
Becoming The Food God In This Cultivation World

The Story of a Soon-To-Be God Of Food transmigrated into the world of Soul Land After his death, 5.000 Years after Oscar, the previous God of Food ascended alongside Tang San, the original protagonist of this cultivation world, and the rest of his friends. ================================== if you want to see more chapters of this story, please go to my Patreon Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Avicebron

Evangeline_MC · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 27: Someone Applied!

As Qi Han approached with a tray of dishes, Tang Zi looked deeply at him, causing Qi Han to pause in surprise. "What's wrong, Brother Tang?"

After confirming that he hadn't discovered what he had in mind from Qi Han, Tang Zi withdrew his gaze and shook his head. "Nothing, hehe."

In that brief moment, he had suspected that Qi Han was an evil Spirit Master.

An evil Spirit Master is someone who possesses an evil martial Spirit and uses it for wicked purposes, causing harm to others. Evil Spirit Masters can use the evil attributes to enhance their Spirit Power and cultivation rapidly, resulting in a significant increase in their strength. However, this path is considered unorthodox, often requiring the massacre of ordinary people as the price for power.

Such Spirit Masters are not tolerated in the Douluo Continent, and other Spirit Masters would mercilessly kill them on sight.

Due to Qi Han's rapid cultivation progress, Tang Zi had some suspicions, but evil Spirit Masters usually emit a distinct evil aura, which Qi Han lacked. This made Tang Zi dismiss his own conjecture.

As long as he wasn't an evil Spirit Master, it didn't matter. After all, who doesn't have a few secrets?

Qi Han was unaware of Tang Zi's thoughts, but the system seemed to vaguely sense something.

[Considering the host's excessively fast Spirit Power advancement, a Spirit Power Concealment Card x1 is provided for free. After use, the host's Spirit Power realm will not be detectable by others. Would you like to use it?]

Qi Han paused his hand while chopping the onions, not understanding why the system suddenly brought this up. But now was clearly not a good time to use it.

"Let's use it after we close for lunch."

The new and delicious dishes brought great joy to Tang Zi. Like Zhao Yunsheng, Tang Zi also loved egg fried rice and quickly discovered the appetizing nature of Tomato Beef Brisket.

Refreshing smashed cucumber, rice complemented by Tomato Beef Brisket — when the two combined...

"Boss, give me another small portion of egg fried rice!"

Tang Zi wanted more!

When Tang Zi was full and satisfied, he savored the Dongpo Pork Knuckle with a content expression on his face. He could feel his Spirit Power swiftly circulating through his meridians. Even though he had anticipated it, he was still amazed.

Just a dish had effects comparable to Heaven and Earth treasures. The boss was truly amazing.

Unfortunately, Tang Zi hadn't reached a bottleneck in his Spirit Power realm yet, so he couldn't make a breakthrough. Nevertheless, the effect of the Dongpo Pork Knuckle still boosted his Spirit Power significantly, saving him several days of cultivation.

Soon, Tang Zi put down the last empty plate, rubbed his round belly, and wore a satisfied smile on his face.

Now, every time there was an escort mission to Shrek City, he would vie for it. His senior brothers at Heaven Dou City probably thought he had gone mad, spending so much time shuttling back and forth.

Hehe, how would those ordinary folks understand the charm of the Small Shop's delicacies?

After exchanging greetings with Qi Han, Tang Zi respectfully saluted the four hall masters before leaving the Small Shop.

With the Quest handover completed, it was time for him to return to Heaven Dou City.

The lunchtime quickly passed, and after seeing off the last customer, Qi Han rubbed his wrist.

From the discussions among the customers, Qi Han had already roughly understood why the popularity of the Small Shop suddenly skyrocketed.

Having good business was a good thing, but it made him even busier than before.

It was a sweet trouble, so to speak.

By the way, the recruitment notice had been hanging at the door for a day already, so why hadn't anyone come to apply for the waiter position?

Qi Han felt like he was about to spin like a top. He urgently needed an assistant.

[Main Quest 4: A Small Goal

Accumulate a total income of 100,000 Gold Coins for the shop

Quest Description: Even as a Food God, making money is equally important. Come and achieve a small goal of your own! 

Quest Rewards: Random 3 Star Recipe x 1, 2 Star Optional Recipe Fragment x1, Spirit Power Level +5

Quest Progress: 30,241/100,000]

Qi Han glanced at the Quest progress and fell silent.

The Main Quest 4 that he had initially estimated would take a month to complete seemed to be nearing its end with the popularity of Dongpo Pork Knuckle and the increase in customers.

The price of Dongpo Pork Knuckle was already high, and now with the daily income of the Small Shop reaching tens of thousands of Gold Coins, it wouldn't be a problem to complete the Quest in just a week, at this rate.

By the way, the system seemed to have given him a card earlier?

[It's a Spirit Power Concealment Card.]

Qi Han nodded and said, "I want to use it."

A faint layer of gray light appeared on his body and quickly disappeared. From the surface, there was no trace of any abnormalities.

If someone were to use spiritual power to detect his cultivation level, they would be surprised to find that they couldn't accurately sense Qi Han's Spirit Power realm.

If previously detecting Qi Han's Spirit Power realm was as simple as looking through a glass window, now it was more like looking through frosted glass.

They could only see that there was someone, but couldn't make out the specific details or body shape.

No, they could only see that there was Spirit Power, but couldn't determine the exact amount.

After resting for a while, Qi Han got up and walked to the front door, preparing to close and take a break. However, he noticed a familiar figure standing at the entrance.

Qi Han blinked slightly, then recalled where he had a sense of familiarity from.

This girl had previously visited the Small Shop, her name seemed to be Fu Ya?

Qi Han didn't have a strong impression of her, but another girl named Ying Shuang left a deeper impression on him.

After all, she was the first one to threaten to smash the restaurant.

Qi Han remembered that Ying Shuang had come to the shop a few times afterward, always wearing a big hat to secretly come in, afraid of being recognized by Qi Han, which made him can't help but smile.

Qi Han was about to walk over and tell Fu Ya that the restaurant was no longer open when he suddenly noticed that her gaze was fixed on the bulletin board in front of the door.

Could it be...

"Excuse me, are you hiring waiters here?" Fu Ya hesitated for a moment after noticing Qi Han approaching, then asked in a low voice.

So she really came to apply.

To be honest, Fu Ya had a high level of attractiveness, even more beautiful than the pampered Ying Shuang. Her long straight black hair also matched Qi Han's aesthetic, making her seem suitable for the position of a waitress.

But the current problem was...

Qi Han looked at Fu Ya's petite stature and hesitated slightly.

This girl is most likely only 14 or 15 years old, although child labor was not an issue in this world, Qi Han still had some concerns.

Seemingly sensing Qi Han's hesitation, Fu Ya bit her lip and stubbornly spoke, "I can help you wash dishes and clean up."

"Um..." Qi Han blinked and shook his head, "Waiters only need to clean up the tables after customers finish their meals, serve dishes to customers, and help with taking orders. As for washing dishes... I have a dishwasher."

"A dishwasher?" Fu Ya blinked, not knowing what it was, but she immediately spoke up, "I can do all the things you mentioned!"

Qi Han scratched his head. "But aren't you a bit young for this? Is it appropriate?"


Fu Ya widened her eyes, clearly not expecting Qi Han's concern to be about that.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and 4 Spirit Rings, yellow and yellow, purple and purple, instantly appeared behind her.

"I'm a Spirit Ancestor, my strength is not inferior to that of an adult, and I'll be of legal age in a year!"

To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


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