Jack Smith had lived his life to the fullest and was content with it. That was until he was given the choice to reincarnate into a world of his choice, a chance to become a God. Schedule: Tuesday to Thursday - Nothing(Studies) Friday to Monday - One Chapter at least Patreon Link, just look at my page. i will be introducing benefits and such in the future over there, so come check it out. thank you for reading this far. https://www.patreon.com/chaos_empyrean follow me on these socials: TikTok: http://vm.tiktok.com/eS7M2L/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/damanhans99 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daman_1699/?hl=en Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnXHf7sds1GwjIfEj3G_Umw?view_as=subscriber
``Finally it ended!!'' Jack was currently recovering from having taken birth into the new world. It was probably one of if not the most scariest thing he had ever experienced but soon that feeling of horror went away and excitement washed over him as he remembered the events during before he had been born, his meeting with a God and his chance to ascend to Godhood as well. Then suddenly it hit him, not another feeling someone actually hit him in his butt, ``Fu*ck you! How insensitive do you have to be to hit a baby. Fu*ck you! I am not crying!'' but he was and all the outside world could hear was a baby's cries. Jack had continued to spew forth insults for a while but he was a newborn baby and soon sleepiness washed over him and the feeling of warmth and safety in his mother's arms led him to doze off.
``Oh My God! How cute is my son!'' A man in the hospital ward had just entered the ward and shouted in excitement at seeing the sleeping baby in his Wife's arms. It was only when a fruit hit him in the face that he realized his wife glaring daggers at him before throwing another fruit at her Husband. ``Sorry! Sorry! Please don't hit me!'' looking at the pleading man who had finally learned to quieten down, the wife finally stopped. The Husband slowly stood up and approached his wife and baby, looking over at both of them, a feeling of love and relief washed over him. Looking at her Husband's eyes filled with love, the wife held his hand and spoke to him in a hushed but excited voice, ``We have a child Arthur, we have a child!.'' Arthur responded in the same hushed but excited tone, ``Yes We Do Emily!! Yes we do! I love the both of you so much!'' Both of them were excited and looked over at their newborn son with a loving feeling. Even the sleeping Jack felt it and smiled in his sleep causing the couple to further fall in love their child. After a while, the couple finally looked up and started to talk again.
``What should we name him Emily? I have a few ideas..'' before he could even go further, the smile on his wife's face caused Arthur to stop in his tracks. Even if He Who Shall Not Be Named was before him, Arthur could honestly say, he wouldn't be as afraid. ``He already has your last name, I will decide his first name, understood?'' Arthur could only nod but he honestly felt the need to stand up and salute and say, `Yes, Mam!'. ``So what did you have in mind?'' Arthur wasn't surprised or even mad, he knew his wife and loved her with all his heart, a name was not something that would cause them to break apart. ``I thought of Jack, Jack Williams.'' Arthur was happy with the name, it had no special meaning or anything but it was his son's name, one that had been chosen by his wife and he was delighted. The couple chatted for a bit more before Emily too had to go to sleep, meanwhile Arthur stood up and reinforced the magic enchantments around the ward, even with the modified `Fidelius Charm' in place, Arthur wanted to be prepared. With the Dark Lord still out there, he didn't want to take any chances.
But a few days later, he received news from his friends within the Order of Phoenix, ``The dark Lord is dead. He went to kill James and Lilly's son but died mysteriously after killing the couple. Miraculously the baby survived with nothing but a scar on his forehead.'' Although Arthur wanted to be happy that the Dark Lord was dead, the sadness from losing his friends washed over him and prevented him from smiling much less celebrating. Slowly he lost control and started to cry sitting there in the ward. ``Arthur, what happened? Are you okay? Arthur!'' only when his wife shouted a little did he look up with a grief stricken face and said, ``the Dark Lord died but he took James and Lilly with him.'' The smile that was about to form on Emily's face vanished and was replaced by shock which turned into sadness and tears.
They had been good friends with James and Lilly and some of the other members of the `Order of the Phoenix' but Arthur refused to join because he didn't want to place Emily in danger. They had gone to Hogwarts together, he was one of the reasons, James stopped bullying Snape. Although he was at odds against the others for standing up for Snape, they slowly came around. He had met Emily at Hogwarts and they had both fallen in love at the first sight. Although he didn't join the Order, He had helped out every chance he got. Over the course of time, all of them developed deep bonds such that they would die for each other. before they could spiral further into the darkness and their thoughts of murder and revenge, Jack's cries drew their attention and his smile washed over them like a warm and holy light.
Jack had felt their thoughts and was saddened as well but he knew that if they went now, they would most likely get hurt or die. Although Voldemort had lost his physical form for now, his followers, the Death Eaters were lashing out and were out of control. He had to become the reason for them to stay, he didn't want to lose his parents ever much less when he was just a baby. Couple of days passed and Arthur heard about their friend's son Harry and how he was living with his Muggle relatives. ``Arthur! You heard Lilly how her sister felt about magic. Even when she went to meet her, they refused to even open the door. If it was me, I would have blasted the door open and turned them into rodents!'' Emily's words were a surprise for Jack, he had only felt love and kindness from her but this ferociousness that would make a lioness bow in shame was something new. ``Don't worry sweetheart, we won't be leaving him there on his own. Although we couldn't help them, we won't let their son be mistreated.'' Arthur's conviction and quick thinking made Jack proud of his father but all that went in the drain when he saw him getting beaten with fruit for being too loud.
After a month in the hospital, they left. `More like Kicked out!' if the parents could hear their son's thought they would blush in shame. Their shouts had been too much for their neighbours, who held back their complaints for a while but it was too much. Arthur and Emily had spiralled once again after hearing about Sirius's betrayal, this time, Jack had to smile and giggle even while feeling sadness around him, all just to bring his parents back from the edge of madness. `You Are Supposed to Be Looking After Me!' shouting in his head for a while Jack went to sleep with exhaustion. Luckily, Arthur went away to buy a house on Privet Drive and returned to take them to their new home.
Author: Thanks for reading.