
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 43: Short Of Money? Arlong's Treasure Seems Good, I Want It!

Zhepu, along with Sanji and other chefs, bent over and sent Ron and his entourage out of the restaurant after their meal with a smile.

Watching Ron and his party board the Meili and slowly drive away, Zhepu couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead and sighed: "It was such a close call. At last we didn't cause any big trouble!"

"Here, chef, so many Marines died just now, including a Lieutenant Colonel Marine!" a chef behind him whispered.

"What's that? It's not us who killed those Marines, it was Ron who did it. If Marine wants to settle a score, he has to go to him!" Zhepu said in a deep voice: "I'm glad that Ron didn't take out his anger on us. Ti Restaurant, with his strength, if he wants to attack us, none of us can escape!"

Yes, so powerful!" The chefs nodded one after another. Thinking of Ron's terrifying momentum when he drew the knife just now, they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, shrank their heads, and did not dare to speak anymore.

"Okay Sanji, let's go back!" Zhepu glanced at the blond boy with curly eyebrows next to him.

"Yes!" Sanji responded, but still looked at the retreating figure of the Meili, feeling a little touched in his heart. Such a powerful person has the ability to ignore all rules. When will I be able to be so powerful? If anything, the Vinsmoke family's harm to him and his mother's hatred would be enough. . .

On the Meri, Ron was sitting on a chair on the deck, basking in the sun and drinking juice delivered by Makino. Of course, these foods were prepared by Zhepu before, and all the food cost at least two or three hundred thousand beli. , but Zhepu, a guy who knows how to be a good person, only charged Ron a few hundred thousand beli, plus the cost of meals, so he really didn't make any money.

Ron was thinking about his next trip. His main trip was to the Grand Line. Only there could he learn more skills. Only by learning more skills could his four-dimensional attributes continue to improve.

'As for the system, when I become the strongest in the world, I will start upgrading the system. After the upgrade, the system will definitely open up more functions! ' Ron had an interested look in his eyes. After the system was upgraded to the second level, it enabled the function of adding points to others. This function he was looking forward to very much: 'There is also a third level, and even the final fourth level system. I don't know what abilities it has. I think the fourth-level system must be able to solve the problem of life extension. Immortality, that is my ultimate goal! '

Next to Ron, Kaya was holding a medical book and looking at it carefully. Her meticulous look looked very cute. Nami was sitting on the side, flipping through the newspaper and checking various information. Tashigi and Makino were busy with other things in the cabin. .

Nami, how much money do we have left?"

Hearing Ron's question, Nami, who was sitting next to him, looked up at Ron and replied: "We do not have much money. We have replenished supplies several times along the way. Although we did not use up much this time, It's a lot, but it cost hundreds of thousands, and the remaining sum is only about one million Baileys!"

"Such a small amount of money is not enough for us to go to the Grand Line!" Ron glanced at Nami thoughtfully. He just wanted to find a way to help Nami and make her return home. Arlong's fish-man pirate group must With a lot of looted wealth, he was the only one. He could just destroy Arlong and rescue Nami and her sister Nokigao. Why not?

By the way, it seems that Nami has saved a lot of money over the years. He has been a thief for so many years and has stolen the treasures and treasures of countless pirate groups. The money he raised should be close to 100 million. Of course, Ron is too embarrassed to snatch this money. is here, so searching Arlong's body is the best plan.

"Yes, it's less than one million. In the future, we will have to repair the ship and replenish supplies. Even on the Grand Line, due to the harsh environment, we still need to purchase expensive permanent pointers. That thing will cost a lot of money! "Nami knew a lot of information about these voyages. When she mentioned it at this moment, she suddenly felt that the voyage in the future would not be as simple as she imagined.

"Yes!" Ron nodded slightly, and then said calmly: "I heard that there is a powerful fish-man pirate group in this area, and its leader is called Arlong?"

Nami's delicate body trembled slightly, her face turned slightly white, she bit her red lips lightly, and glanced at Ron from the corner of her eyes. She wondered if Ron knew some information about her. She wasn't sure, so she spoke as if nothing had happened. He said: "Yes, that is a powerful pirate group. Its leader Arlong is very powerful, and his power in the entire East Blue is second only to Admiral Krieg!"

Pirate Admiral Krieg!" Ron said with a smile: "I know this guy. Before I reached the 30 million bounty, he was the pirate with the highest bounty in the entire East Blue. I heard that he has now gone to the Grand Line?"

"Yes!" Nami nodded and said cautiously: "Admiral Krieg owns dozens of pirate ships and is invincible in East Blue. Even the headquarters of East Blue Marine can't do anything to him. After he accumulated strength, he I headed towards the Grand Line, and I don't know what's going on now!"

"Ignore him!" Ron shook his head and said, "Let's talk about that Arlong first. Aren't we just out of money? That Arlong should have a lot of treasures, right? Let's go to him and 'borrow' some for use! "

"Really, really?" Nami's expression was shocked, and she looked at Ron with an unconcealable surprise in her eyes. She didn't know Ron's specific strength before, and she thought of ways to escape many times, but during this time, she saw Ron After becoming stronger, she no longer had the thought of escaping before. She even hesitated to ask Ron for help in dealing with Arlong and rescuing the people of Cocoa West Village.

And now Ron actually proposed to deal with Arlong first. This is really an unexpected surprise!

"Of course it's true!" Ron glanced at Nami with a half-smile and said, "You should know the place, right? I definitely know, you are a genius navigator! Take me there later!"

"Okay!" Nami was so happy for a moment that she didn't pay attention to Ron's weird smile. Instead, she immediately stood up energetically and began to control the Meili towards Cocoa West Village with all her energy. And go!