
8-First Mission

"..." - Speech.

'...' - Thought.

{...} - Magic casting.

[...] - Telepathy.


Noah and Asta were only able to stand after an hour of laying on the ground. Once Noah was back on his feet, he attacked captain Yami again. Noah wasn't an idiot. He wasn't doing this just to get beat up. During the first time when captain Yami was beating them, he used a stick and swung the stick downwards. He didn't hit them in any other way other than downwards swing.

Noah was able to see the basic form from captain Yami, but he wanted to see it one more time. And he got his wish. Noah and Asta were beaten again by captain Yami for an hour using the downwards swing.

'Poor Asta, he got beat up again for no reason' Noah thought while looking at Asta laying on the ground

After the second beating, Noah used his magic to create a sword and started to do the downwards swing. He did it a thousand times. He didn't stop swinging until his hands, and arms felt like falling off. By the time he was done, it was time for dinner.

Joining everyone else in dining hall. Noah got to eat Charmy's food. It was beyond delicious. 'I can see why she's addicted to her own food' Noah thought as he ate.

Noelle didn't join us this time. She's still a little shy.

*The Next Morning*

Everyone was in the dinning hall. Noelle wasn't happy with the breakfast full of meat. But she ate anyway.

"Hey! Magna what do magic knights do anyway?" - Asta

"hahaha. Asta, you don't know what a magic knight does?" - Noah laughed

"I'm not too sure" - Asta sounded a little embarrassed

"You idiot! Magic knights are the protectors of the clover kingdom" - Magna shouted

"Yeah but what do they do exactly?" - Asta

Magna didn't let it slide and started to give Asta a hard time for asking that question.

"hahahaha" - laughed watching the two of them.

Later that day Magna and captain Yami left to do something. They came back almost naked, with only their magic knight robes on.

"What happened to you guys?" - Asta

"Don't tell me you got robbed?" - Noah

"Who can rob a captain, another captain maybe?" - Asta

Captain Yami just grabbed Asta by the head and threw him out the window. Poor Asta he gets thrown around a lot.

After the captain and Magna put on some clothes they called the three newest members to the common room.

"Listen up newbies! There is the first mission for you three! You will be hunting boar near Saussy village" - Magna

"Hunting boar. I can't do that" - Noelle protested

"You either go or die" - Captain Yami released some killing intent when he said that.

Anyway, Noelle had become more inclined to help after captain Yami, ever so gently, explained that she has to go.

The three of us plus Magna went outside. Magna showed us his Crazy Cyclone.

"hahaha. Magna you can't be serious" - Noah laughed

"What is this? This is lame!" - Noelle was just disgusted

The only person to be impressed was Asta, "This is so cool!"

Shortly after we started flying. Noelle had learned how to fly using a broomstick, so she didn't have to ride with Asta and Magna. I took my broom, and so did Noelle.

After flying for some hours, we made it to Saussy village. We flew around a bit until we found the place where the boars are.

After scouting out the area for any other magical beasts, we decided to start the hunt.


Currently Asta is getting chassed by a fire boar, while I was trying to teach Noelle to aim at the boar.

"Are you sure? What if I hit him?" - Noelle

"It's ok. Asta is tough, he can take it" - Noah

"No I can't take it!" - Asta shouted as he was running around with a fire boar right behind him.

"See, he can take it" - Noah

Noelle fired a few water blasts at the boar. She missed some, and hit some, the boar dodged some, Asta got hit by some, and after a grueling ten minutes of trying, she was able to kill the boar.

"Great work Noelle. Asta, go get another boar to chase you!" - Noah

"What the hell! You get a boar to chase you!" - Asta said as he looked at the siblings

"We're royalty" X2 Noah and Noelle said at the same time.

"That doesn't matter here! You need to help me!" - Asta

Noah kept helping Noelle at aiming and firing her water blasts for some time. Asta got a few kills himself using his sword.

