
Chapter Twenty-four_ Girls out (1)

Anne's POV.

I yawned and opened my eyes slowly adjusting it to the brightness of the sun. I sat down but was weighed back down by a hand on my waist.

Then i realized that i wasn't alone on my bed,i turned to look at a masculine features on my bed.

I thought that i slept with Amelia.

Where the f*ck is she?.

I gently removed the hair from the person face and saw that it was master.

My heart skipped a beat,paused for a second before going wild.

What was Master doing here?.

I didn't have time to get answers to my questions but i have to move away from his iron grip.

I held his arm and gently raised it making sure that i didn't make a single noise.

I didn't even know that i was holding my breath until Master tightened his grip and snapped his beautiful eyes open.

I paused, lied back on the bed and closed my eyes pretending to be asleep.

In the next moment, i felt irregular breathing on my nape,i slowly opened my eyes and saw that Master head was on my neck.

My stomach suddenly felt like it have a lot of butterflies fluttering inside,i felt different emotions that i've never felt before.

What was he doing to my body?

He raised his head and rested it on mine,i gulped loudly"M_ma_master, please get up"i stuttered trying my best not to sound excited.

I really wanted to see what he's going to do with me.

It couldn't be that am falling for my Master?

"Good morning to you too"he said with sacarsm.

"Good morning master"i said.

"Seeing them up close makes it look bigger".

My brows creased in confusion,then i felt a strong hand on my boobs. It took me time to register that the hand belongs to my Master.

"Ahhhhh"I screamed in shock but he didn't stop and looked at it like it's an important exam that was difficult to figure out.

"Is this like a 32B"i blushed in shame and embarrassment and the worst part was that he was right. I wanted the ground to swallow me whole.

"Master,can you please let go?"

He smirked"And why is that?".

I felt like am going to die from shame"It's so uncomfortable"I said half honest.

"But you don't feel uncomfortable when Mason does it to you"he suddenly tightened his grip and my eyes wet in pain.

"No...no... he has never done it before"i said.

"Just remember that you're mine and mine alone. I don't share what's mine"he gave it a last squeeze before standing up and heading outside.

What does he mean by mine and mine alone?.

God,am overthinking it.

He may be saying it because am his maid, that maybe the reason he's so possessive. I shouldn't overthink it or i may get broken again.

I need to bury this new found feeling before it grows but this perverted boss is making this hard.

I could still feel his hands on my boobs,he made me feel what Mason has never made me feel.

I shook my head,i need to stop thinking about Mason. He's just a jerk and a lying asshole.

I went to the bathroom,took a short bath and came out meeting Amelia in my room.

I was used to it with my sister back at home,so i walked to the closet"Good morning"i said and brought out another pair of uniform.

I'll have to do laundry maybe tommorow.

"I'm sorry about my brother. I woke up and saw that you haven't woken up yet and decided not to wake you up but he suddenly came inside and sent me and i seriously had no choice"she explained and i nodded understanding.

He could be overbearing at times.

"To make it up to you, I'll take you out today. Just a girls outing"she says and i opened my mouth to refuse"You can't refuse cause i told brother about it"she added.

"Don't wear that. Wear something fancier and more eye-catching"she said and stood up to my wardrobe, she clicked her tongue.

I couldn't tell if she was disappointed.


Few minutes later,i have to admit that Amelia got a good eye,she gave me a mini skirt that i never knew i had and a crop top with a short denim jacket.

Then she gave me her long black leather boots,with my hair in a high ponytail. I totally look like a sexy seductress, infact i was impressed by my looks.

I heard Amelia whistle and felt her stare from my head to my toe"Am sure that looking this sexy is against the law. What are you trying to do, make all the guys commit a sin"Her words were so flattering and i wondered how my master would be when he sees me like this.

"Wait for me downstairs,let me get ready"Amelia said and then bolted out of the room. I went downstairs and found the four men sitting on the couch,all busy doing various things but when the click of my boots were heard,they all looked up and stared at me.

Their gaze were too intense that i felt like they were stripping me with their eyes.

My boss stood up but before he could speak, Lucas beat him to it"Wow,you look hot,I have to admit. Are you single?,if yes,we should definitely hook up"he said with an exclaimed voice,i blushed and looked down.