

Zendea's P.O.V

"Zoe are you ok?" Amara asks in panic.

"Y-yes I'm fine , just have a headache." I try to speak. But I start coughing and when I do all I see is blood. What's happening?!

"Oh my God Zoe!" Amara yells.

"Amara please step out and leave me with her." Doctor King says. Amara shakes her head but the doctor ends up convincing her. After she leaves the doctor takes out an injection with a yellow substance in it.

"What is that? What are you giving me?" I ask, frantic.

"This is wolf morphine , it will help with the pain and the bleeding." Did he just say wolf morphine? How did he know?

"W-hat do you.." He cuts me off.

"Let's stop playing games Zoe, your life is on the line here. When I took your blood sample it showed growth spurts higher than the average human, and I have been a doctor to both wolves and humans long enough to know that you're not human."

"So what's wrong with me?" I try to speak over the ringing in my head.

"Do you have a mate? Have you and him mated already?" He asks

"N-no I don't have a mate."

"Hm, well it seems you do because all this pain you're experiencing is linked to your mate but you're only experiencing a glimpse of what he's going through." What? That's not possible.

"That's not possible, I can only feel my mates pain after we've mated." He must be mistaken.

"Yes that is true but this shows you did run into your mate and your wolves connected, not you and him. Because your wolves are longing for each other they open a window for you and your mate to feel each other's pain or emotion." He says. Out of nowhere the pain stops. Then it hits me , if I'm going through this it must mean my mate is going through the same thing, if not worse.

"He's dying?! No he can't go I need him." I cry out. Doctor King rubs my arm trying to sooth me.

“Try not to jump to conclusions Zoe, your mate is in pain yes but that doesn't mean he's dying. I'm going to let Amara back in , try to get some rest." Dr King explains while he walks to the door and opening it to let Amara in then he leaves. Amara and I talk for a while and just bond but the thought of my mate never leaves my mind. He could be laying somewhere all alone with no one by his side or breathing his last breath before we've even met. And hear I am alive , laughing and enjoying life , I'm so pathetic. He can't die ! I need him and I know he needs me.

"Katara can you feel him?"

"Yes I can, not strongly but he's still alive."

"Can you communicate with him? I mean his wolf?" She keeps quiet for a while.

"There's a small chance but I can try."

"Good girl, please tell him to hold on! For me, for us, for himself. Tell him to fight."

Sebastian's P.O.V

"Come back to me, don't give up." My eyes shoot open and I suck in a large breath. Looking around my blurred vision concentrates and my eyes adjust, where am I?

"He's awake!" Someone yells.

It's been 2 weeks since I was discharged from the hospital. After Asahya explained everything to me I was pleased to hear that I'm the one who saved Jake, I want to always have his back in life or death. When Jake and I got to the pack house we received a warm welcome, more him than I actually, because my pack knows I don't like that kind of stuff.

During these two weeks I've been training, taking it easy of course but , still training. I'm an Alpha and I have to hold down my own because any enemy of mine could attack at any given moment so I need to be prepared.

Walking into my office I sit down and take a breath. When I open my eyes the first thing I see is her red leather jacket on my desktop and immediately the memory of the first time I saw her comes rushing back into my mind.

"Alpha I need - " Jake walks in interrupting me from my thoughts. "What's going on?" He asks.

"I was thinking about her." I say not beating around the bush.

"Sebastian you cannot do this again, I just pulled you out of that mess." He says , obviously irritated. Fucken hell, not this again.

“First of all you did not pull me out of anything, that damn war did. Secondly , don't you DARE speak about my situation like that when you took a life just to make sure Kylie ended up by your side!" I said feeling my anger surface.

"You're right , I apolog - " I cut him off by raising my hand.

"I understand you're looking out for me but if you remember correctly, this situation has never nor will it ever affect my leadership, the least you could have done before acting all high and mighty was to have a little faith in me , as your Alpha and as your brother, but clearly you think I'm you. Get the fuck out I have real work to do." I finish off, grabbing files on my desk that have information regarding my businesses.

After Jake left I worked for hours , reading through my businesses' financial reports, the profit they've generated these past 7 months and how to better them.

Ever since I could remember I have always been obsessed with power and control, a part of it came from my fucked up childhood but the other half came from wanting to own anything and everything. This is why I started my own trading business. The first two years were a challenge. I suffered many losses but after that they made a remarkable amount of profit that lead to me owning hotels , restaurants and estates.

I make billions a year and a portion of it goes to my pack, to better their living conditions and make sure they're living well off. This is why we're one of the wealthiest packs in the pack community. Because I'm wealthy women throw themselves at me and I don't complain but they don't have what I want , there's always something missing and it pissed me off.

After being swallowed by my thoughts I decide to take a breather and head to the training grounds. After a two hour workout I head to my room to take a shower. I wear my grey sweatpants and black v neck t-shirt.

Knock knock

"Enter." I command.

Jake walks in , "Alpha, can we speak ?" He says as he bows his head.

"Sure , come in." Jake has been like a brother to me for a really long time so him acting like this gets under my skin more than I'd like to admit.

Coming in and closing the door behind him he sits at the edge of my bed. "I know I've been an asshole but I have my reasons. I've known you my whole life , I know the shit you've been through and how you worked hard to pull yourself out so , you finding a mate kinda puts me on edge. I just don't want her to put you through more shit that's all , cause I swear I'd kill her." He says earning a growl from me.

"Look man I get it but right now I need my brother and not some judgmental airhead." I say as I sit next to him.

He laughs and agrees to put his bullshit aside , Kylie mind-links us that it's time for dinner so we had downstairs.

After dinner Jake and I discuss me heading into the city to check in on my restaurant and flying out of the country.

"Are you going to bring Kylie?" I ask.

"After the war and being in hospital she won't be letting me out of her sight for a long while so maybe you should go by yourself, because her coming will just make everything complicated." He says rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah you're probably right and anyways I can handle it. It'll be a weeks trip , I'll be back in no time." I say as we walk to my office.

I pour us each a glass of scotch. "You think you can fit in Paris, Egypt , London , New York , Dubai , Russia , Germany and Australia into two weeks? You have got to be joking." Jake asks.

"No man , I'm only visiting the original businesses not the branches. They have the files on the other businesses so it'll make everything easier for me but beginning of November I'm going to visit all 29 of my businesses to make sure no one's fucking up anything." I finish off.

"When are you leaving?" Jake asks finishing off his glass.

"Tomorrow morning."

Getting up he bows and heads to the door , "Well good luck and call me if you need me."

"Will do." And he closes the door , checking the time I see it's 9pm and decide to call her still. After three rings she picks up. "Amara."


This chapter for me is so shitty lol idk

Please don't forget to vote and comment, I love you guys :)

- JD