
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 21: Missing Mom

"Daddy, Big Sister took us out to eat lots and lots of delicious food."

"I'm sorry for the trouble you took today." Yun Mo thanked Jiang Ya.

"Huh? No trouble, no trouble." Jiang Ya said with a slight blush. "Uh, by way of introduction, these two are my roommates Zhao Na, Li Xue Ming."

"Hello guys." Yun Mo smiled and greeted them.

"Hello handsome, come over and sit down." Zhao Ya stood up and pulled out a chair for Yun Mo.

It was still early, so Yun Mo did not refuse.

Zhao Ya and Li Xueming gave Jiang Ya a you-know-what look together before their eyes sparkled with stars as they chatted with Yun Mo.

To Jiang Ya s shame, the content of these two people s chatting was becoming more and ... more audacious, so they hurriedly changed the topic.

"Brother Yun Mo, you said at lunch that you are my senior?"

"Well, I also graduated from Kyoto University. I graduated in 14 years." Yun Mo said.

"Wow, senior hey, senior, what department are you in?" Zhao Ya asked in a self-congratulatory manner.

"Literature department." Yun Mo said.

"Hey, I heard from Ya Ya that you're a doctor, why is it the literature department?" Li Xue Ming said.

"Our family has been practicing medicine for generations, so we have dabbled a bit in the medical field." Yun Mo replied modestly.

Yun Mo rarely talked to people to say so much, but the two little girls loved these three women, so Yun Mo loved them too.

The crowd chatted for about an hour before a Rolls Royce appeared above the food stall at an inconvenient time. It drew frequent glances from the crowd of students, even Zhao Ya and Li Xueming were no exception.

Luxury cars were common in Kyoto, but a luxury car heading towards the snack street was a rare species.

"Dad, is that Uncle Chen?" Shishi looked at the burly man who opened the car door and walked over.

"Sir!" Chen Han bowed to Yun Mo.

This kind of scene made Jiang Ya's three people instantly freeze.

"Shishi Xinxin, we should go home." Yun Mo said.

"Okay, three big sisters, we'll see you next time." The two girls waved their hands at the three of them together.

"Okay, three big sisters, we'll see you next time." The two girls waved their hands together.

"See you next time." Jiang Ya replied quickly.

Yun Mo wrote his cell phone number on a napkin and handed it to Jiang Ya:

"In the future, if there's anything that can't be solved, you can call this number to find me, and if there's anything you can't say with your family, you can also find me to say it." Yun Mo could see Jiang Ya's happiness at a glance, and when he left, he left his contact information with Jiang Ya to repay the favor of taking care of the two little girls today.

After saying that, Yun Mo took the two little girls into the car, and the extended Rolls Royce drove off under the envious eyes of the crowd.

Lan Family.

The Lan Family's emissary reported to Lan Hai about today's Liu Family matter.

"Ai, I thought I could climb up to a big family, but I didn't expect to end up with a basket of water." Lan Hai said without any sense of sorrow.

"Family Master, the matter of the Liu family, Kyoto above has put a gag order on every family that attended the Liu family's wedding banquet, the Dragon Soul even invited someone from the Heavenly Master's Tao to come down to the mountain to deal with the person behind Chen Han, and it is rumored that one of the Dragon Soul's elders died under that person's hands." The Confessor said.

"What about Lan Coco?" Lan Hai asked. All of Kyoto knew that today was the day that Lan Coco was married into the Liu family.

"We placed her in the Liu Family, Family Master, the person the Liu Family recruited is very powerful, even the Chief Elder of the Liu Family is no match for him, so I did not bring Lan Coco back to the family."

"You've done a good job, Lan Coco is now a member of the Liu family, the Liu family has attracted a strong enemy, it will inevitably involve my Lan family, even though the Dragon Soul has stepped in, the barefoot is not afraid of the one who wears the shoes, it's hard to guarantee that this person won't be able to scourge my Lan family because of this matter."

Lan Hai thought carefully for a moment.

"Lan Coco, you must not live, you bring people to build a peachwood coffin, Lan Coco, nailed to death in it, throw it into the Liu family. Lan Hai said with a cruel heart.

"Yes, family master." The Lan family's sacrifices could not help but look at Lan Hai with high regard, those who achieve great things, not stick to small details, cold-blooded and ruthless, in the future, Lan Hai will definitely become a generation of masters.

This was indeed the case, but unfortunately, they could never have dreamed that Lan Keke was the mother of Yun Shi and Yun Xin, the daughters of Emperor Yun Mo, who would become the most honorable princesses of the Wuji Empire in the future.

Kyoto in the evening was still brightly lit as if it were daytime.

A foreigner once posted on Facebook that Kyoto is definitely the most advanced city in China, even the darkness of the night can't dispel that little bit of light.

Then there are Chinese netizens under the comment: that damn is Chang'an Street traffic jam ...


Kyoto University, the highest academic institution in China, the two little girls were in the car, constantly looking at the surrounding scenery.

"Hey dad, mom brought us here, hey, here, this is mom's alma mater." XinXin pointed to the gate of Kyoto University and said.

"Hey dad, mom brought us here, hey, here, this is mom's alma mater." XinXin said as she pointed to the gate of Kyoto University.

Yun Mo also looked over with her.

Yes, Kyoto University, long gone memories.

Yun Mo couldn't help but think of his three roommates, I don't know how they got mixed up, but it's also ridiculous to say that among the four, it's Yun Mo who has the worst family background ...

"Daddy, I miss Mommy." Shishi ran into Yun Mo's arms.

"Daddy, I miss Mommy too." XinXin hugged Yun Mo's arm, her big watery eyes looking at Yun Mo.

Chen Han, who was driving the car, pricked up his ears, he was very curious and intrigued as to what kind of woman had brought down this Mr. Heavenly Strength.

"Daddy, will you take us to find Mommy~" Shishi and Xinxin shook Yun Mo's arm together.

"Okay, okay, I'll see if your mothers are in the Lan family." Saying that, an extremely powerful divine sense pressed on the sky and searched the Lan Family mansion complex for a long time, but did not find Lan Coco's figure.

"Hmm?" Yun Mo was a bit confused, logically speaking, the Liu family had been destroyed by themselves, the Lan family should have canceled their marriage with the Liu family, so why would Lan Coco not be at home?

In an instant, his divine sense spread out like a spider's web, and soon, Yun Mo discovered Lan Coco, who had been tied up and gagged in the Liu family, curled up in front of the Liu family's front door, crying.

At that moment, all the people in the Liu family were still alive and enjoying the first day of the Thunder Tribulation, which burned their bodies.

Inside the fifty-three coffins, the screams were so terrifying that when Lan Coco woke up and heard such a sound, she was instantly overcome with fear and could only lean against the wall and sob helplessly.

"Turn around, go to Liu's house." Yun Mo ordered Chen Han with a dark face.

"Yes sir." Chen Han was confused, aren't the two little princesses looking for their mother, why are they going to the Liu family, right?

Liu family.

In the distance.

Three martial artists were carrying a mahogany coffin, traveling at a fast pace, arriving at the Liu Family's entrance, hearing the tragic sound, even the Lan Family's provider couldn't help but feel his scalp numb for a while.