
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasy
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Chapter 45 - Potion for the Face - 2

"Hello, how are you, are you Chairman Lan Coco Lan?" When she picked up the phone, Qin Li couldn't wait to ask.

"Uh, it's me." Lan Ke Ke said.

"Oh, hello, Lan Dong, this is Qin Li, the general manager of Lido Beauty."

"Hello, General Manager Qin."

"I don't know if Lan Dong has the time, I'll set up a banquet at the Red House at noon, I'd also like to ask Lan Dong to come in for a chat." Qin Li said worriedly, afraid that Lan Coco would not agree.

Lan Coco glanced at Yun Mo, only to see Yun Mo nod to herself.

"Okay, General Manager Qin, I'll be there." Lan Coco said.

"Good, then Lan Dong, I'll see you at noon."

After saying that, Lan Ke Ke took the lead and hung up the phone.

"Whew~ so nervous." Lan Coco said mentally.

"Just now in good shape." Yun Mo handed Lan Ke Ke the Resident Potion that had been diluted a hundred times.

"At noon, you can find a way to give this Resident Potion to my sister-in-law, this potion doesn't have the same effect as the one you just used, but it's still much better than all the skin care products on the market." Yun Mo said.

"I'm afraid this will not be a woman's paradise." Lan Ke Ke took the Resident Water and fixed her eyes on it.

"Well, but before we go, I think you should go upstairs and take a shower first." Yun Mo said.

"Well ... uh ... ah!!!"

Lan Coco then realized that she had somehow gotten quite a bit of black juice on her body, which was extremely disgusting.


After Lan Coco ran upstairs, Yun Mo took out the iron tower that had caused the Qian family to almost wipe out their clan.

"Don't play dead for me, get out." Yun Mo drank.


It was more than a hundred times smaller than the previous roar.

The Fierce Dragon twisted and floated out of the Iron Tower.

Today, the Spirit Gathering Formation hadn't been activated yet, and the reason why Yun Mo was doing this was because he was waiting for this Fierce Dragon.

For any formation, as long as it had a protective spirit, the formation would be full of vitality, endless and endless, and would not even consume the spiritual energy in the spirit stones.

Any formation, as long as it has a protective spirit, the formation will be full of vitality, endless, unending, and will not even consume the spiritual power of the spirit stone.

And this formation of Yun Mo's was even able to use the power of the stars to keep the formation running.

"With your physical body destroyed and your soul refined to this state, you're also considered the most miserable Divine Dragon Clan I've ever seen." Yun Mo pursed his lips and said.


The Divine Dragon bent its head in front of Yun Mo with some aggression, it looked like it was saying, I don't want to be like this either.

"Don't pretend to be soft with me, you don't know how many living beings you have swallowed over the years, your forehead is covered with death, there is no trace of the power of merit and virtue, just like you, except for your soul flying away, there is no way back." Yun Mo said.

"Ah woo, ah woo~" The cursed dragon circled around Yun Mo, seemingly begging Yun Mo to save himself.

"Alright, meeting me is also considered your good fortune, you and integrate the dragon soul into this Spirit Gathering Formation first, be my protective formation spirit for ten years, and I will find a way to accumulate some merit for you." Yun Mo said.

Upon hearing Yun Mo's words, the Braking Dragon nodded his head angrily, and then he couldn't wait to imprint the Dragon Soul Contract into the Carnelian Chalcedony in the middle of the formation.

With the addition of the Dragon Soul, the Spirit Gathering Formation was completely opened.

In a few breaths of time, the space within the confines of this Yazhai was like a fairyland, the hot summer days became exceptionally cool, and breathing the air within the Yazhai would be refreshing.

If there are martial artists in this place, they will find that in the elegant fast cultivation of an hour, comparable to the outside world to cultivate a day.

"You are here to protect all the people in Yazhai, slowly accumulate merit, your body's anger will always dissipate one day." Yun Mo instructed.

"Roar~ Roar~"

Two roars were heard in the air.

With this Fury Dragon guarding it, Yazhai's inner core could be considered the safest place in Huaxia.

Since Lan Ke Ke's bath was estimated to take quite a long time, Yun Mo left the Yazhai and headed to the Lido Mansion.

On the first floor of the building was the counter of Lido Skin, and Yun Mo was curious to know what the Feng family of Hong Kong Island was doing in their rush to buy the shares of Lido Skin.

Since almost all the products sold in the Lido Building were women's products, it was very rare for a man like Yun Mo to go shopping alone.

Coming to a counter.

A couple of salesmen, each with a couple of women, presented them.

It can be seen that Lido Skin is very strict about the training of the salesmen. Each woman was very clean and neatly dressed, with a warm smile and a natural look.

Whether it was a woman wearing a brand name or a young girl in ordinary clothes, they all treated them the same and did not discriminate.

This made Yun Mo secretly nod.

This made Yun Mo secretly nod his head.

The eyes came to the Lido Skin Care Water Hibiscus First Immortal, Yun Mo casually took out a bottle, opened the lid, and gently sniffed.

A pure and light aroma entered his nose.

"Spiritual Spring!"

Yun Mo was certain that the main ingredient of this Hibiscus Primordial Immortal was none other than the spring water from Spirit Spring.

One would think that a place that possessed a spirit spring must also possess a spirit vein.

Spiritual veins, Yun Mo was not very interested in them, there were more than one in Yan Fu Mountain Residence, and they were all extremely large spiritual veins that were kept unused in the storeroom.

But this can produce spiritual springs of spiritual veins, its must be and mountain terrain in one, is born and raised, if you can plant crops next to the spiritual springs, then the two little girl's cultivation will be twice the effort.

At the same time, Yun Mo also found out that this Hong Kong Island Feng family, there must be Feng Shui masters who have truly entered the Tao, otherwise they would not have noticed the original formula of Hibiscus Primrose.

"Hello sir, the Hibiscus Primordial Immortal in our store is sold in a special package and cannot be opened before it is sold ..."

Just as Yun Mo was thinking about the location of the spirit vein, a young and beautiful saleswoman next to him came to Yun Mo's side and introduced herself to Yun Mo with a smile on her face.

"Swipe your card." Yun Mo immediately handed over a bank card.

This made the saleswoman look surprised.

Originally, she had come to remind Yun Mo that this thing could not be unsealed in advance, and according to the training rules, if a guest accidentally unsealed the product, that product had to be destroyed and could not be sold to another guest.

The saleswoman did not expect Yun Mo to want to buy it directly.

"Sir, the one you opened is 100,000 yuan per bottle, if you don't need it, you can also ..."

"Need it, swipe your card." Yun Mo said again.

"Oh, okay, okay." The saleswoman took Yun Mo's bank card, since the guest was willing to pay the bill, she herself was exempt from punishment, after all, not entertaining the guest was also her own fault.

But what the saleswoman didn't expect was that Yun Mo, who was wearing a short sleeve, baggy pants, and stepping on a pair of flip-flops, actually had 100,000 on his card.

"Sir, your one-time consumption of one hundred thousand yuan, this is our Lido Beauty membership card, in the future, if you need anything from our store, you can get a 10% discount." The saleswoman handed Yun Mo the membership card and bank card together and said.

"Uh, thank you." Yun Mo smiled at the saleswoman and left the Lido Mansion.