
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 20: Sealing the Coffin

"Who exactly are you?" Seeing that Yun Mo had made a Dragon Soul Elder in the Zong Shi realm instantly burst into flames with a single look, Liu Tai stood up and inquired indifferently.

Yun Mo ignored Liu Tai.

"Those who have nothing to do with the Liu family, you are limited to three minutes, get out!!!" The voice was loud, the thunder rolled, and the words followed the law.

"Boom boom boom~"

The sky over Kyoto was covered with dark clouds.

In an instant, the guests no longer dared to stay with the Liu family and retreated.

"Yellow-mouthed child, you do not know the power of Tong Shen." Liu Tai was blandly self-contained, he didn't feel the slightest bit that he had just fallen from the sky and it was Yun Mo's hand, just because of his age, he really couldn't consider Yun Mo to be a character on the same level as himself.

Spiritual energy gathered furiously, and an extremely powerful qi force came at Yun Mo. Chen Han hurriedly took half a step back, he could not resist this power.

Unfortunately, before this spiritual force could even get close to Chen Han, it disappeared without a trace, like a stone sinking into the sea.

"What? You, you, you, could you be a Tong Shen as well?"

Chen Han's crowd looked at this Liu Tai as if they were looking at a fool, how could the old Liu family ancestor's IQ be so low ...? Could it be that his essence had been sucked out by a woman?

"Such a young Tongshen Empire?"

The Liu family crowd looked at Yun Mo suspiciously, in the Chinese martial arts world, most of the time, age represents everything, but Yun Mo's appearance was just too extraordinary!


As soon as Yun Mo raised his head, all fifty-three members of the Liu family were fixed in place, red light lingering around them, and the Meteoric Inferno Thunder like a rope binding them, making them all unable to move.

Gnashing teeth, insistent, helpless, and finally helpless ...

"Chen Han!"

"Get in!"

"Nail the Liu family members into the coffin and seal it!"


Chen Han had never been as honorable as he was today for more than thirty years.What martial arts family, what Tong Shen, in front of Mister, they were all like ruminants.

He ordered his men to place the Liu family members, who only had eyes that could move, into the mahogany coffin one by one.

Then the iron nails, which had been soaked in black dog's blood for one night, were nailed deeply into the limbs of the Liu family.

In one afternoon, the Liu family, which had been in a phoenix-like state, completely disappeared from Kyoto.

All that was left was a yard full of pink coffins and the yellow talisman on the coffins that glowed with thunder.

After the incident, Yun Mo did not rush back over the Great Wall.

Since Yun Mo realized that the breath of the two little girls was no longer on top of the Great Wall, it seemed like the little girls had already completed today's mission and followed Jiang Ya to the snack street to eat snacks.

"Wow, Jiang Ya, when did you have a baby, so cute." Seeing Jiang Ya return to school, the two girlfriends in the same dorm room flirted.

"Aiya, don't talk nonsense, these are my friend's kids, Shishi and Xinxin." Jiang Ya blushed and hurriedly explained.

"Aiya, don't talk nonsense, this is the child of a friend of mine, Shishi and Xinxin." Jiang Ya blushed and hurriedly explained.

"Wow, so cute." The two roommates had no resistance to Xinxin and Shishi, constantly pinching the two girls' little faces.

"Hello, two sisters." The two girls greeted people politely.

"Sweet little mouths, go, sister will take you to eat the best food in all of Kyoto University ..."

Thus, the three of them strolled through the snack street of Kyoto University.

The hour was still early, after making all the members of the Liu family suffer the punishment of sealing the coffin, Yun Mo left the Liu family and went to the Yun family.

The Yun family, the number one family in Kyoto, the Liu family's kind of family's wedding banquet, the Yun family did not attend.

After Chen Han left, a wedding carriage with red balloons slowly drove into the Liu family.

"Strange, why are all the guests leaving in a panic?" The Lan family's emissary was unimpressed, but he still sent Lan Coco to the Liu family safely.

That was the mission of the Lan family's emissary this time.

The moment the wedding carriage entered the Liu family, an ominous aura immediately filled the heart of the Lan family's provider, and with it, it was clearly fifty-three mahogany coffins that were quietly placed in the main center of the Liu family.

"This is?" The Lan Family Provider and two bodyguards escorted Lan Coco out of the car.

