
Begin Again In Marvel

Authors Preamble: This is my first novel so if you see anything wrong leave a comment so I can try to improve and/or fix it. My plans for updating this novel is hopefully everyday but I cannot guarantee that as I have a job and a life outside of this. I will try to have at least 1500-2000 words per chapter but I will focus on ending points so I don't just go on with a chapter for no reason. --------------------------------------------------------- This is a story about a Rio who dies when he wasn't supposed to. The gods decide to give him 2 choices, Rio chooses the second which come with 5 wishes. This sends him outside his home Omniverse into somewhere. First stop will be a sort of tutorial world/Universe and then the main world/Universe which is the MCU with some differences. Rio will have the force, a modified gamer system, a Riolu egg and DNA lock. I will not be writing any explicit scenes but they will be implied by fade to black when the time comes for such a situation. I have not decided on if it will be harem or not, most likely not unless readers really want it. Though there will likely be 2 females in the relationship at least but I don't really see that as a harem. If you have any suggestions leave a comment.

DJMLucarionite · Movies
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188 Chs

Updating Space


I watch as the last Providence is finished and launched. I checked the materials and see we still have plenty. I turn to Gardevoir and Milotic.

Tex: "With that, we have finished the Providences. I will give you the rest of today and all of tomorrow to rest before we begin on the Nuclear Mines. I will report to Rio that both of you have performed remarkably and I will ask him to give suitable rewards. Is there anything in particular you would like for me to recommend?"

Gardevoir: "I don't have anything in particular right now."

Milotic: "I would like a personal swimming pool and underground water tunnels."

Tex: "Very well I will let him know. You are dismissed for the day."

As they leave I look into the Covenant fleet movements.

'They are still on the predicted route. We will not be ready for at least 4 more months. Anything less than that and our likelihood of succeeding is less than 32%.'

I make a call to Lex.

Lex: "Do you need something Tex?"

Tex: "Yes, have you completed the Nuclear Mine schematics? Moreover, is the device meant to speed up the process also ready?"

Lex: "Let me check. Hmm, yes the schematics are ready I will send them now. The device is still not ready but it should be ready tomorrow or the next day at the latest. Do you need them soon?"

Tex: "Yes, we plan on starting the Nuclear retrofitting in 2 days."

Lex: "I will make it my top priority. Anything else or can I start work on it?"

Tex: "That was all."

The call is ended and I check the Earth standard time to determine if Rio is awake. After confirming I make the call.

Rio: "Ah Tex, I assume it is good news."

Tex: "Yes the Providences are all fully built and operational. We will start the Nuclear Mines in 2 days. It is calculated to take 2 weeks to finish the retrofits."

Rio: "I think that still puts us in a somewhat good position. We are still on time correct?"

Tex: "Within reason sir. Though at my prediction we will make 55 Munificents at most before the Operation Star Fall."

Rio: "With the Covenant likely taking 2 or fewer weeks could we produce a few ships while all our forces are near the trap?"

Tex: "We could but it would require leaving some droids here and they would be able only to produce 1 ship unless we place one of the Psychics here."

Rio: "Hmm, I could leave a clone with the Mind plate behind. It would be safe at the shipyards and can warn me if something attacks the shipyards. They should last more than enough time for us to finish the Covenant. With that how many vessels could we make?"

Tex: "At least 3 and up to 6. Though 6 would be highly unlikely. Am I to assume you wish to use them as a flanking force."

Rio: "Yes them and any captured Covenant vessels not used for Operation Uppercut. They may not last but they will undoubtedly cause quite the chaos and destruction in the enemy's rear flank."

Tex: "Yes, it would be a viable strategy. The small fleet would need to be commanded by someone with experience as we will likely have difficulty communicating with them. Who would lead said fleet?"

Rio: "Hmm, either my clone or we could try to make a basic Tactical Droid."

Tex: "Could you make 2 clones, one to hold the Mind Plate the other could assist and the second could then lead the fleet? I simply believe creating a Tactical Droid this late and with everyone busy would be unwise. Moreover, it would be a waste of resources on a suicide fleet."

Rio: "I can do that and like you said the clone could use the Force to assist they should last long enough. However, I don't think it wise to make any more clones in case their deaths break my focus during Battle Meditation."

