
Before It Struck Midnight

*Read at your own risk* (I have warned you!) *Steamy scenes ahead!!* This story has some heavy scenes, I have warned you in advance. If you want to read the story but skip the heavy parts, I will tell you when the heavy parts will happen prior to the chapter because... I got you boo, I got you.. There will be some strong, mature scenes, but no worries, I am here for you all and I will warn you in advance of a steamy scene. Don't report (I mean, I am warning you now about mature content, don't be surprised! Also if you ignore this... it is kinda your fault, not mine...) as I have spent SO MUCH TIME ON THIS. And if you just want to troll since you have nothing else to do... just don't do it. I have given in so much sweat and effort into this and I don't want a group of people who are bored out of their minds to ruin it for me. If it turns out that you don't like this book then feel free to read my other books that I have written. *WARNING FOR MATURE CONTENT IN CASE IF YOU MISSED MY LAST WARNINGS* Other than that, I hope you will enjoy reading this! *This book contains explicit content* *EXTRACT FROM THE BOOK* I stared at him, cooking and whistling, something that I could not do, or should I say, didn't want to do. I decided to move away and try to find an exit but I didn't even take a step back when I heard his voice. "Princess? Is that you?" I saw him raise his head before shooting his eyes onto me. The sudden gaze caused to heart to race while it froze my body, as if I have turned into ice. I felt the fear engulf my body, eating me inside out. "You aren't scared of me... Are you?" he asked me, I sensed the envy in his voice. That mixed with his harsh tone caused a wave of goosebumps to course through my body. I wanted to begin by asking him where was I? Why was I here? Why was he here... I wanted to ask him, but I couldn't, the fear was just all too much for me. "Come on... Speak to me... Ask me..." he began. "Ask me "why am I here" and all of that crap... Entertain me with your fear." I saw him slowly gripping a knife that was on the countertop, with his eyes still on mine. The sides of his mouth slowly began tilting upwards. All the bitterness and the cold, it was all so visible in his eyes. I looked at his in horror, noticing him as he took his first small steps towards me. "Talk to me... Because this might be the last time you will ever talk, " he said this sentence in such a calm tone, it caused me once again to shiver with goosebumps. "W-what do you mean...". Never in my life have I stuttered, until then. "What I mean is..." he began before abruptly stopping, until then, he never took his eyes off me. The next thing I knew, he full-on charged towards me. I heard chairs crashing down while I turned around, and just as I was about to run, I felt him grab me by my wrist, before he yanked me, as a result, I crashed straight into his chest. My hands were on his big, broad chest right before he turned me around so that my shoulder were now against his pecks. Till then, I figured that this was probably just one of my many wicked nightmare until I felt the blade ,from that knife he picked up, rest on my neck. As if it was an instinct, I grabbed his arm that was resting on my chest with my two small hands. In the same time tried to push my head back and away from the knife but it is near impossible as there is no space for me to move any further against his hard pecks. Next, I hitched for air when I felt his breath, as it warmed my skin. "Trust me... don't you dare, for second, think that I will hesitate to hurt you, because I will if you disobey me..."

Strale · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter Thirteen - Tuesday, Wednesday and... Thursday...

Throughout the day I now tried my hardest to avoid him, but nothing worked.

Throughout the day, he would roar at me, curse at me, he would insult me for no reason. I wouldn't make a sound, yet he would insult me, shout at me like I said something that hurt him.

It hurts, it hurts me, the way he is acting towards me.I thought that he would be that rare guy who would be genuine... Who would be nice and who would eventually set me free, nevertheless to say, I had hope in him. I was wrong. He is nothing but a manipulative, horny bastard who feels pleasure from hurting others. He is fucked up.

The day dragged by to dinner... I didn't even get to eat because I got beaten up by him.

He pushed me straight to the ground, before taking off his jacket, leaving him in his white shirt.

He punched me, whipped me with his belt, kicked me, smacked me. The bruises began showing within minutes, giving him a reason to extend his beating punishment, hitting me harder.

I was screaming and crying for him to stop, but he didn't. He didn't stop until he has had enough until he released all his anger on me and my body.

I cried in pain while he stepped away from my bruised body. I curled up in a ball, silently trying to sob the pain away, but it just got worse, the pain was not going away.

He then began to roar at me, telling me how annoying my crying is, telling me to shut up... He threatened me again, telling me how he will kill me, how he will strangle me, how he will break my neck, shoot me, push me down the stairs.

This guy has turned into a fucking psychopath. All I wanted is to go anywhere, anywhere away from him.

Some time passes as I am still in the exact same place on the floor, I calmed down since Brenden is no longer in the room. Harry helped me calm down but he was also in the lookout as he didn't want Brenden to see him help me.

That was all I remember before I blackout. I felt so exhausted, I felt so much pain, not really from all the hits and kicks, but I felt the pain my heart and soul.

I wake up a few hours later, just to find myself in bed. Bed, that is all I need to know before sighing in relief, closing my eyes again and letting sleep take me over.

The next two days were like living hell. His abuse kept on getting worse with each mistake I made. His intense sessions of beating and whipping me would last up to 10 minutes, that is on average...

Whenever I would sit in the sitting room, beside him, he will make me feel as if I am nonexistent, I would go unacknowledged as if I was a ghost. Yet, I still don't know why...

I want to ask him why he is treating me like this, I wanted to ask him the night before. But, I was too scared that I will anger him by my stupidity, with the courage and the nerve to ask him... to even talk to him.

When it came time to eat, he didn't want me sitting on his lap, which to be completely honest suited me. We would eat and not a single word will be exchanged, he would be too busy on his phone while eating.

When nighttime came around, since we didn't talk to each other the whole day, I decide to go into my -ex- room, where I had all the privacy I wanted and where I can cry without anyone suspecting a thing, which I did. I laid in bed and cried myself to sleep. I was hurting, hurting bad.

The third day came around. Thursday.

I will never forget that day. This is where the 'fucked-up' part of Brenden comes into play.

I tried to make the day go by fine, I was trying my best not to screw anything up, but it did not work out to my favour.

I went into the bathroom, I did my job and I got dressed when I came out of the bathroom.

As it was a freak coincidence, a knock sounded just seconds after I got fully dressed.

The know was loud, it was full of anger. I knew instantly who it was, but I just don't know why, why was he here this early?

So I quickly walk up and open the door, instantly regretting my decision...

He roared straight into my face, telling me how I left him and asking me why I slept here.

He punished me for not sleeping with him in our room. The punishment was him whipping me with a leather belt, he whipped me hard. I tried not to let any tears escape my eyes, to not let any tears roll down my cheeks. I knew that if I begged, I will receive more of his painful whips.

After he finished punishing me, we went down for breakfast.

The rest of the day dragged by like the previous day until night time came.

I thought that in the past few days, I have seen the worst in Brenden, I thought I saw the worst actions that he could do to me. I thought, but little did I know that I was wrong, so wrong.

That night was the most painful night of my life because...

That night...

Well, that night... I got raped.