Lan Coco's beautiful eyes were filled with disbelief.

The Liu family mansion, abandoned. The subordinates had gone clean long ago.

"Lord Provider, what's this about the Liu family?" The bodyguards asked strangely.

"I'm afraid we've offended some big shot, let's go back to the Lan family first." The confessor said.

"What about her?" The bodyguards pointed at Lan Coco.

"Just throw her over here, the family master's meaning is that she is no longer a member of the Lan family, and she is not qualified to return to the Lan family." The confessor said without hesitation.

After that, Lan Coco's limbs were bound and she was thrown in front of those fifty-three coffins.

Lan Coco's eyes were filled with tears, her own father when he was really desperate, and at the same time, she was glad that she wouldn't die in such an undignified way.

Lan Ke Ke, who was about to bite her tongue to kill herself, suddenly thought of Shishi and Xinxin's cute little face, inexplicably closed her eyes, and fell asleep in this scenic spot.

Yun Mo, who had arrived at the Yun family, hid his figure and began to search for his mother's scent. Finally, he found his mother, Qin Qing, in front of an extremely beautiful mansion.

Inside the mansion, Qin Qing was teaching a three- or four-year-old boy the subjects that belonged to him at that age.

At some point, the corners of Yun Mo's eyes began to fill with tears.

"No wonder Mother's qi and blood are very stable, it turns out she has a new spiritual support again." Seeing his mother lovingly taking care of his brother, Yun Mo completely dismissed the idea that he still wanted to come to see his mother.

Mother should be living a very good life now.

After all, mothers were honored by their sons, and the Yun family focused on the family legacy.

After watching his mother for more than four hours, Yun Mo disappeared and left.

Qin Qing's gaze as she looked out of the window seemed to be a silhouette, but why did her heart hurt so much?

Qin Qing's look out of the window seemed to be a silhouette, but why did her heart hurt so much?

"Mommy, what's wrong with you?" The little boy looked at Qin Qing.

"Nothing, I just miss your brother." Qin Qing lovingly touched the little boy's head and said.

"Brother? Mom? Isn't my brother awesome and powerful, much more powerful than Foamy's brother?" The little boy said.

"Well, your brother is very powerful, he is very understanding, his academic performance is one of the best, and he even got into Kyoto University in the college entrance exam ..."


Kyoto University Snack Street

"Wow, the two little cuties eating up, just adorable our little heart ah." Jiang Ya's roommates, Li Xueming and Zhao Na, kept teasing the two girls as they played.

"Hey, Ya Ya, what is this friend of yours doing?" Zhao Na asked suspiciously.

"Uh, he's probably a doctor." Jiang Ya said.

"Wow, doctor oh, iron rice bowl, strange uncle oh, postpartum a dragon, he has a child must have experience, our Xiao Ya will not suffer in the future." Li Xue Ming teased.

"Aiya, what are you talking about?" Jiang Ya said scoldingly.

"Aiya aiya, you're still angry, Ya Ya, I'm telling you, the uncle who is divorced and still has a child is the most caring."

"In front of the child, can you two prodigal hooves say something normal?" Jiang Ya snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay, say something normal, that weird uncle of yours, is he handsome, how much is his monthly income, can he afford our Miss Jiang hahahaha?"

"Aiya, Nana!!!" Said Jiang Ya made her lifelong mastery, milking dragon claw hand ...

Due to Zhao Na's development, she was the most mature among the three girls.

"Okay, okay, stop fooling around and get down to business."

"Che, what business do you have?"

"Ya Ya, I can tell you, we all know about your engagement with the big young master of the Cheng family, that son of a bitch from the Cheng family is not a good thing, I won't give you to that playboy." Li Xue Ming said with concern.

"Engagement, are my parents get, I myself do not know at all, I ..." said, Jiang Ya looked forward.

"Ya Ya, if you really meet someone you like, age is not a problem, having children is not a problem, even if he is ugly is not a problem, you can ..."


Before Li Xueming could finish, she saw the two little girls running out cheering and jumping into Yun Mo's arms.

"Brother Yun Mo!" Jiang Ya also ran over.


"Oba ..."

The moment they saw Yun Mo, Li Xueming and Zhao Na's eyes couldn't turn a corner.