
Becoming the king of apocalypse as a Zombie

This novel will be paused for the time being. A former underground boxer decides to live a good and normal life. after deciding to attend the concert of his favourite Japanese idol to have a good time he wouldn't expect that his fate would change forever. a sudden blinding flash of light in the outer atmosphere followed by a loud bang caused everyone to lose consciousness. 1 day after everyone passed out people started to wake up. when Joseph woke up he saw that people were vomiting blood and falling down and after several seconds they would get up and attack people that were unaffected by what had happened the scene of seeing nearly 50000 people fighting and running for their lives made him realize that he needs to get out of there no matter what but as soon as he decided to get up and run... Hi this is my first time writing a novel and English is my 3rd language but I will try my best to write an interesting novel pls go easy on me ^-^ Read the auxiliary chapter for more information

Miyuki_Cat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Information and feud with Yakuza

Author note: I'm usually a guy who hates to write about disturbing things and I also hate reading stories that have things such as r**e but I know that you guys also know it's something that definitely happens all over the world when we even have laws protecting us I will naturally not go into any details and just mention it without referring to it directly.






After entering the nearest building which was a restaurant Joseph put the Lady down and told her to take a seat she did and sit down on one of the chairs Joseph sit right in front of her but there was one big a*s problem.

First Joseph Couldn't talk due to being a low-level zombie Second he didn't understand Japanese and she didn't understand English the reason why she sat down was due to Joseph's hand gesture sitting there in awkward silence not knowing what to do Stomach of the lady growled breaking the silence it was as if she was left starving for the past few days.

Joseph went and scavenged around and found some food items that could be eaten raw and gave them to her she devoured them like a hungry beast.

Joseph was a zombie so he didn't feel any hunger and his hunger for human meat was suppressed by the new version of Godiva she had become an obedient little girl after Grandma talked to her.

Joseph asked Godiva if she could do anything and she told him yes she could translate Japanese to English for him he was happy but still couldn't talk so he looked around and found a notebook that the waiters used to take orders.

and thanks to Godiva's guidance he wrote a series of questions and she answered all of them from how she survived and to who those guys chasing her were.

after asking her how she survived she said me and my little brother stayed at home while everything happened several hours passed and a group of people with guns showed up they killed many of the changed people who were later revealed as zombies.

the next question was who those guys were she told him that they were part of the group that cleaned up the zombies and that they started rescuing people we thought we were safe but we found out they were part of the Yakuza and we were kept captive most of the captives were females I was lucky to run away they did whatever they wanted to those other women.

Even at the start of the apocalypse, Joseph anticipated that this would happen but hearing it directly from a victim left a bitter taste in his mouth, even if it was just one group he would like to destroy them in order to avoid future problems.

He then wrote another series of questions such as their force their location and their levels she answered them.

They were a group consisting of 45 men and the strongest were two members one wielding a katana and the other wielding a giant axe.

She then drew a map of the Yakuza hideout her map was very well made it had every detail such as hidden doors and passages in this bases case there was only one hidden passage.

Before heading out Joseph tried 2 things out he activated the holy shroud and used one of the guns to shoot his own palm after shooting he didn't feel pain in the slightest now was to the main test.

He deactivated the holy shroud and shot his palm. the bullet hit the surface it hurt a bit but still no real damage was done his hp went down by only 1 and considering his HP it was nothing too important he realized that it wasn't only his muscle that became stronger thanks to evolution his skin also had become tougher showing his high defence. he then set out towards the Yakuza hideout.

After surveying the area he confirmed everything the lady had previously said. He pushed a normal size car to the ladder hatch that led to the hidden passage and flipped it on top.

he wasn't satisfied and used three more cars and put them on each side now it was more secure he then went towards the main entrance 2 yakuza members had already come out to check where the commotion was coming from Joseph rushed them and in less than 2 seconds they were dead he moved inside the seemingly normal building then went where the basement door and stairs were located at he kicked the door in and descended the stairs.

around 20 Yakuza came out from several rooms to check out what was that loud bang they then saw Joseph. A mulatto skin-coloured man with icy blue hair and eyes he was definitely a foreigner they started taking out their guns but suddenly a notification popped up for them



A wild field boss appeared

He likes to snap people's neck

Rewards upon defeating the boss.

1 rare grade crystal core

1 rare grade chest

100000 XP.


After seeing the message they panicked a bit but one of them said something and the panic turned into excitement sudden change of mood made Joseph wonder what had happened and Godiva immediately translated. one of the guys said since its early in the apocalypse he is definitely a weak monster a bonus mob for people to gain items like a golden treasure goblin.

Joseph frowned and got depressed after evolving besides his eyes and hair changing colour and his muscles becoming denser and more toned he didn't really change that much he didn't grow any scales or spikes he also didn't have any menacing teeth to just scare people with, he sighed in disappointment.

and adding the Yakuza underestimating him on top of that he just rushed them and made quick work of them in less than 20 seconds all of them were dead.

He moved deeper into the hideout killing any Yakuza member he saw.

He reached 2 last rooms one had a door similar to those of warehouses one had a door that lead to a luxurious room.

He first decided to check out the last room and see if the 2 guys the lady mentioned were there and he was right one guy over 2 meters tall and one 185ish in height were in the room big guy had a great axe and the other one had a katana.

The axe guy seemed like the main boss he rushed Joseph but Joseph ignored him and went for the katana guy. The katana guy dodged Joseph's first punch he then dragged the battle on for 5 minutes gauging the strength of the humans that gained a job and the support of one of the gods. they weren't anything special The Macho back at Tokyo dome was stronger not by too much but still stronger than them.

He killed the Katana guy with a swift move. during the whole fight, he kept avoiding and tripping The axe guy resulting in him falling to the ground. seeing how he was toyed with by a mere monster angered him it was the first time in his life that someone had dared to make fun of him.

He suddenly started emitting a red aura his muscles got bigger his grip around the axe handle become tighter he used both of his hands to swing the axe with all his might.

Joseph just stood there and grabbed the blade of the axe with his bare hands he wanted to check out and see the full strength of the axe guy for future reference when he faced other humans he had enough and moved towards the big guy with a what a f**king letdown expression on his face he then snapped the neck of big guy using only one of his hands