
Before It Struck Midnight

*Read at your own risk* (I have warned you!) *Steamy scenes ahead!!* This story has some heavy scenes, I have warned you in advance. If you want to read the story but skip the heavy parts, I will tell you when the heavy parts will happen prior to the chapter because... I got you boo, I got you.. There will be some strong, mature scenes, but no worries, I am here for you all and I will warn you in advance of a steamy scene. Don't report (I mean, I am warning you now about mature content, don't be surprised! Also if you ignore this... it is kinda your fault, not mine...) as I have spent SO MUCH TIME ON THIS. And if you just want to troll since you have nothing else to do... just don't do it. I have given in so much sweat and effort into this and I don't want a group of people who are bored out of their minds to ruin it for me. If it turns out that you don't like this book then feel free to read my other books that I have written. *WARNING FOR MATURE CONTENT IN CASE IF YOU MISSED MY LAST WARNINGS* Other than that, I hope you will enjoy reading this! *This book contains explicit content* *EXTRACT FROM THE BOOK* I stared at him, cooking and whistling, something that I could not do, or should I say, didn't want to do. I decided to move away and try to find an exit but I didn't even take a step back when I heard his voice. "Princess? Is that you?" I saw him raise his head before shooting his eyes onto me. The sudden gaze caused to heart to race while it froze my body, as if I have turned into ice. I felt the fear engulf my body, eating me inside out. "You aren't scared of me... Are you?" he asked me, I sensed the envy in his voice. That mixed with his harsh tone caused a wave of goosebumps to course through my body. I wanted to begin by asking him where was I? Why was I here? Why was he here... I wanted to ask him, but I couldn't, the fear was just all too much for me. "Come on... Speak to me... Ask me..." he began. "Ask me "why am I here" and all of that crap... Entertain me with your fear." I saw him slowly gripping a knife that was on the countertop, with his eyes still on mine. The sides of his mouth slowly began tilting upwards. All the bitterness and the cold, it was all so visible in his eyes. I looked at his in horror, noticing him as he took his first small steps towards me. "Talk to me... Because this might be the last time you will ever talk, " he said this sentence in such a calm tone, it caused me once again to shiver with goosebumps. "W-what do you mean...". Never in my life have I stuttered, until then. "What I mean is..." he began before abruptly stopping, until then, he never took his eyes off me. The next thing I knew, he full-on charged towards me. I heard chairs crashing down while I turned around, and just as I was about to run, I felt him grab me by my wrist, before he yanked me, as a result, I crashed straight into his chest. My hands were on his big, broad chest right before he turned me around so that my shoulder were now against his pecks. Till then, I figured that this was probably just one of my many wicked nightmare until I felt the blade ,from that knife he picked up, rest on my neck. As if it was an instinct, I grabbed his arm that was resting on my chest with my two small hands. In the same time tried to push my head back and away from the knife but it is near impossible as there is no space for me to move any further against his hard pecks. Next, I hitched for air when I felt his breath, as it warmed my skin. "Trust me... don't you dare, for second, think that I will hesitate to hurt you, because I will if you disobey me..."

Strale · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter Fourteen - Thursday Night.





"My hair... Brenden... Please... It hurts..." I whine. I know that he does not like when I whin and beg, but the pain was something that I could not handle. I couldn't control the whines escaping my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up..." he replies with a harsh whisper, grabbing my shirt and pushing me with all his force into our bedroom. I fall right by the bed, almost hitting my head off the iron frame.

"Why Brenden... Why are you doing this to me?..." I cry out. I want to know why... Why is he doing this to me, why is he treating me like this?

"Because... isn't it obvious. I am the one who kidnapped you. I now own you, you are mine... My property. I found you, now I am keeping you. Whatever is mine, I treat it the way I like... I will let this question slide... The next question you ask you will receive a smack.".

I am astounded by his answer, my heart sinks as all I can feel now is anger. I hate when people tell me where I belong and whom I belong to because I don't belong to anyone.

"I don't belong to anyone, not my father, not my mother, not my friends... Not even you!". I stand up, looking at him. I feel warm tears rush down my reddened cheeks.

I see him smile, looking away from me before punching me straight into my stomach, causing me to instantly crouch down, landing onto the floor once again. The force of his punch caused me to gasp the final remnants of oxygen out of my lungs. I begin to panic when I found it increasingly hard to breathe, I could feel nausea build up in my stomach, causing my forehead to began sweating.

"You fucking bitch..." were the only words I heard before pain was all I felt, striking through my body with every one of his kicks. His kicks progressively became stronger as my cries of pain became louder.

Kick, after kick...

I didn't count how many times he kicked me, but I know for a fact I didn't receive under ten kicks.

He kneels to me as I curl up in a ball, crying in pain.

I feel his harsh breath on my skin, indicating he is right beside me.

After a few moments, I can hear him whisper by my right ear, "I always mark my words...". The strong smell of alcohol that he has consumed in his breath is very hard to go unnoticed.

I close my eyes sighing in relief, figuring that he finished, that it was all over. I am suddenly shaken when I can feel something on me, I open in my eyes just to see him straddling me.

"What did I say that I will do to you if you ever raise your voice at me again... Huh?..."

But before I could even let out a sound, I feel his two hands wrap around my neck.

"Right... That I will kill you..." he adds. I can feel his grip around my neck tightening. Slowly but surely it is getting harder for me, once again, to breath.

"Why are you making me do this to you princess... Why?... You couldn't just have listened... Couldn't you?..."

His grip keeps on tightening, as darkness slowly descends upon my eyes.

I grab his big arms as I try to take a breath, but to no success. His grip around my neck is just too great.

