
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 2 All Skills Are Maxed Out!

"Data panell" Ron glanced at the terrifying ravine in front of him calmly, lowered his head and exhaled the data panel, and then began to add points crazily. He directly added all the skills he had learned to the full level, and then his data panel became Got it like this:

Host: Ron

Age: Nineteen years old

Constitution: 62

Strength: 55

Agility: 54

Spirit: 42

Skill point balance: ninety-nine trillion, ninety-nine, ninety-nine...

Possess skills:

Wolf Fist: 2+98 (full level)

Basic swordsmanship: 3+97 (full level)

Spearmanship: 2+98 (full level)

Cooking skills: 1+99 (full level)

Medical skill: 1+99 (full level)

The five major skills are all maxed out, and the improvement in his own physical fitness is also terrifying.

His physique has reached 62 points, and his strength has also been increased to 55 points. Others, including agility and spirit, have all been improved horribly.

Ron felt warm all over his body, and his body was extremely strong. With a fist, he knew that now, even without using any skills, he could beat a pirate of the same level as the captain of the previous Wolf Pirates. Thats a big pirate with a bounty of 15 million beli!

I'm so strong now!" Ron chuckled arrogantly, "Hahaha, damn Marine, now it's my turn to fight back!"

Ron walked to the island where the Wolf Pirates docked, and picked up a Marine standard long sword from the ground. With the long sword in hand, Ron's understanding of swordsmanship made him aware of the material and hardness of the sword. He knows everything well, and his basic swordsmanship is now at full level. In terms of swordsmanship ability alone, he has almost caught up with the world's number one swordsman. The only difference is a famous sword!

"Haha, if I had a famous sword like the Black Sword, then even if it was Mihawk, I would be sure to defeat him now." Ron thought with excitement.

At the beach at this moment, Ron's sudden blow calmed down the fighting Marine and the pirates.

They all looked in the direction of the loud noise and saw a strong young man holding a long weapon.

The sword came out.

"It's Ron!" a pirate shouted in surprise.

"This guy is so lucky!" Another pirate frowned and said, "I saw him running away at the beginning of the battle. Is this coward still alive?"

"Captain Wolf!" At the center of the battle, a pirate said to the Wolf: "The boy walked out from the place where the explosion occurred. Maybe what happened there during the battle? Do you want to ask him to come over and ask?"

"Hey, let's deal with the Colonel Marine in front of us first!" The evil wolf glanced at Ron, and he also recognized Ron. This little guy is just an ordinary pirate on the ship. There is no need to pay attention to him. The one in front of him is constantly attacking. My own Colonel Marine is the most troublesome existence.

"Colonel!" Opposite, a Marine adjutant standing next to Colonel Marine whispered: That kid suddenly came out of that place. I don't know if he caused the explosion just now!"

"Yeah! It seems that he is also a member of the Wolf Pirates. Go and kill him! I will deal with the Wolf!" Colonel Marine said coldly.

"Understood!" Adjutant Marine nodded in agreement, and then rushed towards Ron with several people with sneers on their faces.

"Now, the gap between you and me is too big!" Ron said calmly, slowly waving the sword in his hand:

"This farce-like battle should end!"

laugh... boom! !!

Ron swung his sword, and under the shining sword light, several rushing Marines were torn into pieces by the sword light. The sword light did not stop and rushed towards the sea, instantly tearing apart the Marine warship docked on the sea,



"How can this be!!!"

Marine and the pirates who survived this sword suddenly looked at Ron in horror. Looking at Ron's tall and proud body, his expression was dull and his face was horrified. For a moment, everyone froze and trembled. Looked at Ron.

*This, how is this possible!!!" The evil wolf also looked at this little pirate who he originally looked down upon with a look of horror. How could he have such a powerful power?

Ron put away his sword and stood up with a calm expression. He just swung his sword in a very ordinary way, but even so, the basic swordsmanship at full level was not something that Marine and pirates of this level could withstand. Under the sword just now, there were countless Ten Marines died, and several pirates were also killed by the aftermath of the sword light.

"It's so powerful, this kind of power! This is the real power!" Ron had a smile on his face and walked towards the stunned Marine and pirates.


The Marines reacted immediately and started to run away frantically with frightened expressions.


"It's a demon! Run!"

"It's too powerful. This is a great swordsman. His swordsmanship is too strong! We are definitely no match!"