
Becoming A Monarch With My Appraisal System

After Reincarnating Alex Caesar found out that he is the heir to a weak viscount in a weak kingdom. But as a person who wants to and dreams to become an Emperor, he can't achieve his dream in the body of trash who is neither talented nor lucky. As Alex uses his Appraisal system to become strong and collect talents under him, he makes his territory the strongest in the kingdom. Watch how he climbs the ranks of nobility in hope to become the Emperor of the world one day. ******** Want more chapters donate POWER STONES.

A_fed_up_reader · Fantasy
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17 Chs


With a smug on his face, Alex started walking towards the dining table.

He saw that all the servants he saw in the way avoided him like a plague, a look of disdain and envy can be seen on their faces.

For them, a person like me with no talent, or potential is enjoying his life to the fullest by leeching off the viscount ( Alex's father) and without even working for a single second.

Alex didn't care about his image in front of the servants but he knew that the rumours spread by the servants are what actually decides the lord's reputation in the public and noble circle.

So he tried to maintain a poker face in front of the servants. Suddenly smiling at the servants will spread rumours amongst the servants about how the lord has lost his mind. So he decided to maintain a neutral face, unlike the previous Alex who just blatantly used to curse the servants upon seeing them.

Alex walked down the hallway, climbed down the stairs, and reached the grand hall.

Although it was a noble house, the looks of poverty can be seen here and there.

On the dining table was his father, his mother, patiently waiting for the food to be served.

His father was originally born a commoner and enrolled in the army at the young age of 16. He was lucky that he was able to discover an old expert's dying spot in a cave and from his space ring he was able to obtain a 6-star Mana technique.

He was also talented in swords, so after getting a Mana technique, he was able to become a Class 4 knight within a year.

Just then, a war broke out with our neighbouring kingdom.

Alex's father achieved many achievements during the war and also Awakened Aura, promoting him to Class 5 knight.

As the war ended, he became a class 6 Knight with the highest achievements in the war.

He was rewarded for his achievements with the title of viscount and a barren territory on the border of the kingdom.

Although we are a Viscount, we don't have any power in the noble circle because of our poor territory location and low income.

Many nobles look down on us for being commoners.

As Alex walked towards the table his parents noticed him, and a look of surprise and disbelief can be seen on their faces.

They stared at Alex with their eyes wide open, it looked like their eyes would pop out of their socket.

Not only has Alex come down to eat with them but also didn't shout at any servant while coming down.

"Good morning father, Good morning mother."

As Alex sat down on the table his parents regained their composure and greeted him.

After a moment of silence his mother spoke "Alex, you seem happy Today. Can you tell me what happened?"

Although his father pretended that he didn't have any interest in the conversation, He was listening attentively.

"It's actually nothing Mother, I was just laughing at myself as I realized what a jerk I have been. That bastard Bernard has been manipulating me and I didn't even notice. I became a jerk under his influence and caused you two a lot of pain. For that, I am sorry father and mother."

Originally Alex was a hardworking and loving child but he fell under the influence of Bernard when he became 12 years old. At that time Bernard was fourteen.

Under his influence, he became what he is today.

Actually, Bernard was also doing this on the orders of his father. Originally many years ago Alex's father was a commoner and used to belong to the commoner's regiment commanded by Bernard's father.

But Alex's father was lucky to find a cave near the mountains where the regiment was passing through and obtained a 6-star Mana technique. He also raised many achievements in the war later and became Bernard's father's senior and a Viscount even above the position of Bernard's father who was a Baron.

Even our territory is adjacent to theirs so we often meet Bernard's family.

"S-Son, what are you-" his Father wanted to ask but was interrupted by Alex's mother who sprung from her seat and hugged Alex quickly.

For just a simple apology to make his parents so happy, only now did Alex realize how much of a jerk of a son the original Alex has been.

Although his father was surprised and wanted to know the reason behind Alex's sudden realization when they were trying to explain to Alex for years about his true self of Bernard and even then he didn't understand.

But Alex's father decided not to ask about it, for him making sure that he truly breaks his contact with Bernard was important before Alex changes his mind.

" So what are you planning to do now?" His father asked," How do you plan to get rid of that bastard Bernard? If you want I can simply stop him from coming to meet you, I couldn't do that in the past as you threatened to leave home if I did. "

"Yes Father, please do so. Right now I want to focus on training to become stronger and I don't have time for anything else. "

While speaking this Alex noticed that his father wasn't looking at his face and was looking towards his mother so he quickly used appraisal on his father.

Richard Caesar, 36

*Traits :

Leadership: 85/93

Wisdom: 50/65

Politics: 65/82

Business: 45/52

*Aptitudes :

Infantry: S


Bow: C

Magic: C

other talent: none

special talent: none

After seeing the status, everything was within Alex's range of expectations.

Of course, since he used to command his own regiment after awakening aura during the war, Alex had already guessed that he must have high leadership.

His intelligence and strategy-making skills being low was a surprise to Alex as he thought that his father had won many battles during the war by planning meticulously and using new strategies but it seems his father won just because of raw strength by directly crushing the enemy instead of using his brain.

His low business skills were definitely known by everyone around here, as that can be seen from our sorry state.

His low politics was acceptable seeing that one of the strongest swordsmen of the kingdom, a class 7 Knight had practically no power in the royal court.

Since his Father was currently a Class 7 knight, It was clear that he had an S rank aptitude or higher in the infantry.

'If I can find such a high talent even in my home after just waking up, just how much talent can I find if I walk in the streets of the city.' Alex thought to himself.

"Father, mother, from now on I will spend my time training in the training fields and I also wish for a large amount of money as I wish to invest in some businesses and recruit some subordinates."

His father was shocked after listening to Alex's request. A thought came to his mind but he didn't show it on his face. He readily agreed to his son's request.

With this, the conversation was over and the servants started serving food.

While they were conversing many servants brought food from the kitchen and started serving it while listening to their conversations.

The rumours had already spread about how young master Alex didn't harass even a single servant while coming down from his room to the dining table but after listening to their conversations, the servants realized just how much Alex had changed for good.

This was the start of his life in a new world and the end of his boring and peaceful life.

( to be continued )


Hello readers, with this chapter we have crossed 4000 words and soon the book will be eligible for voting power stones so please help me and Donate power stones and give me motivation to write more chapters and keep up with a constant release rate.