Sweat rolled down my forehead, cheeks and neck as I can feel my face bloating. That is when I begin to kick my legs around. I begin struggling.

I try to speak, but nothing audible comes out of my mouth. I begin choking.

His voice overpowers my inaudible groans of struggle.

"But what would the point be of me killing you?... What will I get from it?..." he asks me as if expecting me to answer back.

"Nothing..." he answers for me before releasing the pressure from his grip and getting off me.

I gasp for air, turning over onto my hands before coughing abruptly. The darkness lifts off me, causing me to break down into tears.

He almost took my life, he almost strangled me!?

"Get on the bed" he commands me.

I feel weak, I try to stand up, but I can't...

"Get on the fucking bed!"

What is he going to do to me now?

With a push and use of all the energy I have left, I manage to get onto my feet, but a hard push causes me to collapse onto the bed. I cry with pain as I have trouble turning around onto my back. I can see him pull down his pants leaving him in his maroon boxers and white shirt.

I begin to move back as I look at him, frightened. He begins unbuttoning his shirt and once he takes off his shirt, he throws it across the room.

"You are not going anywhere..."

He then pulls my leg, causing my body to be pulled towards him.

He instantly rips my jeans off, along with my underwear exposing me.

He takes off his underwear, exposing himself too.

"W-what are you-" he cut me off.

"I am gonna pleasure myself... And I am going to use you.".

I try to say something but the sharp pain in my core makes me scream in agony.

He begins to thrust me harder and faster.

"Please, stop... It hurts so much please stop please..." I cry in pain with every one of his thrusts. I feel no pleasure what so ever.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up," he says with every hard thrust, digging deeper into me, causing me more pain. Never in my life have I felt as much pain as I am feeling right now.

He digs his head into my neck as he speeds up. I could not keep in the tears anymore, I begin silently cries, the silent cries turn into sobs of pain, turning into loud pleads.

"Stop... Please, stop... Stop... Please, it hurts so much, please..." I plead but my voice slowly grows quieter with every word I say until I find myself muttering for him to stop... But he just keeps ongoing.

10 painful minutes pass before he finally stops.

He pulls out of me. Seconds pass before I hear him growl and feel something warm in my stomach and chest. Closing my eyes, I block the view to not add to my nausea. He lies next to me and scootches away from my body. He does not even say goodnight, nor does he give me one of his looks. He proceeds on going to sleep.

What did I do to deserve this?...

I lay on my back, slowly thinking over what happened. I still can't believe that fact that I was raped, fucked against my will. The thought of that makes my chest ache, causing more tears to run down my face.

Police... Police... Police...

I am going to call the police, once this psycho beside me has asleep.

I know what he will do to me if he sees me call the police, or really if I call anyone without his permission. But I don't care now, he has crossed all the boundaries, pushed and broke my limits. You know what... I don't care if he is still awake, I don't care if I will get punished again, I don't care if he will try to kill me again because this has to stop. I can't and don't want to be treated like a fucking sex doll that does not have a fucking soul. I want my old life back. I won't let one motherfucker take that away from me.

I turn my head over to Brenden, who is now lying on his back. With every second of me looking at him, I feel that much is closer to erupt with rage.

"You tried to kill me... You tried nearly strangled me... You... You raped me..." I mutter under my breath as I grab my pillow. I tighten the grip on the pillow before lifting it.

"I will make you sorry for everything you did to me... I am not like your average bitch you kidnap and treat as if they have no life... I will fight for my life and I will not let you take it away from me...".

I can feel my head pulsate with anger. I slowly bring the pillow over his head.

I count down because the more I wait, the more anger I get to accumulate.

With all my force, I pushed the pillow down into his face, lightning lights up our dark bedroom with a loud bang echoing outside. Instantly, I feel his struggle, he begins moving around, before grabbing my arms.

Once he grabbed my arms, he pushed me off him and the bed.

"Oh fuck!" I shout out in pain when my body comes into contact with the floor.

I instantly stand up and head for the door as I know that he is going chase me.

"When I get my fucking hands on you, Emma. I swear to fucking Christ..."

I run to the door of the bedroom, I try to open the door... Locked.

"FUCK!" I shout out as I feel for a key. I can't find any. I begin to hyperventilate.

Brenden gets onto his feet before beginning his chase after me, I run.

I run as I can feel fear engulf me. I look around before my eyes fall upon a door. The bathroom.

I quickly run to the bathroom, opening it up and slamming it closed, I lock it before Brenden even got a chance to try and open it.

"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR, EMMA, I AM NOT FUCKING AROUND..." He roars as he bangs frantically, but I ignore him, I run out through the second door, leading into the hallway.

I run into a room that I know, for a fact, has a phone.

I barge into the room and I instantly see the old phone on the drawer.

Picking it up before dialling 911 as I try ignoring the thunder raging outside.

It begins ringing, thank you, God.

"911 What is-". BANG.

The lights turn off and the phone stopped working. Power outage.

"FUCKING HELL!!" I throw the phone to the ground as I quickly head for the door. I run out and head towards the stairs.

I reach the stairs before I crashing into Brenden.

"Where do you think you are going, Princess?...".

I felt him jank me by my hair.

"You are not going fucking anywhere..."

"Why?... Why not?..." I ask him, furious. I feel him jank my hair. Hard. Causing me to lift my head.


My body turns with my head as I lose my balance, due to the strength of his hit. I feel my knees give up on. My head gets hit by a headache.

I step back to keep myself from falling... That was when I realised the stairs were behind me. I begin falling back.

I tried to stop myself from falling down the stairs, but nothing worked. I only managed to knock over a vase, with water splashing everywhere as the vase breaks into pieces. I see Brenden reaching out for me, but it's too late.

That is all I remember before everything went... Black. Pitch black.