
7-The Black Bulls Base

After the exams were over the captains started going through the examinees. Captain Charlotte took most of the promising female mages, while most of the highly talented in fire were taken to the Crimson lion kings. As for the Silver Eagles they only took two new mages.

The selection wasn't over just yet. The Green praying mantis took a few people, so did the purple orcas. Then it was Yuno's turn. All the captains raised their hands except for Captain Yami and Nozel. Yuno picked the golden dawn. After was Asta's turn. Surprisingly, Feugoleon, Rill, and Yami raised their hands for Asta.

Asta stood there shocked. He was more inclined to go to the aqua deers, since Rill was nice and was the youngest, so Asta thought he was doing something right if he became a captain at such a young age.

Captain Yami got up and jumped down towards Asta right away. He intimidated him, but Asta held strong and announced his dream. He was confident that he will achieve his dream someday.

And just like that he was taken into the black bulls.

'Hold on a second! Where is Noelle?!' - Noah realized that he forgot his younger sister

"Big bro Nozel, Where is Noelle?" - Noah asked in a hushed tone.

"I already sent her to the magic knight base" - Nozel

After the selection was over, Nozel and Noah approched Yami and his squad memebers, including Asta.

"He's all yours foreigner" - Nozel said

"You have a really weird way of asking for babysitting help oh mighty royal" - Yami mocked Nozel

Nozel didn't linger around any longer and left Noah with the black bulls.

"Hello there, my name is Finral" - Finral was the first to speak

"Hello Finral, I'm Noah" - Noah

"How long are you going to chat for? Less talking more portaling!" - Yami shouted at Finral, who hurriedly opened a portal to the black bulls base

Ones the portal opened, Noah jumped in without waiting. He knew what's coming next. A second later Asta came flying through the portal.

Looking around, both Noah and Asta saw an old looking building, in the middle of the woods.

"What is this place?" - Asta in astonishment

"The black bulls base" - Noah

"Let's go in" - Finral

Asta was excited to see the inside of the base. Just as we got closer, a big explosion happened.

"We haven't even got to the door yet, and we almost lost our lives!" - Asta shouted.

"Don't stress it. They're all good people" - Finral

"Sure" - Asta was skeptical

Looking inside Magna and Luck were firing magic at each other. Vanessa was in her underwear drunk with a headache. Charmy was stuffing her face with sweets. Gauche was looking at a mirror showing his sleeping sister. Grey was in her humongous form with smoke coming out of her mouth. She was just sitting in the corner not doing anything particular. Everyone was shouting at each other; it was a mess.

"ENOUGH!" Captain Yami shouted as he smashed another part of the hideout.

"Captain!" Everyone shouted once they saw the captain.

Seeing all the characters in front of him in person Noah felt excited. He couldn't believe that he's looking at the same people he used to watch. He knew the adventures this squad will go through. He couldn't wait to go through it with them. Even if his presence caused changes, and they might not go through the same events, he knew this squad will never be boring.

"Alright, alright. I'm glad to know how much you all miss me. NOW SHUT UP!" - Captain Yami shouted and all of the member lined up and sat on the floor.

Standing in front of the members, were Yami, to his left is Finral, and to his right is Noah and Asta.

"Alright! Introduce yourself. Say your name or something" - Yami looked at Noah and Asta

"I'm Asta from Hage village!" - Asta

"Hage? That's all the way at the edge of the forsaken realm" - Magna

"Yeah. It's far from here" - Asta laughed

"I'm Noah Silva" - Noah

"Silva? As in the royal house? What is someone handsome and rich like you doing here~?" - Vanessa

"Alright! Finral introduce everyone" - Yami shouted at Finral

"Lets start with Gordan. He's quite and a little creepy, but he's good people. Then we have Vanessa. She's a drunk who likes to laze around all day, but she's good people. Next is Luck. He's a battle maniac, but he's good people. Then we have Gauche. He's a freak who loves his sister a little too much, but he's good people. Then we have Grey…he's good people. Then we have Charmy. She's a glutton but she's good people. Then there is Magna, he's a street punk, but he's good people. And then myself, Finral, the lady killer, of course I'm good people. Lastly, our almighty leader captain Yami." - Finral introduced everyone.

"There are other members, but they're out on missions or on leave or somewhere." - Yami

"New members huh? We need to initiate them!" - Magna.

"Initiate? What do you mean?" - Asta

"Come and you'll find out!" - Magna took Asta and Noah out of the base, while the rest followed.

"So what was the criteria for this year captain? People with white hair?" - Vanessa said jokingly

"No it's just a coincidence. Now that I think about, even the third one has white hair" - Yami

"Third! Are they strong? Can I fight them?" - Luck

"Calm down! We'll begin the baptism now!" - Magna shouted at Luck

"First! I need you to show us your physical power! Give me a hundred crunches" - Magna shouted at us. Asta went on the ground and started working out, but Noah just stood there.

