
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 118 World Government And Naval Headquarters Are Furious! Ron's New Bounty: One Billion Baileys!

When they returned to the Meili, the four girls beside Ron were still in a daze.

They didn't expect that Ron would just kill someone. He suddenly killed someone. Not only did he kill the Marine Vice Admiral, who was obviously of high status and had a good background, but he also casually killed dozens of marines. This, this They were stunned for a moment.

"Luo, brother Ron, if you do this, will it be a little bad?" Kaya said hesitantly: "After all, the other party is from the Marine headquarters, and that person is also a Vice Admiral!"

Nami and Robin had expected it before, but what they expected was that Ron might teach the other party a lesson, but they never expected that Ron would kill someone!

The two of them were speechless for a while. What if the other party's large warship fired at the Meili at this time?

The opponent is a large warship and full of vitality. How can another small ship resist it?

Looking at the worried expressions of the girls beside him, Ron smiled calmly: "Why are you panicking? I'm still here, aren't you? A mere Vice Admiral dares to pretend in front of me, how can I not kill him? The most important thing is, He actually dares to look at you with that leering look, I can't bear it!"

When the four girls heard this, their faces suddenly turned red. Kaya and Vivi looked at Ron with a slightly happy look. Nami smiled and accepted Ron's words happily. That guy dared to look at her like that, and she had already felt She was angry, but considering that it was a major matter concerning Ron, she couldn't make trouble, so she remained silent. Unexpectedly, Ron had already put that matter in his heart.

In the end, Robin was slightly touched in her heart, but she concealed it very well. She just moved her eyes, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

"Okay, let's continue sailing." Ron said to Nami: "There are still two days left, and we will almost reach Gaya Island. When we get there, we will have a good rest. I heard that the food there is good."

"I just know how to eat!" Nami snorted: "We don't have much money. If we eat any more, we won't have any money."

"How is that possible!" Kaya didn't believe it: "We got a lot of money from Arlong back then. I went to the warehouse two days ago to see a lot of it.

Kaya..." Nami gritted her teeth. As the person in charge of the money on the ship, she was worried about every penny she spent. You are exposing my shortcomings at this time.

"Did I make a mistake? Sister Nami?" Kaya blinked her beautiful big eyes, looking innocent.

Robin covered his mouth and smiled.

Ron said helplessly: "Okay, then I will eat less, but you girls can't eat less, I don't want you to be hungry!

"Thank you, Brother Ron, for caring!" Kaya laughed.

Back on the Meili, the Meili continued to move forward under the command of Nami. The large warship was very wise and did not fire at the Meili. If the fat pig Vice Admiral was still in command now, Maybe he would do something stupid like this, but now the wise Captain Marine is in command. Obviously, he knows Ron's strength. If the cannon is really fired, basically this large warship will be finished. .

In this way, the large warship fled in panic, heading towards Enies Lobby, while the Mellie headed towards Gaya Island.

On the warship, the Marine colonel immediately relayed the true story to the Naval Headquarters through a phone bug. Suddenly, the Naval Headquarters exploded.

"What? That Ron tore up Shichibukai's invitation in front of everyone?"

"What? That Ron killed Lagus Vice Admiral in public?"

"Bold! Arrogant! Arrogant!"

"It's so abominable! This guy must be severely punished!"

"This is absolutely lawless! We must use all our strength to arrest this guy and bring him to justice, and then imprison him in Impel Down!"

In the conference hall of Naval Headquarters, groups of Marine Vice Admirals all angrily denounced Ron's evil deeds.

Marshal Sengoku, who was sitting in the first place, had wrinkles on his forehead at the moment. He also did not expect that Ron would be so ruthless and directly killed the Marine Vice Admiral who came to send him an invitation. By the way, He also killed dozens of sailors. This behavior was simply lawless, lawlessness to the extreme.

"Has the message been sent to Mariejois?" Sengoku turned his head and looked at a man wearing a Marine coat.

The man nodded and said: "Marshal, with your consent, I will deliver this news to the Holy Land as soon as possible!"

"Well, let's wait a little longer for the government's opinion!" After Sengoku finished speaking, he closed his eyes slightly and fell silent.

The group of Marine Vice Admirals below all looked at each other, not knowing what the marshal meant.

In this case (bdcf), do we still have to wait for news?

Shouldn't a large number of fleets be sent to encircle and suppress that lawless maniac?

"Hmm!" A middle-aged man in yellow clothes walked into the door with a pair of yellow eyes. After walking in, he first glanced at the solemn conference room, smiled slightly and said: Everyone is here? Sorry, I'm here. A little late!"

"Kizaru Admiral!" Several Vice Admirals greeted the man with a smile. Of course, some Vice Admirals did not have a good relationship with Kizaru. They frowned and ignored him. These are all powerful Vice Admirals, and some were even Shihai Marines before. The commanders of the branch are all very arrogant, and they don't pay much attention to Kizaru and Aokiji among the three Marine Admirals, because these two guys are too lazy, and if it weren't for their own strength, they would definitely not be able to achieve the position of Admiral.

Perhaps among the three Admirals, only Akainu can get the full support of these powerful people!

Shortly after Kizaru sat down, another tall man walked in. This man was none other than Aokiji, one of the three Admirals.

After Aokiji arrived, he didn't speak. He probably got the message and sat silently next to Sengoku.

After a while, a phone rang in front of the man who was questioned by Sengoku before: "Buru Buru, Buru Bulu...

"Hello, this is Naval Headquarters!" the man said, opening the phone.

"We already know the matter!" An old voice came from the other end of the phone, with obvious suppressed anger in the voice: "That guy is lawless and our opinion here is: kill him!"

Marshal Sengoku, who was sitting at the head, opened his eyes and took the phone from the man: "I am Sengoku."

"Sengoku, our government's opinion is to kill him. Since that guy doesn't understand current affairs, there is no need to win over him anymore. Hmph! He dared to tear up the invitation letter in public and even killed a Marine Vice Admiral. If you don't have to kill him, you should do it immediately. Send Admiral to lead a fleet to encircle and suppress him. Catch him if you can, and kill him if you can't. Also, issue a wanted order for me first. Ron's bounty is from our government, one billion Baileys!"

"I understand!" Sengoku paused, said something, and then both hung up the phone.

Sengoku raised his head, looked at everyone present, and said seriously: "This Ron, the leader of the Sword and Rose Pirates! Must be dealt with severely! Next, I order, Aokiji, Kizaru, you two to lead the fleet to encircle and suppress Ron. If you can catch him, catch him; if you can't catch him, kill him! Do you understand?"


Aokiji and Kizaru looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Herald, send me Ron's bounty warrant. I want all the pirates in the Grand Line to know that there will be no good results if you go against our Marine and World government!"

"As you command, Your Excellency Marshal!"

One day later, Ron's wanted poster for the reward was distributed to the four oceans, as well as the first half of the Grand Line and the New World. The whole world was boiling, and all pirates and pirate hunters were shocked.