
Becoming The Food God In This Cultivation World

The Story of a Soon-To-Be God Of Food transmigrated into the world of Soul Land After his death, 5.000 Years after Oscar, the previous God of Food ascended alongside Tang San, the original protagonist of this cultivation world, and the rest of his friends. ================================== if you want to see more chapters of this story, please go to my Patreon Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Avicebron

Evangeline_MC · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 26: The Shocked Tang Zi

Yu Hua savored every bite with great attention to detail. On the other hand, Niu Yue, being a simple man, didn't pay much attention to such details. As soon as the Tomato Beef Brisket was served, he dug in with his chopsticks and started eating, gradually picking up speed.

Lacking any sense of refinement, Niu Yue struggled to find the right words to describe his experience. Eventually, all he could manage to say was, "Delicious!"

While he could eat as much as Tai Lei, Niu Yue didn't have a strong preference for meat alone. He enjoyed any delicious dish, whether it was vegetarian or meat-based.

However, if he were to eat only meat like Tai Lei, he would find it a bit too greasy.

That's why the Tomato Beef Brisket perfectly suited Niu Yue's taste buds. The combination of meat and vegetables, with the salty freshness of the beef and the sweet and sour flavor of the tomatoes, created a sublime fusion. It wasn't greasy like a purely meat-based dish, and it had an added layer of taste compared to purely vegetable-based dishes.

But for Tai Lei, it was a different experience altogether.

As a hardcore carnivore, Tai Lei believed that meat should be enjoyed in its purest form and should not be mixed with vegetables in cooking. In his Power Hall, such a combination was impure.

So when the Tomato Beef Brisket was served, he felt a twinge of regret.

Can beef and tomatoes really taste good together?

He was familiar with the taste of tomatoes—sour and sweet, somewhat pleasant. As for beef, it was chewy and tender. Could these 2 ingredients really work well together?

However, this was the craftsmanship of the little lad, and it shouldn't be too bad...

With these thoughts in mind, Tai Lei hesitated but eventually picked up a piece of beef stew with his chopsticks and put it into his mouth.


As if struck by lightning, Tai Lei froze in place.

His tiger-like eyes widened, and his movements came to an abrupt halt. The taste that filled his mouth was something he had never experienced before.

It had both the sour-sweetness of tomatoes and the tenderness of beef. When the 2 were combined, a miraculous chemical reaction occurred. The beef was more tender than any beef he had ever tasted, making him want to swallow his tongue.

Cooking tomatoes with beef resulted in such a delicious dish?

Tai Lei felt as if his lifelong principle of eating meat had suddenly collapsed.

Tomato Beef Brisket, it's so incredibly delicious!

"Give me another small portion of Egg Fried Rice!"

While Tai Lei was questioning his existence, Zhao Yunsheng's voice suddenly came through. In the blink of an eye, his Egg Fried Rice had already disappeared, and he had already finished half of the Tomato Beef Brisket.

Being a fan of Egg Fried Rice, he took advantage of another characteristic of the Tomato Beef Brisket: its ability to pair perfectly with rice.

Zhao Yunsheng didn't have many requirements when it came to vegetarian or meat dishes. In his opinion, the Tomato Beef Brisket, with its sweet, sour, and savory flavors, paired perfectly with the Egg Fried Rice.

After sipping a few mouthfuls of the Braised Pork Stomach with Chicken, Zhao Yunsheng couldn't help but reveal a satisfied expression.

Life is good, just like a paradise.


"Hahaha, boss, your restaurant is getting more and more popular. There's even a line now!"

The door of the small restaurant swung open, and a towering figure walked in casually. He was about to say something but suddenly froze in place.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, staring at the 4 black-robed elders sitting together not far away.

What's going on? Did his eyes deceive him?

Aren't those the 4 Hall Masters?

What are they doing here?

Tang Zi couldn't comprehend it. It had only been 3 days since he last visited, but it felt like he couldn't recognize the small restaurant anymore.

