
Family worth's.

In the Mikaelson's compound Elijah drink an old whiskey, Hope the young tribrid is sleeping upstairs her mother don't want her to be here for the discussion they are sure to have.

The three wait in silence for Freya and Klaus to arrive.

Footsteps can be heard coming to them. A blonde woman and Nik enter the compound.

" Sammael..." Freya whisper, Sam supernatural senses notice a hint of fear coming from her.

She may have heard of him. Or maybe she can sense his magical power.

" Brother. " Klaus say neutrally.

" Good we just miss Rebekah and Kol, but we can already explain the situation to Sammael. " Elijah offer.

" Do we have to ? It's very simple, someone is threatening my daughter, the solution is perfectly clear. I will kill anyone menacing Hope. " Klaus add.

" Don't be stupid Niklaus. This isn't something we can defeat without a strategy and alone. " Elijah chastised Nik.

Klaus shot him a angry look but he's lucide enough to see the truth in Elijah's words.

" So what are we going to do ? My daughter life is in danger and I won't stay there and do nothing. " Hayley interrupt.

Sammael let out a sigh watching them letting their emotions cloud their judgment.

" Can you explain in more details the situation Elijah ? " he request.

" I already talked to you about the malveillant entity after Hope. This entity is now plunging the city in darkness. Exteriorly everything seem normal, but beneath the city is facing multiple child disparition and ritualistic murder. Powerful and dark magic is involved in all of this. " Elijah explain.

Thirty minutes later Sammael have now all the informations on the problem, a few theories are emerging in Sam mind. Freya described the ritualistic murders and the dark magic at play.

After hearing what she said, Sammael begin to piece the puzzle, their enemy is probably a spirit of a very powerful witch or warlock.

The rest of the evening was spent talking about the past years, the silent tension didn't disappear at all.

A few days later.

Vincent Griffin the coven leader of the New Orleans witches coven, bring them a new piece of information about their enemy.

The hollow, the spirit of an immensely powerful witch who cursed her tribe into werewolves the first of the species.

Vincent tells them that the witch was empty of humanity, only an insatiable hunger of power guides her.

Marcel, Klaus adopted son, came rushing into the compound.

" Klaus ! " he shout. Nik descend the stairs using his hybrid speed.

" What Marcellus ? " Klaus answer angrily. Sammael is not far, he listen discreetly their discussion.

Marcel the last upgraded original, the previous ones Alaric and Lucien are dead. His bites is like a werewolf bite, poisonous. But his bites is composed of the poison of the 7 original werewolves clan. Unfortunately Marcellus lacks experience to use his strength in the most effective way. But the potential of this version of upgraded original is high, very high.

" We know where they are. Vincent obtained the location of the cult for the hollow. " Marcel say to Klaus.

" Then let's go. " Niklaus respond getting ready to leave.

" Wait, shouldn't we warn Elijah and the others ? " Marcel ask.

" I'll send them a text. Are you coming or not ? " Nik say while he leave the compound, Marcel follow behind him a few seconds later.

Finally alone Sammael teleport to the bayou, using a spell yesterday he find members of the cult. He read their mind and discovered their objective.

The resurrection of the Hollow. To achieve this they need 4 bones that belong to the hollow. These four bones are the key to the hollow resurrection in flesh and blood.

He already located and acquired 3 of them, but before he can use them the hollow must be totally release in the world. For now the hollow is still partially bound.

An hour or two later, Klaus and Elijah return from their little adventure. The two seem satisfied but Sammael immediately notice something strange with Niklaus. He can feel a magical presence in him, like a parasyte.

Just an instant, for a fraction of second Niklaus eyes flash in a unnatural blue color.

Sam don't say anything about it but he observe carefully his brother.

A day later.

Both Klaus and Marcel are infected by the hollow, the two under the influence of the hollow tried to kill each other. Sammael had the privilege to watch their fight, and it only reinforce his plan for Marcellus.

" With the help of Freya I think we can separate the hollow from them and contain it in a box sealed with a locking spell. " Sammael propose to his siblings.

" Can you really do it ? A better question do you even care to do it ? " Rebekah ask him without hiding the contempt she have for him.

Sam ignore her and look at Freya waiting for her answer. He could have done it alone but with the other things he plan to do he can't have his attention split into so many things.

" Alright. Call Marcel and tell him to come. " Freya say.

They wait for Marcel and in the meantime they prepare everything for the separation of the hollow.

Klaus and Marcel are lying on the ground inside a salt circle. Freya bring a box she and Sammael made sure could contain the Hollow. Sam stand behind Marcel and Freya behind Klaus. The two echange a look and begin.

" Phesmatos Separitio. " the two chant in synchronization.

" Exacistora Mali Spiritus. " they continue, blue energy leaving the bodies of Nik and Marcel. The energy condense above them and start to be suck up inside the box they prepared.

Unknow to his siblings, Freya, Kol, Rebekah and Elijah, Sammael summon the rest of the hollow suddenly the energy got more intense and potent. Freya start to bleed from her nose, and Sam have to exert more of his power to force the hollow inside the box. He can feel it resisting and trying to escape but he keep the pressure until all of it is inside the box.

Elijah rush to the box and close it the fastest possible.

