
Becoming Pokémon

On the way home Alex is summoned to another world, a Pokémon world. He makes friends and join to their team. On the way to the town to register him as official member of the team he had an accident and got turned into a Pokémon but there's problem. What was that problem? Read to find out :)

Domini_Goz · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 7 The new begining part 4

The next morning Alex woke up in the bedroom with terrible headache. He got up from the bed and sit at the desk. He looked at the clock in his phone, it was 5:28 (5:28 AM). Looked at the window and... nothing but darkness. Everyone was still sleeping. Suddenly he felt that someone was watching him and quickly looked at the window in hope to see this person. He done a sing that says 'I see you' and then it gone. The feeling has gone but other feeling took it place.

'Whos was it? Why was it here?' thought Alex

When he was thinking he felt that someone was behind him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that rest was still sleeping. He took his phone and opened camera application and turned to selfie mode. He stretched to see who is behind him in the phone. It was Mew. Floating right behind him

"What do you want from me Mew?" Said Alex still sitting with his back to him

"My master want to talk to you" he said

Alex turned to see him. He had pink fur with long tail and small paws

"Your master? Well I can't right now. They can wake up anytime and I don't want them to see me gone"

"Then when do you want to meet him? One day you will have to do this"

Alex fall in deep thought

'When will I have free time? Tomorrow. But I can't meet him in the day because if I could Mee didn't came at night to take me to him. Hmmm.... That's a problem...'

"Maybe tomorrow at night? Before everyone wake up and after everyone fall asleep. That would be the best" said finally Alex

Mew didn't said anything. He just smiled and nodded. Then he teleported somewhere. He was sitting still and thinking. Then a sunlight brightened the room. He quickly looked at his phone to check the time. It was 6:39 (6:39 AM).

'Damm... I spent hour talking with that Mew and thinking... Oh well I can't change that...' thought Alex

When sunlight brightened Alice's eyes she woke up. She looked at the Alex's bed. When she saw that he wasn't there she was looking for him in the room. She find him sitting on the chair.

"Alex... Did something happened?"

"No. Nothing happened. I just woke up hour ago and couldn't fall asleep again so I sat at the desk"

"Oh I see... Well then. Can you help me wake them up? It's time to make and eat breakfast"

"Ok. I will help. What will we have for breakfast?" Said Alex with curiosity

"Well we usually make our own breakfast. But if you don't know how to make one I can make you one. Of course if you want"

"Well... I'd like to ask for the breakfast. Because I don't know how different things taste like. So please make breakfast for me too"

Alice smiled and stated to wake up the rest. Fifteen minutes later everyone was sitting at the table with their breakfast. Alex had a sandwich with purple jam.

"What is this jam made of?" Said Alex

"Oh. This jam is made of Chests berry. It's very yummy. Try it! I promise you won't regret it" said Alice

He took a bite, and stopped moving. It was so delicious. He never tasted something like that. So sweet and so sour at the same time and so perfectly balanced. It was so delicious that he started crying.

"Hey Alex. What happened? Is everything alright?" Said John

"Y-yeah... It's just... I have never ate something so delicious... It even remind me of-" he didn't finish the sentence and ate rest.

John didn't ask what he was trying to say. So everyone ate their breakfast in silence. When they ate they left the house and headed to the guild.



In front of the guild was standing that big red cat.

"Ok. You are in time. Let's head to the dungeon and then I'm going to test your strength personally" said cat dryly

"Personally? What do you mean by that?" Said Bob with curiosity

"Well... Due to increase activity of bandits nie exams have to check if person who wants to be an explorer can defend himself against normal Pokémon... At least that's what I've been told" said cat with grimace

"Well... I guess we can't do anything about it... Let's get started I want to do this exam as fast as I can" said Alex

Cat smiles and said

"I like your attitude. Nie come on. We have an exam to do"



Hour later they were standing in front of the forest.

"Well... This is our dangeon. This is where I will watching you and protect you if needed. Your task is simple. You have to find six purple flowers and leave the forest with them"

"Aniga! Are you sure about it? Six purple flowers?! That's extremely dangerous!" Shouted John

"It will be fine. Besides I'm the one who is examiner so I can give him any task I want for the exam. As long as he can fight he will be fine"

They said nothing and looked at Alex

"I'll be fine. Remember what happend that night? Don't worry I won't end up like that this time. Please believe in me" said Alex

They said nothing again. They just nodded and walked away. Alex and Aniga walked into the forest

The end of chapter 7 part 4

Hello everyone

I hope you enjoy me book

As always if you find any misspellings or grammar mistakes please write it in the comments

Also if you have any suggestions for the story please write it in the comments too

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