
Prinxiety's Happily Ever After

Roman's POV:

Everything's finally working out.

Patton's been showing good results from the hospital, he's lost a lot of weight and is pretty weak but he'll be fine with loads of rest and food. Apparently his eyesight and hearing had been affected but not so bad that he's deaf and blind. Fortunately he'll be able to hear and see fully later on.

We've brought Patton home for New Years and he's happily decorating the house and giving everyone Christmas presents since he wasn't able to get them before. Virgil's helping him get around the place, but he's having a hard time keeping up with the energetic puffball.

Logan has kept his distance while still being around patton while Janus and Remus have been happily chatting to Patton about what is was like to be in a coma.

"Virgil can you help me bake some cookies? I want some treats ready before the firework show!" He asked cheerfully.

"Uh sure- WAIT! Slow down Pat!" Patton giggled and dragged Virgil into the kitchen.

"Well he's getting his strength back isn't he?" I folded my arms and smiled to myself.

"It's nice to have him back." I look to Logan who was sitting on the couch looking guilty af.

"Buddy, why don't you go help Patton and Virgil? So you're doing something other than mopping about."

"Maybe a bit later..." He sighed.

"I'll get Remus to carry you into the kitchen," I half threatened, in a friendly way.

"I'll just go to my room-" Logan stood up but Remus happily picked him up and swung him over his shoulder. I was in hysterics at my brother, and so was Janus.

Logan groaned and Remus giggled sitting him down on the stove, I'm guessing because we heard Logan shout and run into the lounge room hitting his butt.

"OW OW OW OW OW!!" Logan yelled. Everyone else was laughing happily. Patton got a pot of water and through it at Logan's backside.

"Ahh... feels better.." He sighed in relief even though he was soaked. Remus was rolling around on the floor laughing as well as Virgil.

Patton giggled and put a hand on his shoulder, "how about you quickly have a shower while me and Virgil finish the cookies?"

Logan nodded and headed upstairs into the bathroom.

Virgil and Patton finished the cookies by the time Logan came back down wearing his onesie.

Later on it was almost time for the fireworks. Everyone was sitting on the couch watching the TV. The came the countdown:











"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Patton announced. Virgil smiled and hugged me, Janus and remus shared a sweet embrace as well. Logan looked to patton and they hesitantly hugged as well.

"Virgil there's something special I want to ask you, and I think now with the whole family is the best time to do so," I held Virgil's hands and he nodded. I was so nervous but here goes nothing. I knelt down on one knee and looked up at Virgil, who's eyes had widened slightly.

"Virgil, you're the first person I want to see when I wake up in the morning, and the one I want to kiss goodnight. Ever since I was little I've dreamed of the perfect life, friends, a husband, a family, and the first time I laid eyes on you I knew that I loved you. I knew I wanted you by my side, to be with me for better or worse, and I promised myself to be there for you, with anything you needed. We've been dating for a while now and I think I want to take it a step further. I need my king by my side, so what I'm asking is.... Will you marry me?"

I showed him the ring with the purple amethyst jewel and he had his hands over his mouth, he had tears in his eyes. Everyone's staring at me... I'm so nervous..

"Of course I will Roman!" He tackle hugged me and happily let tears fall. I hugged him close, I was so worried he'd say no.

"Yay!" Patton cheered from behind us. Virgil smiled, cupped my cheeks and kissed me making Remus, Janus, Patton and Logan cheer. Even Janus and Logan.

I stood up and hugged Virgil lifting him up in the air, he wrapped his legs around my waist while everyone was cheering us on. This is the best moment of my life... I teared up from how happy I was and my loving fiance kissed my tears away.

"I love you Virgil,"

"I love you too Roman."