

John Keynes bound tyrant system. Open the novice spree and get the superhuman black hole fruit. Kill Shichibukai Moria and gain high-level armament. Conquer Cavendish and gain high-level arrogance. Kill the rebel pursuers and gain domineering power. Returning to the country for revenge, succeeded as king, and obtained the swordsmanship of the great swordsman. Conquer the giant pirate group, get the six-style training method of the navy, and increase the physique tenfold. …… With the help of the system, John Keynes became stronger and stronger, surpassing the Admiral and the Four Emperors. Attack all countries, destroy the four emperors, unify the four seas, and establish a new holy land!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 72 Opposing the Whitebeard Pirates?

"It's useless, it's too late to do anything now.

Crane Vice Admiral said with a sigh.

"Admiral himself led the Buster Call and could not shake Keynes's dominance, and Marine's further troops would have no effect."

After Vice Admiral of Crane finished speaking, the conference room fell into a dead silence, and many senior Marine executives were speechless at Vice Admiral's words.

Admiral led the forces of Buster Call, Marine's highest military operation (except for Summit War).

This kind of force can't defeat Keynes, what else can be done against Keynes?

Is it possible to get three Admirals to go together?

This is impossible.

Marine has three Admirals, one guards the New World, one guards the Naval Headquarters, and one guards the Holy Land Mariejois.

Unless there are special circumstances, the three Admiral are divided to perform tasks.

It is absolutely impossible for three Admirals to go out against one person at the same time.

If Marine's three Admirals come out, the Naval Headquarters and Mariejois' power will be empty, which is absolutely not allowed.

"That's what the people above mean, Keynes is already full of wings, and it's not appropriate for Marine to have a head-on confrontation with him now.

"We can only express regret for what happened to the New World countries.

Sengoku shook his head.

"Marine doesn't do anything, is he going to watch as Keynes's power grows stronger?"

Vice Admiral Ghost Spider said unwillingly.

"No, it is to wait for the opportunity."

Crane Vice Admiral said calmly.

Saying that, an adjutant behind her posted a chart on the blackboard in the conference room.

"This is the Kingdom of Caro and the surrounding waters."

The adjutant looked at the chart and introduced: "There are only 26 islands that are close to the Kingdom of Keynes and easy to rule."

(Keynes has 27 on his chart because he moved an island of Greenia, which is not recorded on Marine's chart.)

"After Keynes rules these 26 islands and the surrounding waters, his territory will be close to that of the New World Whitebeard Pirates."

In the Marine conference room, the adjutant pointed to the chart and said, "If Keynes wants to go further, there will be friction with the Whitebeard Pirates."

"The meaning of the Holy Land is to pit Keynes against the Whitebeard Pirates of the New World, and use the power of the Four Emperors to get rid of Keynes."

"The Whitebeard Pirates and Keynes fight, no matter who wins or loses, and what the outcome is, both sides are bound to lose both sides. At that time, Marine's chance will come."

Many Marine executives nodded secretly.

If things can really develop as it is now said, it is naturally the best.

Between evil forces, dog bites dog, Marine is the best choice to take advantage of the fisherman.

"Let Marine, who is stationed in the Parthian Kingdom, withdraw."

At this moment, Sengoku spoke suddenly.

"At this point, there is no point in being there anymore, Marine's recent losses have been so great that there is no need to increase casualties.

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

Tsuru Vice Admiral nodded, agreeing with Sengoku.

The Parthian Kingdom, like the Morsu Kingdom, is a world conquering country.

Marine's withdrawal at this time meant giving up the allied country and showing their helplessness towards Keynes.

The distant New World, the island where the Parthian kingdom is located.

Marine at the base immediately withdrew from the kingdom after receiving the order from the headquarters.

On the second day, Enel arrived with Weibull.

– Such as the Morsu Kingdom that was destroyed before.

In just one day, the Parthian kingdom fell.

The king, royal family, and nobles of the Parthian Kingdom were all killed, and the Kingdom Guard lost more than half.

The heroic unicorn flag fluttered in the wind, announcing the arrival of the new master of the kingdom.

After the collapse of the two world members, Enel turned his attention to the three non-world members.

First the kingdom of Trotas, then the kingdom of Jodrol and the kingdom of Abia.

In a total of ten days, Enel wiped out five countries around the Caro Empire.

Because his speed was too fast, it also caused the subsequent Carroti Guards to have no time to receive the newly captured territory.

After all, not everyone can fly from the sky like Enel.

The soldiers of the escort had to travel to various countries on warships, ranging from one or two days to three or four days, and their physical strength was not as strong as that of Enel, so they could not persist in continuous cross-border battles.

When Enel destroyed the five kingdoms, the five pirate groups under Keynes also began to split up and seize the remaining twenty islands without national sovereignty.

There are only ordinary civilian towns on some islands, and there is no need to start a war at all, just go to the island and plant the Carlo Di unicorn flag.

Some islands are occupied by pirates or killers. After a great war, five captains including Helding Alpha ruled the island by force.

Those who did not surrender were mercilessly killed.

Those who are willing to surrender will be annexed and subdued.

In the blink of an eye, two months later, the 27 islands around the Kahlo Kingdom have all been planted with the unicorn flag of the Kahlo Kingdom.

The 27 islands are connected into a huge sea, and now there is only one owner, the killing tyrant John Keynes.

Kahlo Palace, Genting Sky Garden.

Keynes was seated on the throne, and two beautiful maids were waiting for him.

One poured wine for him, the other massaged him.

Suddenly, the electronic sound of the system sounded.

"Ding, it is detected that the Host has captured 27 islands around the Karodi Sea, unified all the sea areas around the Karo Emperor Kingdom, and has completed the only empire task. Do you want to receive the reward?"

Keynes remained calm, waved his hand and said, "You guys step back first.

"Yes, Your Majesty.

The maid obeyed the order, saluted respectfully, and exited the Genting Sky Garden.

","System, receive rewards. "

"Heh, congratulations to the Host for completing the only empire mission and getting the Armament Haki release. The reward is being distributed, and the distribution is complete."

The electronic sound of the system ended, and a force appeared out of nowhere in Keynes and traveled throughout his body.

After absorbing this power, Keynes felt that his Armament Haki had evolved again, and he naturally mastered the Armament Haki external skills.

Keynes raised his palm, and Armament Haki poured out like water, covering the entire palm and the outside of the hand hall.


Keynes slapped the palm of his hand, and the invisible Armament Haki burst out like a wall, smashing a huge barbell in front of him into powder.

The huge barbell was used by Enel and others for exercise. The whole body was made of fine iron and was very hard.

However, under the attack of Keynes, it was beaten into powder like tofu.

Armament Haki's attack power far exceeds that of ordinary winding and hardening. With this skill, Keynes's strength has been increased.

His attack methods can also be more bizarre.

Just then, Chancellor Randall walked into the garden and came to Keynes to salute.

"Consult (the king's) plus His Majesty the King."

"Get up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Randall got up and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the 27 islands have been fully subdued, but the troops left behind on each island are already insufficient, do you want to expand the army?

"I have asked Badgers and Cavendish to handle this matter. The kingdom is recruiting troops, and the enthusiasm of the people to join the army is very high."

Keynes said calmly: "There are also the original guards of the five kingdoms, if there are surrenders, they can also be used.

In addition, "With the pirates who recently joined the Caro Empire, and with them, there should be enough troops."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Randall said respectfully, admiring Keynes' vision.