
Becoming the king of apocalypse as a Zombie

This novel will be paused for the time being. A former underground boxer decides to live a good and normal life. after deciding to attend the concert of his favourite Japanese idol to have a good time he wouldn't expect that his fate would change forever. a sudden blinding flash of light in the outer atmosphere followed by a loud bang caused everyone to lose consciousness. 1 day after everyone passed out people started to wake up. when Joseph woke up he saw that people were vomiting blood and falling down and after several seconds they would get up and attack people that were unaffected by what had happened the scene of seeing nearly 50000 people fighting and running for their lives made him realize that he needs to get out of there no matter what but as soon as he decided to get up and run... Hi this is my first time writing a novel and English is my 3rd language but I will try my best to write an interesting novel pls go easy on me ^-^ Read the auxiliary chapter for more information

Miyuki_Cat · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Joseph The Merchant

After decapitating the Orc Chief a series of notifications popped up.


Congratulation on clearing the C rank dungeon Forgotten Tribe.


You have cleared several hidden conditions:

Clearing the dungeon under 5 hours.

Killing all of the enemies in one move.

Clearing the dungeon without taking damage.


Congratulations you have successfully driven a special racial bloodline to extinction.

The forgotten tribe possessed a powerful bloodline granting them higher physical strength than normal orcs. an orc tribe that unfortunately lost their way to home and have been trapped in the gates for a long time.


Rewards have been calculated.

5000 coins for clearing the dungeon.

15000 coins for clearing the dungeon while completing the hidden conditions.

30000 coins for driving a racial bloodline to extinction.

total: 50k coins.

Joseph thought that making coins was simple and easy but Godiva explained to him how hard it was and how valuable the coins were.

Joseph picked all of the weapons dropped by the orcs and moved on.

Joseph asked Godiva how many Orcs did he kill and how many soul beads he had which Godiva said you have 150 first rank soul beads and 1, second rank soul bead.

after collecting all of the weapons Joseph exactly had 50 long swords 70 two-handed axes and 30 maces the orcs were well equipped.

He asked Godiva whether he could sell them or not she said the system doesn't accept items below rare but it sales uncommon and common items the weapons Joseph had were sold for 5500 coins each in the system which made the items several times more valuable than the orcs normally monsters don't have weapons of quality that can easily be sold but they were especial since they had travelled trough several worlds they had equipped themselves by defeating warriors of other worlds.

After hearing the value of the weapons Joseph asked Godiva whether she could do something so that he can sell weapons and she certainly could, as expected from an SS+ special skill.

He asked Godiva why whenever he approached humans he was introduced as a field boss. and so Godiva explained.

[It depends on what you want to do honestly if you want I can change you to whatever you want, it's just that at the time you were out for blood and the only appropriate thing was Field boss]

So the Journey of Joseph the Merchant began.

his first destination was a safe zone near Skytree that already had more than 1000 humans inside making it a perfect place to sell weapons but before going he had to change clothes, after all, one's attire represented oneself they said.

He chose a long black leather coat a traditional red Japanese oni mask, a pair of black pants and a pair of long black boots.

after that, he told Godiva to evolve him since he had killed more than 1000 rank 1 zombies and 150 orcs he had more than 11million evolution points worth of material.

Godiva was silent for a while and then Godiva realized what had happened.

[*pfft* what do you mean evolve didn't you know that Rank 3 is a major evolution realm? and after reaching 3rd rank the value of lower-tier evolution materials drops significantly. the previously rank first crystal cores that were worth 10k are now only worth 1k. in short you now only looted 1,387,900 evolution points from killing the zombies and orcs. and you need more than 11m to evolve]

Godiva never told Joseph anything about the value drop of the crystal cores and soul beads Joseph was disappointed, but then again if it was that easy to evolve then the other monsters would have already evolved several times. without giving it a second thought. leaving tomorrow's problems to tomorrow he said and moved on to open his new shop.

On the way to the safe zone, he found an overgrown cherry blossom that some of its branches were broken one of these branches being roughly 170cm long it was a straight and good branch that became thinner towards the bottom so he picked it up and cleaned it using a sword then he used it as a walking stick.

he reached the safe zone around 17oclock the safe zone was a living district that was very well lit it didn't have any high rising walls but Joseph couldn't enter due to a protective barrier blocking him. so he waited outside holding his walking stick and waiting for a customer to come.

after waiting there for more than 20 minutes he slowly attracted the attention of the people inside one of the men's inside moved towards him and told him to come inside Joseph looked at him and then he continued looking straight out to the distance.

The young man was feeling disrespected at how his goodwill was ignored as he was about to leave a notification popped up for him.



A wandering merchant who wonders this apocalyptic world, he walks nonstop till he sells his ware

Danger: if you do something to harm him he will, you will get your sh*t snapped


Would you like to take a look at these old merchant's wares

[ YES / NO ]


out of curiosity, the young man pressed yes. then the Marchant replied with a deep voice


After the merchant replied, a window appeared with items such as clean clothes, food and weapons. they had lower prices from the ones in the system young man stood there exploring the old man's wares then the merchant once again in a deep voice said.


The young man snapped out of his trance of thoughts and purchased one of the swords for 4500 coins 1000 less what was sold at the system.

The old merchant replied in a deep voice:

Good Choice Youngster heh heh heh.

The young man then went back inside the safe zone and explained the situation to other survivors several of them came out and bought different weapons, food and clothing.

at around 22pm when the old merchant was leaving he said.

See you again Youngster.

one of the survivors suddenly attacked him from behind in an attempt to kill him and get his stuff the other survivors were telling him to back off since the merchant might be dangerous.

The old merchant looked at the survivor that had hit him in the head dead in the eyes and then in an instant without anyone being able to react he grabbed the young man's neck and lift him up to the air with one hand.

The young man was scared sh*tless but he couldn't free himself no matter how hard he tried.

Then the merchant snapped his neck killing him on the spot he then opened the young man's inventory and took everything useful and before leaving in a deep voice he said:

Not a good choice youngster hehehe HAHAHAHA.

His half-a*s sinister laugh surprisingly scared some of the survivors and then he vanished into the darkness.

Joseph continued walking around and selling wares at different safe zones he didn't know but the survivors using the Zenith system could send messages to each other, his reputation in the community had risen as to how he sold high-quality stuff cheap, and that how he was a ruthless killer when someone tried to pick on him more than 10 men had already gotten their sh*ts snapped by the old merchant.

After selling everything he had, he made 843k which was a truly high amount. every person has to kill first rank zombies, which is hard for normal people due to it being early in the apocalypse.

Joseph was now ready to leave Tokyo and go on his first-ever World wonder dungeon conquest.

Godiva was shocked how Joseph already had made more than

2,127,000 even the big guy John the merchant wasn't able to make that much in just one day when he had started his business.

Your boy Joseph is now officially done with Japan

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