
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 119 The World Is Shaken! Ron's Disdain!

Newsbird flew to the Four Seas and Grand Line, bringing Ron's new bounty out.

East Blue, a young man wearing a straw hat looked at the bounty in his hand and said solemnly: "The bounty is one billion Baileys, but I will not give up. Sister Makino, wait for me, I will save you. of!"

Next to him, a young man with a pair of swords said indifferently: "Luffy, there is a small island ahead, do we want to log in?"

"There aren't many supplies on the ship, so of course we have to go up and replenish them! By the way, what kind of island is this?" Luffy asked.

"I don't know what island it is, but the village on this island is called Silo-Bu!" Zoro said.

Grand Line, Alabasta, King Cobra looked at the wanted notice in his hand and twitched his lips: "Vivi is following him, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. You kid, please don't let Vivi get hurt!"

In Shuangzi Gorge, the old man by the lighthouse looked at the newspaper in his hand. After being silent for a long time, he said to himself: "This little guy should not be underestimated. Is he the next king?"

On a small island, Blackbeard looked at the newspaper in his hand, with unconcealable anger on his face: "This guy, hum, I will kill you sooner or later! But before that, Ace, you are my target! "

Other Shichibukai, as well as the Four Emperors, have received Ron's new bounties one after another. They all have different views on this, some look at it with disdain, some are dismissive, and some are envious and jealous.

Speaking of envy and jealousy, of course the ordinary pirates must be talking about it. They all saw Ron's rising fame and were extremely jealous.

"This guy actually got a Vice Admiral from Naval Headquarters!?"

"You really have the guts to do such a thing!"

"I think he's in trouble. If he dares to kill Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, Naval Headquarters won't let him go easily!"

"Hehehe, I think so too, just wait and see the good show!"

Naval Headquarters, a fleet of thirty ships set off from there and headed towards Ron's location. On top of the fleet, Kizaru and Aokiji accompanied them, and their target was Ron.

"Hey Aokiji, it's rare for us to be partners together!" Kizaru said leisurely with his pants in his pockets.

"Oh, I was still thinking about taking a rest for a while, but now I received a mission, and it's still the same mission!" Aokiji said helplessly.

"You think that guy is difficult to deal with?" Kizaru asked with a raised brow.

"Do you think it's easy to deal with?" Aokiji glanced at him: "He's easy to deal with and he won't let us go together."

"That's right!" Kizaru nodded: "But if we two attack together, no matter how powerful that guy is, he can't escape from our grasp, right?"

"I hope so!" Aokiji said after a moment of silence.

Nami took a newspaper from the News Bird and was shocked when she saw it. She quickly ran to Ron's side. Seeing that Ron was still enjoying Kaya's leg-beating leisurely, she couldn't help but said: "You are still... If you are in the mood to enjoy it, take a look and see what is written on it? Your reward is already one billion beli, my God, I want to tie you up and send you to exchange for the reward!"

"Why are you panicking?" Ron lazily took the newspaper from Nami's hand, glanced at it casually, threw the newspaper on the table, and said nonchalantly: "One billion, it's okay, it's still worthy. My identity, well, I'm pretty satisfied with it!"

"My lord!" Nami stroked his forehead, looking like he was defeated by you: "Don't you know how many pirate hunters will be attracted by such a huge bounty? Then we will be in trouble. !"

"So what?" Ron still didn't take this matter to heart: "Okay, okay, it doesn't matter!"

"You, you have such a big heart!" Seeing Ron like this, Nami shook her head helplessly, sighed and turned to leave. With such a captain in front of her, what else could she say?

"Wow, brother Ron, your bounty has increased again!" Kaya immediately picked up the newspaper and started reading it. While reading, she shouted: "One billion Baileys, it's so high!"

"This is nothing, just a billion beli. It can't be compared with the world's top pirates. Monkey D Dragon knows that, right?" Ron asked calmly.

"I know, he seems to be the leader of the revolutionary army!" Kaya put her finger on her lips and thought for a moment.

"He has a bounty worth five billion! I'm still far from that level, and I have to keep working hard!" Ron said with a smile.

"Five, five billion Baileys!" Kaya's eyes widened.

"Well, so, this is just a bounty of one billion Baileys, no need to make a fuss!" Ron said, "We are almost at our destination, right?"

‥…Please give me flowers…0

"Well, it's almost there. It should arrive this afternoon!" Kaya said.

"Okay, I'll take a nap first. Call me when you get there!" Ron closed his eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

This scene couldn't help but make the other girls on the boat convinced of him from the bottom of their hearts. The World Government and Marine had just placed such a huge bounty on him, and now this guy was sleeping so peacefully. They couldn't be convinced!

Time passed very quickly, and in the afternoon, the Meili finally arrived at an island. This was a large island, and it was exactly the destination of Ron and his party: Gaya Island!

"We're here, we've arrived at our destination!" Nami shouted happily.

"Have we finally arrived?" Vivi stood next to Nami and looked at the big island curiously. Calculated, this island may not be as big as the island where Alabasta is located, but it is one of the largest islands in the first half of the Grand Line. .

"Are you here yet?" Ron stood up in a daze, rubbed his eyes, stood up, took a breath, and said, "Then, let's all get off the boat together. Then, eat, drink, rest, do whatever you need to do, and buy whatever you want. If you want something, go to Nami and get the money!"

"No money!" Nami shouted loudly with a black line on his head.

"Nami-chan, don't be so stingy!" Ron said with a smile: "Money is just for you bastard, you should make money after using it!"

"Can you make money?" Nami glared at Ron: "Why have I never seen you make money?"

"Um...at worst, we can find a notorious pirate group and we can make money by robbing him, right?" Ron thought for a moment and said.

"So, this is how you make money!" Nami said feebly, his head drooping.

"Hahaha, Nami, don't be angry!" Vivi laughed, took Nami's hand and said kindly: "Actually, what Ron said is right. With the strength of our pirate group, we can find some evil pirates to rob... There's no problem with it! Just think of it as doing good deeds, and you can still make money, how great is that?"

"Okay, what you said makes sense!" Nami waved his hands feebly, walked into the cabin, brought out a box of money with a heartbroken look on his face, and distributed the money to everyone with a heartbroken look.

Seeing the girls happily collecting money one by one and preparing to go to the island for consumption, Nami sighed, looking at the empty treasure chest, she felt like crying without tears!