
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasy
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Chapter 44 Potion for the Face-1

After taking the two excited little girls through the enrollment process, the parents had to say goodbye to their children.

"Shishi Xinxin, listen carefully to the kindergarten teacher, daddy will pick you up after school tonight." Yun Mo said.

"Daddy, we will be good and listen to Ms. Yu." Shishi and Xinxin promised.

"The two children are so understanding, Mr. Yun, at noon in the school cafeteria, parents can accompany their children to eat together, but the school does not recommend it, after all, it is also important for children to develop their independence." Teacher Yu said to Yun Mo.

"Hmm, I know." After saying goodbye to Shishi and Xinxin, Yun Mo and Lan Coco met in the middle of Yazhai.

Yesterday, Yun Mo spent the day at home doing research, so the opening of Yazhai was delayed until now.

To say that it will be opened is actually to say that a door will be opened to welcome the eight sides of the guests.

No firecrackers, no flowers, not to mention the red carpet, everything is so casual.

In the kindergarten, because the two girls were interlopers, Ms. Yu let Shishi and Xinxin do a little self-introduction, at the same time, Ms. Yu's eyes warned Yang DuoDuo in her class that

If you dare to bully your new classmates, beware, I will whip you, I don't care who your parents are.

Who knows, when Yang DuoDuo saw XinXin, his head was buried lower than the table, making Teacher Yu feel a little strange, in the past, wasn't this child the most capable of coaxing?

"Shishi Xinxin, you two sit in the two seats in the middle first, we'll move the seats around again after a while." On Yang DuoDuo's left side across the aisle, there were exactly two empty seats.

"Okay, teacher." XinXin slowly pulled Shishi towards the empty seats in the middle.

The students thought that these were two rather quiet little girls.

However, when they passed Yang DuoDuo, XinXin knocked on Yang DuoDuo's desk:

"Hey, Temple Jun, have you forgotten what I'm going to call you when you see me?" Xin Xin said in front of everyone.

"Uh, that, that, Sister Xin Xin!" Yang DuoDuo held back his red face and finally said it.

The class fell silent.

"Good boy, in the future at Zhixing Kindergarten, Sister XinXin will cover for you." Yun Xin said to Yang DuoDuo.

Yang DuoDuo was stunned, she didn't think that this little devil would actually offer to cover her, thinking of Yun Xin's quick stance and powerful strength, Yang DuoDuo seemed to realize that calling Sister XinXin herself didn't seem to be a disadvantage.

"Hehehe, hehehe ...," Yang DuoDuo's giggle was only noticed when the crowd looked at Yun Shi Yun Xin strangely.

"Alright everyone, get ready for class, our class six has never been a united group, everyone remember not to bully the new students." Although she was surprised why Yang DuoDuo was so afraid of Yun Xin, Teacher Yu still instructed everyone.

Bullying? Yang DuoDuo glanced at Yun Xin breathlessly.

It was good that she didn't bully others.


Inside the Yazhai.

Inside the Yazhai.

Since it was early morning, Yun Mo and Lan Coco were still relatively relaxed.

"What did you do last night?" Lan Coco asked Yun Mo curiously.

"Do you want to know?" Yun Mo teased.

"Want to." Lan Coco nodded.


Yun Mo pulled Rancoco along and went to a mirror.

"Look how you've wrinkled over the past few years." Yun Mo said.

"We're all running for three, you still think I'm a little girl." Rancoco said with a snort.

"Hmm~" Yun Mo stared at Lan Ke Ke for a moment, then took out the potion he had brewed last night.

This potion, which was made from the sap of the Face Residing Flower, wasn't as heavenly as the Face Residing Pill, but the diluted potion was still capable of removing scars and wrinkles from anyone's body.

"Here, my little test subject ..." Yun Mo smiled and unscrewed the cap, dripping a drop of the potion onto Lan Coco's face and then smoothing it out evenly for Lan Coco.

Feeling Yun Mo's big warm hands, Lan Coco closed her eyes comfortably.

"Alright, open your eyes and have a look." Yun Mo said.

Curiously, Rancoco opened her eyes and was instantly stunned.

"This, is this still me?" Lan Coco looked at herself in the mirror as if she was still in college.

"The effect is not bad, it takes three seconds to take effect, and after diluting it a hundred times, it should take effect in a day without causing too much shock." Yun Mo muttered.

After that, Yun Mo took out the Resident Skin Pill he had refined yesterday from his chest.

"When you reach the cultivation realm of YuanYing, you will be able to keep your face forever, but what is forever is your face at that time.

Usually, cultivators cultivate to YuanYing around the age of fifty, so this Face Residence Dan is also a sought-after item for all female cultivators in the Wuji Realm."

Yun Mo handed the Face Residence Pill to Lan Coco.

"Are you saying that after I consume it, I will keep my current appearance?" Lan Ke Ke said in surprise.

"Uh-huh." Yun Mo nodded.

Lan Coco did not hesitate and swallowed the Face Residence Pill right away.

It was sweet, accompanied by the taste of fresh flowers, and delicious.

After that, Lan Ke Ke calmly stared at the changes in her body in front of the mirror.

Afterwards, Lan Ke Ke calmly stared at the changes in her body in front of the mirror.

"If nothing unexpected happens today, my sister-in-law should call you to come look for you." Yun Mo said from the side at the right time.

Since the last time Lan Coco called Yun Mo with Su Ying's cell phone, Yun Mo had asked Lan Coco to buy a cell phone as well, nowadays in this society, without a cell phone, it was really inconvenient.

Lan Coco in the Lan family is almost a network out, so Yun Mo also took care of Lan Coco's mood, clothing, food, housing, and transportation to take care of everything.

The phone number left on the share transfer contract is exactly Lan Coco's phone number.

It was thought that Qin Li would contact Lan Coco soon after learning about the issue of Lido Beauty's chairman changing ownership.

"Ah! I want to see your sister-in-law?" Lan Coco said in surprise, could this be a meeting with the parents? Although she gave him two children, she didn't confess to me, didn't propose to me, and didn't even take my hand ...

Women are just strange creatures, extremely psychologically active.

"Well, however, it's to meet as the chairman of Lido Beauty." Yun Mo said.

"Oh, then what do I say?" Lan Coco asked.

"The effect of this bottle of potion, you've seen it, I will dilute it another hundred times, at that time, you take a bottle of potion and give it to my sister-in-law for laboratory testing, say that it was developed by yourself, as a meet and greet gift to Lido Beauty Skin, to convince my sister-in-law to let Lido Beauty Skin go on a new product." Yun Mo said.

"Is that all?" Lan Coco asked.

"Just this!" Yun Mo said.

"No problem." Lan Coco said with a package.

"Oh yeah, remember to show off your high-flying demeanor to the fullest at Kyoto University ..." Yun Mo laughed.


"After all, it is the chairman of the board, you must have an aura." Yun Mo said.



"This potion, is my independent research and development, as a meet and greet gift to Lido Beauty, Mr. Qin, you can take it back to the lab and try the effect ..."

"How about how?" Lan Coco symbolically said a paragraph.

"Well, it's not bad." Yun Mo said rather approvingly.

"Ring ring ring~"

Speaking of the devil, Qin Li's phone call soon came ...