
Before Our Spring

One Shots about EXO's ff

NakedTato12 · Music & Bands
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4 Chs

Through The Night

KyungSoo had been an unhappy man for a long time, an unemployed boy who studied through an academic scholarship and lonely, he looked at his broken shoes while he thought about how the hell to solve his problems and pay his debts.

Then he happened to look at his plants, the moon illuminated them making them look beautiful, that made him remember BaekHyun.

BaekHyun was slim, tall and possessed delicate features, he was so sociable while KyungSoo walked in the shadows; KyungSoo was suspicious, he had been stabbed so many times in the past that he was afraid to open up in front of others, to see how broken he was inside. KyungSoo had been hurt by everyone he knew, his mother reminded him of how little he was worth and his father did not dare to look at him, his only company were those plants that he watered with care.

The beautiful-eyed boy looked at the moon one last time and went to his room, and slept.

When it dawned, the boy with the charming eyes did his morning routine and went to his university, on the way he met several college classmates who greeted the boy with politeness but he never happened that, he did not allow it to happen that.

He arrived at the classroom and sat on his seat, two seats to the right was BaekHyun, the thin boy was listening to some song animatedly through his headphones while writing something in his agenda, KyungSoo looked at him long enough for him to another The boy felt observed and directed his dark gaze with small eyes to KyungSoo.

BaekHyun gave KyungSoo a friendly smile and KyungSoo blushed avoiding the other boy's gaze.

If you asked KyungSoo what he loves the most about BaekHyun, he would tell you in detail every part of his body, actions and gestures; It had always been like this, since he had met him at school until this moment in his life, at university, he had always felt beautiful for BaekHyun.

After a long day of school, KyungSoo made his way to his apartment, always lonely. With his hands in the pockets of his blue sweater and his familiar broken companions that protected his feet, he walked calmly while he breathed in the rusty autumn air and watched the pigeons quickly perch on the dry branches. trees.

"Beautifully shattered" KyungSoo thought as he gazed in fascination at the bare, dry tree "You and me are the same" he kept thinking, not noticing the silent companion who was looking at him with admiration.

"Do Kyungsoo," Baekhyun interrupted the boy's thoughts. "A name I've known for a long time." Baekhyun showed Kyungsoo a big closed-mouthed smile. "You were always very quiet," said the boy when he realized that KyungSoo wouldn't speak. "I like it, a bit of silence for my noisy existence."

"Hi," was the only thing Kyungsoo could say without hesitation, Baekhyun broadened his smile.

"Hello," the taller boy returned the greeting, KyungSoo felt his cheeks heat up a bit but he ignored it. "Would you like to stay all night with me?" BaekHyun proposed without noticing the double connotation that phrase had had in the shorter man's mind, but later he notice, when noticing the strong red color in KyungSoo's bright cheeks "I mean doing things totally for family hours" the taller one quickly excused himself and KyungSoo began to nod his head to imply that he had grasped the message.

BaekHyun accompanied KyungSoo for a few more streets and then said goodbye, KyungSoo was confused by BaekHyun's sudden show of interest in him, but it was not so sudden.

BaekHyun and KyungSoo had similar feelings for each other, but neither of them had wanted to say them for a long time, BaekHyun thought that KyungSoo just didn't feel anything for him until he began to notice little by little, that KyungSoo was looking at him with brilliant eyes for a long time, so this day he had taken all the courage he could and decided to get closer; And by asking for a night with Kyungsoo, he thought that he could create more opportunities for a story in the future.


The cold autumn night had covered this part of the world and announcing that the meeting of two lovers was close to taking place, KyungSoo and BaekHyun when they said goodbye in the afternoon had agreed to meet in front of the park that was a few streets from the city. university and so they had it.

BaekHyun naturally spoke to KyungSoo, ignoring the fact that his heart was making too many movements in his chest with excitement, KyungSoo responded with shy phrases, some people would think he was being rude, but BaekHyun knew he was being a nervous wreck and that was damn cute in his eyes.

KyungSoo had listened to every anecdote of BaekHyun with pleasure, he discovered that the boy was very active and that he was always annoying the other boy he was spending his time with, ChanYeol had probably suffered a lot at the hands of a prankster like BaekHyun; KyungSoo for the first time in a long time noticed how lonely he was, despite always having his faithful soles as companions and his worn torn shoes, he felt that he needed a little more human contact and that made him feel solidarity sad .

