

Point of views will be changing to give you guys a sense of what's going on and where everyone stands

Thank You


Kylie's P.O.V

The moment Sebastian stepped foot on our territory mind linking me to get the doctors ready I felt a deadly sharp pain in my side and screamed. It's Jake, he's hurt. Yelling at the nurses to gather every doctor on sight I fall to my knees feeling as if my life is slipping through my fingers, but I know better , that I'm not the one fading away , it's Jake. Then I see him and my whole world falls apart , Sebastian runs to us and I immediately take Jake to the operating room, with the help of the doctors.

They take off all his clothes and slip him into a white paper gown, as they sedate him he opens his eyes and looks around , "Seba..." When he tries to speak I cut him off.

"Shhh baby it's okay, Sebastian's fine just try to sleep for me yes?" I coo. He gives me a small smile and tries to twirl my hair around his index finger.

“I-I love you Kylie." He slurs and I take his hand in mine, squeezing it. As he doses off I feel warm tears fall down my cheeks, one falls on his face and I use my thumb to wipe it away. Lord he can't die I need him so much and I don't believe I could handle loosing him. Just then I hear Asahya yelling for help and I rush out of the theater.

Rushing down the hall I see Sebastian on the floor with blood covering his stomach and Asahya holding him, while yelling for help. No , the Moon Goddess cannot do this to us.

Asahya's P.O.V

Holding him in my arms like this feels surreal. He is the strongest and toughest person I've ever met and right now he's bleeding out in my arms. He's dying. Two doctors and a dozen nurses come to us and gently lift him onto a stretcher , wheeling him into a room. They lay him on a white metallic bed.

"What's wrong with him?!" I ask and no one answers, all they do is wipe the blood covering his stomach revealing a small bullet hole and the bruising around his wound. "Why is his skin like that?" I ask again but still no answer and that's when I loose it , I growl loudly. "I am your fucken Omega, you will answer me when you are spoken to!" I yell out catching everyones attention. They all bow their heads and apologize in union then Dr Harper starts explaining.

"I assume the Alpha was shot with a silver bullet, that is why we see a bullet hole in his abdomen." I shake my head interrupting him.

"That's impossible, he was wearing a bulletproof vest." I say.

"Yes he was but this was a special type of bullet that was used , designed specifically by hunters to quickly kill werewolves , this is why it was able to bypass the bulletproof vest. Also, when the Alpha removed the bullet he activated it, thus releasing silver powder into his body and that is why his skin is changing color because it's spreading. It will kill him." He finishes off.

I look at him in disbelief, did he just declare that My Alpha is going to die ? No , no way in hell am I letting that happen. "Sebastian is not going to die , not anytime soon so you do your god damn best to take that poison out of his body or the next one to be carried out in a body bag will be you!" I say walking out.

When I'm in the hallway I take out my phone and scan through my contacts then see Miley’s number. I really don’t want to call her because I know Sebastian will kill me if he finds out but, right now, I don’t have any other choice. Dialling her number, thankfully she picks up quickly.

"Asahya! It's been too long, how the hell are you?" She exclaims, excited.

"Miley I need your help." I get straight to the point, letting her know I don't have time to socialise and hear her sigh.

"What’s wrong?"

"It's Sebastian, he-" She interrupts me.

"Is he okay?! What happened!" She interrogates. As I fill Miley in on everything that took place I can hear her begin to cry on the other end of the call. I can’t really blame her, she's been in love with Sebastian since they were teenagers and even though he told her he loved her as a sister, she still loved him regardless. Now she's hearing that he might die over the phone and she can't do anything about it because she's half way around the world.

"Those damn hunters ! I'm going to kill every last one of them. Shit!"

"Miley focus! Help me save him." I say desperately. We're wasting time here.

"You’re right. Okay, I need you to listen to me very carefully and do exactly as I tell you. The full dissolution of silver requires nitric acid, or HNO3, which reacts with silver to form silver nitrate, a water-soluble compound." She starts off.

"Ok so what do I do?" I ask clueless.

“First find a scientific lab in the hospital.” Asking around I finally find one.

“Okay, now what?”

"Protect your hands with rubber gloves and pour 2 ounces of distilled water into a glass measuring cup. Add 1 ounce of concentrated nitric acid to the distilled water to bring the total volume to 3 oz."


"Transfer the nitric acid solution from the measuring cup to a small glass container, like as an empty baby-food jar or anything else you can find. Quickly!" She yells as if she can see all I'm doing is standing.

"Okay I've transferred the nitric acid solution into a drinking glass , now what ?"

"Place the jar containing the nitric acid solution in a well-ventilated area. This is the hard part , you have to make Sebastian drink this so the nitric solution can come into contact with the silver in his body. The reaction of the nitric acid and silver produces choking orange nitric oxide fumes which means he'll feel extreme pain and cough out a lot of blood but I know it'll cure him."