Tex: "I agree as you are already making 2 other clones who may perish. It would be unwise to push further. Though it is highly improbable that an enemy would attack our shipyards as they are well defended."

Rio: "Then that is what we will continue as planned. Anything else I need to be made aware of?"

Tex: "That was all sir."

The call ends and I return to my duties.


After finishing the call with Tex I moved to check on the others.

'The Kree City is removed and Shield is currently wasting their time on figuring out why we were doing things in San Juan. The first Spartans are done with their first month of post-operation training. Only 20 survived till now and the 10 that didn't are in storage for me to resurrect. I will need to do that today. It should further the loyalty of the Spartans if I can offer them resurrection if they fall in battle.'

I move to see what the leader of Sakaar is doing.

'Idiot, it seems Tex was correct he didn't stay loyal when we started reducing his value.'

We moved many thousands off Sakaar to the Nova Empire after negotiating with them to accept them as refugees. The Nova Empire was more than willing to assist us when we explained we freed them from slavery. Due to our actions, the population of Sakaar has dropped by 77% and it continues to drop. The Grandmaster wasn't very happy about it but our agreement stated we could do whatever we wanted to those who tried to scrap or salvage on Sakaar.

'It's not our fault he didn't think the words out in the contract. But exactly as Tex had predicted no nation is willing to support the Grandmaster in such a pointless endeavor. He might try something when we have to withdraw temporarily from Sakaar during our battle with the Covenant. Hmm, maybe I should send Neji and Ventress to keep an eye on things while we are fighting. I will have to ask if they are willing.'

I then look at the report of the person we saved from Hydra. From what we learned her name is Laura Kinney with designation X-23. She escaped from Hydra during the Godzilla chaos and has been on the run ever since. She is fairly wary of us but after we removed her tracker and gave her a home in Sanctuary she has calmed down a lot.

'I seem to recall her story from my first life. If I remember she is in a way Wolverine's daughter. It seems I may need to bring him in sooner than I thought. It might be a bit difficult to convince him to come with me. Unless I offer to restore his memories since I believe he is currently homeless and a drunk. Maybe offer a lot of booze?'

Next, I will review our plans to purchase Hammer Industries, as they are suffering badly from the recent bill.

'We have already purchased 48% but the remaining is in the hands of Justin and one other executive. Justin has no heir and only one living relative. The relative is his cousin. Justin's sister and her child died in a robbery quite recently. The executive who is refusing to sell has ties to Hydra and further Justin's sister's death was suspicious. Hmm, I will have to watch out for them.'

I agree to meet said executive with Lex before Justin dies.

'It should be easy to sway his mind as my strength in the Force has only increased. Now what to do with Rand Industries? Danny Rand is gone and will be for some time. The company was a puppet for the Hand but now their puppet is ours. I think we should have them merge with LexCorp. They do similar things and most wouldn't be too surprised by such a merger as Rand Industries has been struggling lately with the release of the Stimpak and clean energy.'

I look over the rest of the reports and I think of a new field to go into. Waste Management. It is a very profitable industry valued at over a Trillion dollars worldwide. While I was thinking about it I recieved a message from Monika.

Monika: {Hydra Movements Attached.}

I open the file and see that Hydra has allied with Stryker again. I also see that they are reaching out to the Ten Rings.

'Hmm, this could be good or bad. The current leader of the Ten Rings is unlikely to join Hydra but might cooperate with them. Styker is the most problematic his knowledge and skills could allow him to continue the Wolverine cloning program that Hydra tried. I didn't steal much information from Hydra since it's pointless as long as Zola exists and removing him now is foolish. We need to destroy him when Hydra reveals itself not before. Otherwise, Hydra will disperse and hide making my plans become more involved than I would like.'

I ran some calculations to see if Hydra could restart the program quickly. I conclude that they won't be able to do so for some time as they will need a new base and more resources.

'I can let them be for now as it is almost Christmas and I need to relax before the Covenant fight happens. I should go collect more DNA samples for the Omnitrix as Thor is on Earth and thus an easy grab. When should I summon Santa? A week prior or the week of Christmas? Hmm, I think the week prior makes sense. That way he can be there for New Year's as well.'

I decided to go and resurrect the dead Spartans to increase morale.


Authors Note:

I wanted to show where the Fleet construction was at. I also wanted to show the different things that have been happening in the background. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and until next time Ciao.