
Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Prince Ron’s life was saved by a silver haired hero. It was love at first sight but the hero disappeared after the exchange of a few words. The young prince accompanies his sister to a mysterious Kingdom where she’s going to be wedded to the King but on getting there, they’re told that the King wants to call off the wedding. Being the good brother he is, he goes to confront the King but doesn’t expect to find his silver haired hero sitting on the throne! He had fallen in love with his sister’s husband to be! What is Ron going to do?

Zhee_Aliyu · Fantasy
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195 Chs

Chapter 139

"Are you completely sure, Ron?" Prince Ludiciel asked.

Prince Ron hesitated to answer. He wanted to say something but stopped. He was getting frustrated just thinking about it. "Well, I am certain that my father knows nothing of them so Rose can't have access to the vault through him. The only way would be if she was working directly for-"

He paused, letting out a raggedy breath.

"The Shadows" Prince Ludiciel completed.

Prince Ron had paused, reluctant to complete the sentence for it would make him feel like he was accepting Rose's involvement and it didn't make him feel any better when Prince Ludiciel completed it.

"Which she is." Zedekiel asserted. "After Griffith's death, we secretly commenced an investigation and we found out that the person who served Griffith his last meal was your sister's maid. Now, why will her maid serve our prisoner food? She isn't supposed to be anywhere near the dungeons let alone enter."