"Are you FUCKEN mad?! This sounds like it'll kill him!" I exclaim. What if he dies because of me?

"Trust me please , I'd never hurt him and you know that." She says softly. Dammit!

After finishing the solution I walk back into the room Sebastian is in and demand all the doctors to leave , looking at him with his eyebrows furrowed and fighting for his like , I can't help but smile. He's even stubborn when faced with death. I take off his oxygen mask , putting my right hand under his head and lift it a little then put the glass to his lips, making him drink. To my surprise he keeps swallowing.

I leave a little of the solution in the glass so I can take a syringe and inject the wound, just to be safe. I put back his oxygen mask and head for the door , just as my hand touches the door knob all hell breaks loose.

Sebastian's P.O.V

Complete darkness is all I see , all I feel and all I know. I want to open my eyes but I can't and my upper body is in agonizing pain. Time passes then I feel liquid pour into my mouth, I drink . What the fuck is this ? It tastes like shit.

After some time I start to feel my insides burning, especially my abdomen. Excruciating pain consumes me and all I want to do is scream, I feel my body shut down on me as if I'm about to die. Trying to breathe I fail and then I see a white light.

Asahya's P.O.V

As quickly as I can I turn around to see his body shaking uncontrollably, shit what have I done ?! When I look at him I see his eyes are squeezed shut showing he's in pain and then he stops . The machine makes a long 'beep' sound signaling he's dead and my whole body freezes. As doctors rush into the room I stand there , still and unmoving then they push me out of the way to attend to him. I killed him , I killed him , I repeatedly say to myself as I look at the scene in front of me.

"Clear!" A doctor yells as his body rises up from the shock he was just given. Nothing.

"Clear!" The doctor yells again and as I wait there desperately I still don't hear anything. After a while, the machine finally beeps again, continuously and release a sigh of relief. Hope is not lost. The doctors make him sit up as he coughs out blood but still , his eyes are closed.

Laying him down the doctors exit the room , closing the door.

"Is he ok ? What's going on?" I ask rapidly desperate for answers.

"Yes sir the Alpha is fine. The episode you've just experienced could be his body being slowly killed by the silver in his system but we took a blood sample to run some tests. We'll have answers by tomorrow morning. But please don't get your hopes up." Don’t get my hopes up? What the fuck is this idiot saying! A low growl escapes from my lips as I narrow my eyes at him making him gulp.

“Clear out your station. You're fired." I say lowly.

As he looks at me baffled I huff at him . "Sir I'm sorry did you ju-" I cut him off.

"Pack your shit and LEAVE ! YOU'RE FIRED!" I yell out catching people's attention. Taking a few steps towards him I grab his coat roughly, pulling him to me. "You have no faith in our Alpha and it is clear to me you're not doing everything in your power to heal him because to you he’s already dead. You have no solutions just fucken death declarations ! Therefore you are F - I - R - E - D do you hear me ? We have no use for incompetent people here now leave before i disembody you." I shove him making him loose balance and fall to the ground.

After that pathetic excuse for a doctor leaves I appoint a new head doctor.

I'm woken up by a light shake on my shoulder, opening my eyes I see Kylie. "Hey" I say to her as I rub my eyes and sit up. She gives me a small smile but I can see she's torn.

"Hey , you slept here last night ?" She asks softly sitting next to me.

"Yeah, I guess I couldn't bring myself to leave. Did you get any sleep last night?" I ask her.

"No , I guess I still can't believe they're both here. The 2 out of 3 strongest people in our pack are the ones fighting for their lives , it's unreal." She says as her tears fall. I help wipe them away, pulling her to me.

"They’re going to make it Kylz okay? All we have to do is hope, the rest is up to them and fate." I say rubbing her back. The new head doctor I appointed, Dr Clark , walks in holding a light brown file and Kylie sits up as we both look at him. "Omega." He says as he bows his head.

"Dr Clark what do the test results say?"

"Well .." He takes a seat. "When we took Alpha Sebastian's blood the first day he came in, the results showed the silver was spreading across his body and fast. Poisoning him but now , these new results show no signs of silver in his body. It's as if it just vanished overnight. I don’t quite understand it myself." He says , disbelief clear on his face.

I release a breath , "Thank goodness, so that means he's going to be ok right?" I ask.

"Yes , they're going to be just fine. Their bodies just need to heal but that won't happen overnight. It will a lot of take time." He explains. Kylie quickly stands up in shock.

“Did you just say 'they'll' ? As in the both of them , Sebastian and Jake?" She asks out of breath.

The doctor smiles and nods making Kylie fall to her knees as tears slide down her face, thanking the doctor repeatedly.


Physical science is not my thing so if some or all of the information here is wrong I apologise in advance.

— JD