After all the messing around Noah took this seriously. Noah made a sword using his magic and started using a downwards slash to take care of the boars.

Noah kept imitating what captain Yami did. He wanted to use it against real opponents to get a better feel for it.

Once they had killed all the boar around, Asta, Magna and Noah carried their hunt with Noelle following behind. They started making their way towards Saussy village to show the village chief that they're done with their task and leave them the game they hunted as a way to help the villagers in getting some food.

Once they got to the village the whole place was covered with mist.

"What's going on here?" - Noelle

"They sure have a funny weather around here" - Asta

"That's not the weather you punk. This is magic, and one that can cover the whole village. No villager can do that. And it's not the old man's magic either" - Magna

"I think I can cut through the mist with my sword" - Asta proposed

"Before you do that. Let me check something out" - Noah said as he approached the mist. He always wanted to make a spell like this one.

Noah took a closer look at the mist. It's meant to hinder the sense of direction and distance of anyone who steps inside. A good spell, if you couldn't absorb it or cancel it.

"Alright Asta you can go ahead" - Noah

Asta took out his sword and started swinging it around causing the mist to slowly vanish. The four of them made their way towards the village square with the help of Magna who knew the way. Once they got there they saw the villagers all gathered in one spot. Above the villagers there were countess ice spikes floating.

"Kill them" - The voice of a man sounded. Suddenly the spikes started falling towards the villagers.

Magna started running while charging a fire attack, but Noah was faster. He sent a bunch of ferrofluid tentacles that absorbed the magic within the spikes, making them disappear in seconds. None of the villagers was hurt.

Magna walked into the crowd. "What happened?" - Magna looked at a young boy with blond hair.

The boy was crying, then he looked in one direction, there was an old man lying on the ground with a wound in his stomach.

"No! This can't be! Stay with me old man" - Magna rushed to the man on the ground

"He was just trying to protect us" - The blond boy cried

Noah can't sense any form of energy from the man. Sadly he's dead.

Looking off to the side we can see four people. Three were cloaked and we couldn't see their faces, the fourth was wearing light blue grayish robe. He had a dull shade of light blue hair, and eyes. He had a scar on the top right of his forehead and a slash mark that lead all the way across to the bottom left of his face. The man was holding a pocket watch in his hand.

"You threw off my schedule. I don't appreciate that" - The man.

"And who might you be?" - Noah

"..." - Heath didn't reply. He was just looking at the black bulls with distain filled eyes

"Didn't you hear? Who the hell are you?!" - Magan shouted.

"I can't believe that there were magic knights coming this way" - Heath

"Our intel didn't specify any missions taken in this vicinity. They might be here on an unofficial business." Said one of the cloaked men.

"The black bulls, the worst, most undisciplined squad. Dealing with the likes of you is nothing but a waste of my time. Kill them all" - Heath ordered

Noah opened his grimoire, and once the other people saw the four leaf clover they stopped.

"Wait a second. Silver hair, purple eyes and a four leaf clover. This is Noah Silva. Don't engage him alone. Be careful around him!" - Heath ordered

"You know me?" - Noah

"Why did you try to massacre them?!" - Asta cut in and shouted at Heath

"In this country there are three realms. The noble realm where the nobility live. The common realm where the populace lives, and the forsaken realm, where these lower life forms live. They can use some low level magic to help with their worthless lives from day to day. They're like animals that can't use tools. Worthless!" - Heath

"WOW!" - Noah was surprised. The guy really meant what he said. That speech was so fucked up, Noah didn't know how to respond. But one thing is clear, Noah was upset with what that man said.

"Ice and mist compound magic: endless ice cage" - Heath

Ice spikes started to form everywhere and would launch towards the villagers in the center.

{Ferrofluid magic: Edax Orbs} After Noah chanted, five black balls appeared behind him. All five expanded and started to defend the villagers. Every time one of the spikes hits the black wall created by Noah, the spikes would get their magic absorbed by the ferrofluid.

