
Chapter Twenty-five_Girls out (2)

Third person POV.

Ryan casts a deadly glare at Lucas but the poor guy didn't seem to notice and continued flattering Joanna"But am older than you"Joanna said.

Lucas shrugged and said"Even if you're a year or two years older than me,it doesn't matter as long as we like each other. Don't you know that age is just a number?"Joanna was flattered and he continued"When you're standing by me,i usually think that you're younger than me and am pretty sure that people will say that too".

"Lucas, I think that you're tired of being idle. You're to begin work tomorrow and to start your first month by working overtime"Ryan said with displeasure.

Lucas who had come back to his senses face was filled with panic"But brother..."Ryan didn't speak again, his face was resolute and showed no sign of answering.

Lucas turned to his other brothers for help,Alex on his own didn't care,his face was as cold as ever while Ezekiel sneered and whisphered"You should have known better than hitting on his woman".

Ryan walked to Joanna and held her chin making her face closer to his"Tell me why you were blushing at his words". Joanna was confused,why does he sound like Mason whenever he was jealous.

Why do you like to overthink, She thinks. He doesn't like you, you're just his maid and nothing more.

She cautioned herself in her mind and spoke"because he was complimenting me likewise if you compliment me,its natural that i'll blush"She made sure to chose her words properly for fear of upsetting him.

His eyes darkened and his grip on her chin got stronger, she wondered what she had done to upset him. Why was he angry now, she asks herself.

"Does that mean that whenever you get complimented by other men, you'll blush for them too?".

Joanna wanted to nod but her instincts told her that it won't end well for her so she immediately shook her head in denial.

"Of course not,i won't blush for anyone"he was pleased by her words and let her go, Joanna heaved a sigh of relief moving two steps away from Ryan.

Ryan who noticed this slight move pinched between his brows"Tell Amy that you guys should be back before dusk"he said then walked to the garden with a pensive look.

Soon after half an hour of waiting, Amelia finally came downstairs in a dazzling golden gown,it really complimented her flawless skin.

When she came downstairs, she twirled around the dinning room with a smile"How do i look?".

However Lucas who was the one with the sharp mouth kept quiet and his eyes fixated on the food he wasn't eating.

After getting a punishment from his brother,he wasn't willing to cross over his sister so he kept quiet and decided not to speak.

Alexander glanced at Ezekiel and without battling an eyelid, he said"You look beautiful"he said those words with different emotions and with different meanings.

Ezekiel gripped his spoon hard,the steel slowly pierced his palm and droplets of blood seeped out.

"Thank you Alex, we'll get going. Tell my brother we've gone"she said with a slight chuckle, grabbed Joanna's arm and left with her. "Amy, Your brother said we should be back before dusk"Amelia waved her hands.

"Such a killjoy"She said and they both bolted into the car.

"Where are we going?".

"Having some fun time with my friends"Joanna nodded but secretly she clenched her fists.

What was Amelia going to introduce her as,is it as a maid or her friend, she thinks.

She wouldn't be able to bear the humiliation, Joanna was sure that Amelia's friends were all from prominent backgrounds that could make people shiver just from the mere call of their names.

Although Joanna still doesn't know who Amelia's family are or what they did for a living but from their aura and their behavior,they look like someone a person couldn't manage to offend. Being a maid was not something Joanna had imagined,it was so sudden and at that time she was at a vulnerable state and wasn't able to think properly and didn't know when she had volunteered to walk into the lion's den.

"We're here"Amelia said with a smile, she alighted from the car and Joanna followed with uneasiness probably because it has been almost three weeks she hasn't been able to be outside or see the outside world.

She really wants to leave to see her sister but was that possible with Amelia here.