From KyungSoo's expression, BaekhHun noticed how much Kyungsoo was suffering internally and that made the boy wonder "Who could harm him?" But the answer was much sadder, no one imagined that the owner of so much mistrust created in Kyungsoo was his own mom.

They walked for a long time, KyungSoo listening to BaekHyun's funny, and BaekHyun feeling heard for the first time in a long time.

The two boys found a small coffee and decided to have something hot, KyungSoo a strong coffee and BaekHyun an extra sweet chocolate, this difference made a contrast in the personalities of each one but neither cared; On this cold night their differences were filling the empty and sad spaces that the boys tried to hide or fill in their own way.

BaekHyun delightedly watched KyungSoo drink his coffee and that made him happy, he hadn't felt so full for a long time and KyungSoo with his silence filled the noise in his restless heart. And BaekHyun filled KyungSoo's silent voids with his articulate personality.

Finishing already drinking his drinks, BaekHyun asked the magic question:

"Kyungsoo Why do you always avoid everyone?"

"I don't know," KyungSoo answered quickly.

"It seems as if you made a shield to keep us all away," BaekHyun thought aloud and KyungSoo was alarmed that he was ruining the beautiful atmosphere between them.

"I'm so shy," the boy quickly excused himself and Baekhyun just smiled, not only was he shy, he was also hurt.

KyungSoo and BaekHyun went to the park where they met, and KyungSoo wanted to talk about him for the first time; He told BaekHyun about his plants and his love for reading and music, he told him that he has lived only since he was 16 years old and that he has always been a lonely man, he told him about his fascination with planting vegetables and his will to live in the field in the future.

BaekHyun thought that KyungSoo was more interesting every time he told more about him, he really liked his gestures when he spoke and the small heart-shaped smiles that came from his plump lips, KyungSoo didn't notice how BaekHyun looked at him and if he had noticed, perhaps he had blushed.

KyungSoo hardly spoke about his childhood, he didn't want to remember his mother's cruel words to himself, so when he finished saying everything there was to tell about him, he looked at his torn shoes.

When words were left over, they did the most mature thing they could think of and that was to play in the worn out games for children, both felt happy with laughter and fun, they didn't need anything more than the company of the other and that fullness made them feel at peace with his battles just for tonight.

The battles were replaced by happy vibes and resounding laughter in the beating hearts of each boy, it didn't matter that tomorrow was difficult, if today they were happy. KyungSoo was genuinely laughing for the first time in months and it made him vibrate with happiness. In a shoving battle, KyungSoo fell into a sitting position on the cold grass and started laughing loudly, BaekHyun joined him as he sat on the ground and for the first time in his life he had the courage to cradle KyungSoo's face with his hands.

KyungSoo looked at him with a surprised and remained motionless, his heart was beating as if he were running a marathon and his hands began to sweat, he grabbed part of his sweater between his fingers and began to feel nervous; BaekHyun brought his face closer and when his foreheads touched his, he closed his eyes so as not to lose courage, with his lips gently caressing KyungSoo's.

The kiss demanded nothing but affection, both boys' lips caressed each other's lips peacefully and gently, BaekHyun never stopped cradling KyungSoo's face, and KyungSoo never stopped holding tightly to the edge of his blue sweater.

When the boys parted, KyungSoo blushed and BaekHyun smirked because that kiss signified the years I wait for this moment.

"I like you," BaekHyun confessed and KyungSoo looked at him carefully, "And I want to continue dating you."

After that confession, the boys continued sharing sweet kisses and conversations, BaekHyun took KyungSoo to his house holding his hand and gave him a brief kiss goodbye, he wished him good night and left.

KyungSoo went to tell about such a sweet night to his faithful companions in the form of flowers and other species of plants, and his faithful witnesses were those broken shoes, witnesses of a new beginning and of one of the most beautiful moments that KyungSoo had lived, moments that they would be more frequent with BaekHyun's sweet company.

Through this night, KyungSoo realized what it was like to feel, even a little bit, loved and he really enjoyed it.