"Did you not hear me newbie! Get on the ground and give me a hundred crunches" - Magna

"Sorry, but no. I'm not doing that" - Noah

"I'm done! What's next?" - Asta shouted.

"Lift that boulder!" - Magna shouted at Asta

After Asta finished the physical work out. It was time for baptism with fire. It was the entire black bulls squad standing on one side, Magna was a good distance ahead of them. On the other side was Asta and Noah standing next to each other.

Noah knew what was coming next, but Asta was just standing there. Suddenly Magna shot a fire ball at us.

Asta took out his sword at an incredible speed and hit the fire ball back at Magna.

Noah just stood there not moving. Magna dodged the attack and shot another one. This fire ball was going towards Noah.

Noah just waved his hand, and his grimoire opened and a black bubble enveloped the fire ball and the fire just vanished.

"Is that…is that what I think it is? Is that a four leaf grimoire!?" -Luck was the first to notice.

Once he saw the pattern on Noah's grimoire he was shocked.

Everyone else around was also shocked. Even Charmy stopped eating for a second. Vanessa sobered up. Gauche looked away from his sister's mirror.

"Let's have a fight!" - luck was ready to attack Noah and have a battle with him.

"Maybe tomorrow" - Noah

Noah chatted some more with the squad members, it was fun. Vanessa offered wine, Luck just kept asking for a fight. And everyone was doing their own thing. Especially Charmy. She hadn't stopped eating for more than a minute at a time.

After everyone settled down, Magna gave us our magic knights robes and a tour of the base.

My room was big and had a big bed and a medium sized desk, with a big closet.

Asta got a modem sized room. It was bigger than in the show.

After Noah cleaned his room and put his clothes away, he started making his way towards the top of the building.

On the roof Noelle was start gazing.

"Can I set next to you?" - Noah

"Yes. How are you? I haven't seen you all day" - Noelle

"I'm doing great! How about you? What didn't you come to the knights exam with us?" -Noah

Noelle looked at Noah for a moment, "I'm sorry Noah. You probably hate me now. I know if it wasn't for me being a failure you would've been in the silver eagles now. But because of me, you're stuck in this squad"

"I don't think so. I actually wanted to come to this squad. I mean there is no pressure here. No one expects anything from us. It feels liberating" - Noah

"You always see the best in life" - Noelle smiled at Noah

Noah spent the rest of the night chatting with Noelle until it was time to go to sleep.

From his conversation with Noelle, Noah was able to conclude a few things. The fact that Nozel sent her to the black bulls showed her that even as she improved, he still doesn't acknowledge her in any way. She was also convinced that if it wasn't for her, Noah would've been in a better place. She just blamed herself for everything.

Noah had told her many times that it's not her fault. But she was just depressed about the way her siblings treated her. She wanted to be strong like Noah, but she was too scared. She watched Noah defend her and himself from their older siblings' bullying, she wanted to be like that. But she was so convinced that's she's weak and worthless that even she couldn't see the power she had.

'There is nothing I can do. She'll understand on her own. Especially now that she'll be around that midget' - Noah walked to his room and went to sleep.

First thing in the morning, Noah decided to do his routine. It consisted of a 10 kilometer run, 100 push-ups, 100 squats and an hour of mana practice.

He was done in three hours.

After that he walked inside the base to see that the other members have just woken up.

"Good morning everyone" - Noah

"Noah! Were you working out? Let me go with you next time!" - Asta

"Sure" - Noah

The squad ate breakfast together. It was also when Noelle was introduced to the rest of the squad.

Asta and Magna had their chat about what a magic knight supposed to do.

"Hey captain. Why don't you teach us swordsmanship?" - Noah asked

"Who's this us your talking about?" - Yami

"Asta and I of course" - Noah

"Why should I" - Yami sounded annoyed

Noah took a deep breath. He was about to do something that he knew will hurt.

Taking out his grimoire, Noah cast Kokken and rushed at captain Yami with a sword in his hand.

Yami slapped Noah just as he got close enough. Noah was slapped through the wall and was thrown outside the base.

Captain Yami got up and looked at Asta

"Do you want to join our training?" Yami have Asta the murder look.

Asta being the idiot he is, he thought captain Yami was really going to teach them. So naturally Asta said yes.

Yami grabbed Asta by his head and threw him towards the wall. He made sure that Asta smashed through the wall at a different spot than Noah. Since he wanted Asta to suffer too.

*An Hour Later*

Noah and Asta are laying on the ground all beat up and bruised.

"Attacking your captain on your second day. If you wanted a fight you should've asked me!" - Luck said as he laughed

Noah was annoyed by that laughter, "Fuck off Luck"


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