It's no wonder Tang Zi was confused. He had just completed a mission to escort hidden weapons and hurriedly came to Qi Han's restaurant to enjoy the delicious food. He had planned to bring his good friend Zhou Long along, but he couldn't find Zhou Long. He speculated that Zhou Long might have already arrived at the small restaurant, so he came straight here.

Unaware of everything that happened yesterday in Heaven Dou City, Tang Zi was naturally perplexed at the moment.

"Hey, kid, what are you staring at? Sit down and eat," Tai Lei glanced at the bewildered junior and gruffly spoke.

"Okay, Uncle." Tang Zi instinctively responded, causing Qi Han, who happened to overhear, to be slightly surprised.

Tang Zi was actually Defense Hall Master's nephew?

Tang Zi glanced around, found a seat close to Tai Lei, turned his head to look at the menu, and was immediately taken aback.

"Dongpo Pork Knuckle for 100 Gold Coins per serving?"

He unintentionally raised his voice, and Tai Lei, who was eating the Pork Knuckle, turned his head and slapped his oily hand on Tang Zi's head, saying, "What are you shouting for, you ignorant brat? Just eat. It's good stuff."

"Oh." Tang Zi rubbed the back of his head, feeling wronged.

Why can't he speak loudly anymore?

The price of 100 Gold Coins was a bit expensive, but Tang Zi could afford it. He trusted Qi Han, and with his Senior Uncle vouching for it, he had no hesitation.

"Boss, one Dongpo Pork Knuckle, one Tomato Beef Brisket, one small serving of Egg Fried Rice, and one Smashed Cucumber."

Of course, Tang Zi wanted to taste all the new dishes. Since he didn't know the portion sizes, he cautiously ordered a small serving of Egg Fried Rice.

While waiting for the dishes to arrive, Tang Zi looked around among the diners.

This Zhou Long actually didn't wait for him and came to the small restaurant alone to eat.


Where is Zhou Long?

After searching for a while without finding his good friend, Tang Zi was stunned for a moment. He quickly walked up to Zhang Ji and Zhang Mo, who were engrossed in their meal, and asked, "Where's our captain?"

Zhang Ji looked up and recognized Tang Zi, his captain's good friend. "Senior Brother Tang, Captain ate a serving of Dongpo Pork Knuckle yesterday and then broke through to level 60. He set off early this morning for the Star Dou Forest..."

What the heck?

He ate a serving of Dongpo Pork Knuckle and then broke through?

Tang Zi wore an expression of doubting his life choices as he looked at Zhang Ji and Zhang Mo as if they were 2 idiots.

How can a few dishes have such an effect?

Zhang Ji's expression remained unchanged, full of conviction.

A few moments later, Tang Zi rubbed his temples. "Are you serious?"

Shit, it's giving him a headache. The amount of information is overwhelming.

Zhang Ji nodded. "Hall Master Yu personally tested it. This Dongpo Pork Knuckle can increase the eater cultivation speed by about 50 percent for half an hour. Relying on the essence of Dongpo Pork Knuckle, the captain successfully broke through to level 60."

They even brought out Yu Hua. Tang Zi couldn't help but believe it.

No wonder it costs 100 Gold Coins per serving. If it truly has this effect, 100 Gold Coins can only be considered cheap.

But if that's the case, it's only natural for the 4 Hall Masters to be attracted to come here to eat.

Tang Zi deeply glanced at the figure bustling in the kitchen. With his eyes, he could naturally see Qi Han's current Spirit Power .

He's at level 12.

Even if he successfully absorbed a Spirit Ring, he would only have level 11 Spirit Power, right?

In just a few days, he reached level 12?


Upon careful recollection, Tang Zi made a chilling discovery.

It seems that when Qi Han first arrived, he didn't have any Spirit Power and was just an ordinary person, right?

How long has it been for him to reach level 12?

It seems like not even half a month has passed, right?

To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


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