle as I ruffle up his hair.

"Babe you don't get it. He beat me and I've never been beaten before. If word of this gets out then everyone is going to want a piece of me. If they see that I can be fucked with then they have no reason to respect me" he says in annoyance as he fixes up his hair and this time I decide not to mess with him.

"I accept your choice, Nathan. I may not agree with your need to do this by yourself but I understand that it is important to you so I want you to find him as quickly as possible, put him in his place, and then join me in Paris" I say as I grab his face and place a kiss on his lips.

"If there's more of that then rest assured I'll be as fast as I can," he says with a smile as he kisses me passionately and as we pull apart an idea suddenly manifests in my mind and I immediately put it into place as I whisper my proposition to him.

His eyes widen as I finish my proposition and a cleared throat and one fixed tie later, he stands up and starts walking out of my office.

"Hey, where are you going?" I call after him as I struggle to keep up with his long strides.

"I have to get packed, the earlier we get on that jet the better," he says as he frantically pushes the elevator call button and immediately gets in. as the doors close I smile to myself at how well my half-cocked plan worked.

"I need you to clear up three days on the itinerary of my trip to Paris," I say to my assistant as I pass by her desk and skip the rest of the way back to my office and subsequently my desk.

Roughly two hours later my driver pulls up to the hangar where I keep my jet and it's empty. He places a call and we receive confirmation that it is already on the tarmac and is running through its last security checks.

We catch up and I unload my bags but before I can climb into my Cessna, a large figure with his hand in a bag of chips appears in the doorframe.

"Hurry up babe, the sooner we get to Paris the faster I can have you all to myself for three days" Nathan with a devilish smile gracing his handsome face

'Oh my God, what the fuck have I done' I think to myself as with an audible gulp I get in and soon enough we are on our way to Paris.