Freya fall on the ground from exhaustion all eyes turn on her, Sammael take the opportunity to switch the box with an empty decoy he created and he teleport the real box containing the hollow in a secure place.

Minutes later everyone regain their spirit and strength, Hayley come and show them what she discover in her old family's house. A bone, Sammael immediately undersand, this the last bone needed to bring back the Hollow. He didn't had the time to find it but now he doesn't need do it. He just have to take the bone and he will have everything he need.

" Hope, and the city of New Orleans are free. We have eliminated the threat. I think we deserve a drink, don't you think brother. " Klaus say with enthusiasm.

Elijah take Hayley in his arms, Marcel look unsure on what to do. Rebekah advance to Sammael.

" Thank you. I know the bridge between us has long burned but Hope is different from us. So I want to thank you for coming and helping. I'm grateful and so are the others even if they don't say it. " Rebekah tell him.

" Hmm, with pleasure. I won't miss an occasion as such. " Sammael answer. Rebekah miss the double meaning in his phrase and join the others. Sam hear small footsteps and look upstairs, he see Hope watching with attention.

After seeing Marcel in action he can safely say that Marcel is the third strongest being after him. Behind Marcel in 4 position is Klaus followed by the other Mikaelson's. Hope come after, when she'll grow up she will become more powerful than Marcel and her parents but for now she still haven't the control and experiences to be rank higher, her potential is the highest but she need time.

On the second position after him is the hollow and the late Arcadius. He didn't use Qetsiyah and Silas in his calcul because he never had the chance to see them in action.

Sammael spent the rest of the night with his siblings, he wait until no one was paying attention to subtilize the last bone. He created an illusion on a object and place it instead of the bone. The collection being complete he teleport back in his laboratory and find the box with the hollow waiting for him.

He take the four bones and install them at the ends of the pentagram. Next he take the box, and he put it in the center of the pentagram.

Focusing on the task, he open the box. Suddenly the blue energy of the hollow raise in the air, it's contained in the pentagram.

" Resurrectionem Mortuis. " he cast a spell to resurrect the dead.

" Caro et sanguis regeneratione. " the bones fuse together, a nervous system, a brain, all the organs begin to appear, blood fill the heart and flesh grow on the body.

When the process is finished, the body of a young woman in perfect condition is now in the pentagram. The energy rush into the body and fill it with life.

The young woman only in appearance wake up and take a deep breath. She take a few seconds to regain her bearing and stand up. She look at Sammael with intensity.

" It's you. I saw you when I was separated from the hybrid and the other vampire. You trapped me in the box, I try to resist but I wasn't strong enough. You're powerful. " the hollow in a body say with hunger in her eyes.

" I don't know your name. Your true name, Hollow seem reducer. " Sammael ask.

" Inadu. But the hollow is a correct name for me. And for you too, I can feel the taste of your magic. It's even more sinister than my own, you hide it well under your mask but under you are just like me. Hollow. " Inadu try to manipulate him.

" Indeed. It is possible, I may be just like you. But I doubt it. You let yourself be submerge by your desire of power, you are raw hunger without intelligence. Control is power, and you clearly lack it, otherwise you wouldn't have finish in this situation. " Sammael say.

" I am power. I am life and death. And when I'll devor your magic I'll become even more powerful. You think you can restrain me ? You gave me back my body, now I have access to my full power. " Inadu proclaim, she try to unleash her magic and to leave the pentagram. But the drawing glow and form a protective barrier stopping her to escape the pentagram.

" What is this. " she growl and let out more magic, the earth shook a little but the barrier still hold and keep her again from getting out.

Rage appear on her face and she unleash all her power to try to break the barrier.

Earth shook stronger, Sammael not wanting a earthquake to began clap his hands one time.

The pentagram glow brighter and the barrier begin to crush Inadu until she is unable to move and it suppress her power.

" It was an impressive display. You are perfect for it. With you it is going to reach the next step, your power will allow it to evolve to a higher state. " Sammael say and walk to his worksplan, he grab a sealed container in glass. Inside it a black and reddish mass constantly shift.

He go back to his prisoner and show it to her.

" You see this, this is unique. A perfect life form, a combination of all the advantages of every species into a single organism. For 4 years I hit a blockroad, to combine and assimilate this in myself I need it to be strong enough to merge with me. " he stop and observe excitedly the life form.

"My magic is so abundant that it will impossible for it to survive in me. But with you it will obtain the capacity to adapt to my magic. You should be proud, you are worthy to be consume by this ultimate virus. " Sammael continue to explain her.

He draw a triangle with his finger on the barrier, he approach the container and he release the virus inside the pentagram.

With Inadu completely suppress and unable to move, the virus have no difficulty to absorb her. It begin by her brain, slowly it absorb the brain, the cry of pain resonating in the laboratory until all the brain is absorb.

When it finish with the brain, the virus absorb the rest of the body much faster. After it finish the seize decrease and it begin the process of evolution.

Sammael cancel the barrier, he put back carefully the virus inside its container.

The virus will now be able to adapt to his magic, the only thing left before he can assimilate it is making it evolve again to have the capacy to integrate with his immortal side.

And he have already find the perfect specimen to complete his virus. An upgraded original vampire.