"There is no need to keep trying. I can create an endless wave of ice fangs. Just give up" - Heath

"I'll never give up!" - Asta ran towards heath.

"Do you think I'll let you come near master Heath" - said one of the cloaked men and cast a mist magic spell to deal with Asta.

Asta used his sword to

"have you found it yet" - Heath asked one of the cloaked men behind him.

"Working on it sir" - One of the men said

"Hurry up! I never expected one of the people on our black list to be here" - Heath

On the other side of the battle Noelle was frozen with fear. She doubted herself. She looked at Magna who had a minuscule amount of mana compared to her, and then she looked at Asta who had no magic at all. She saw those two, who she considered weaker than her, doing exactly what she wanted to do. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Noah.

'How did this happen? They obviously have less mana than me, or even none at all. But why are they fighting when I'm not?' - Noelle was sad for her poor performance. She was just like the villagers. She was getting protected by those three.

"Take over Noelle. I'll take care of that guy" - He suddenly called to Noelle. His voice broke through her thoughts. He took back his Edex Orbs and ran at Heath.

'C'mon Noelle. You can do it' Noah thought as he ran at Heath

Seeing that Noah had trusted her, and he was sure that she can protect the villagers, made her determined to do it. He saw her as an equal who didn't need protection. Suddenly a new spell formed in her grimoire.

It was a defense spell. It would envelope the people inside a water bubble and protect them from any attacks.

Seeing Noelle is handling this, Asta and Magna taking care of the ice spikes, Noah decided to take care of Heath.

Getting one his Edex Orbs in his hand, it changed shape and became a claymore sword. Heath sent a big ice spike at Noah, but Noah split that spike in half.

Closing the distance, Noah sent one of the Edex orbs and enveloped Heath's head inside the orb. He can't breath, or see. Besides his magic is getting absorbed.

While Heath was struggling against the orb. Noah made it to the other three men. Seeing that Noah was coming at them one of them turned into water and disappeared. Noah slashed the other two within seconds. After they were taken care of he sent two of the remaining Edex Orbs and made into binding straps. Heath was still struggling to do anything. The ice spikes stopped shooting, and the mist that covered the whole village had slowly blown away with the wind.

Asta came at a fast speed and hit Heath on the shoulder he was knocked out.

"Shit! One of them got away!" - Magna was upset that they didn't capture all of them

Noah made sure to take away their grimoires. After that Noah made a call to the magic knight head quarters. He had informed them to come and collect a criminal that they had captured.

After 30 minutes, some magic knights from the aqua deer made it to the village.

"What happened here?" - Asked the person in charge of the aqua deer unite

While Magna was telling him, Heath woke back up. "There is no point in wasting any of your time. You won't take us anywhere" - Heath said and then light came from inside his chest. All three of the criminals were enveloped in an ice entrapment. Then the ice brook and all three died in an instant.

"To go to such lengths. Just what were they hiding?" - Noelle

After the whole ordeal, Asta and Noah helped the young blond boy to burry the village chief. Noah and Asta left the boy sitting in front of the grave. Magna went and talked with the kid for some time. Luckily Magna was able to comfort the kid.

While they were talking with the kid, Nero came and started to peck Asta in his head. She had a pink magic stone in her mouth.

"Lets go back. I'm tired" - Noelle

"Yeah, me too. Let's go back" - Asta

After they made sure that the villagers were ok, they left them the boars they had hunted before.

"You don't have to do that Magna" - one of the villagers.

"It's ok. I wish I could've gotten here sooner to save the old man. This will help you, take care, I'll come back and visit some time" - Magna

After saying their goodbyes they flew back to the base


If you enjoyed my story, please leave a review, and hit me with some power stones. Feel free to leave any suggestions. Also don't forget to check out my other fanfic: Lightning Human in MHA!

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