

John Keynes bound tyrant system. Open the novice spree and get the superhuman black hole fruit. Kill Shichibukai Moria and gain high-level armament. Conquer Cavendish and gain high-level arrogance. Kill the rebel pursuers and gain domineering power. Returning to the country for revenge, succeeded as king, and obtained the swordsmanship of the great swordsman. Conquer the giant pirate group, get the six-style training method of the navy, and increase the physique tenfold. …… With the help of the system, John Keynes became stronger and stronger, surpassing the Admiral and the Four Emperors. Attack all countries, destroy the four emperors, unify the four seas, and establish a new holy land!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 58 Conquering the Fire Dragon as a Mount

The volcano in the center of the island erupted.

A large amount of magma erupted from the crater, igniting the forest around the volcano, setting off a monstrous fire.

Countless beasts began to flee, and giant birds several meters in length also fled to the sky.

"This island is really similar to Prehistoric island."

Keynes saw not only tigers, lions and elephants, but also dinosaurs among the fleeing beasts.

And the size of the dinosaurs here is very large, it is like an upgraded species.


Suddenly, a deafening roar came from inside the volcano.

With the roar, the volcano erupted again, and a large amount of volcanic lava erupted from the crater.

The beasts on the island seemed to have seen something more terrifying than the volcano, and their escape speed increased again.

"That's interesting."

Keynes' eyes were fixed on the volcano beneath him.

Under his Observation Haki perception, there is actually the breath of a beast inside the volcano.

And the breath is very strong, almost comparable to the big pirates of New World who offer a reward of 300 million to 400 million.

Keynes' Observation Haki was firmly on the scent of the beast as it approached the crater.

Finally, with a magma eruption, the beast flew out from the crater.

That's a fire dragon!

The dragon's body is more than twenty meters long, its wingspan is more than thirty meters, and its whole body is burning with flames.

The hot magma flowed on it, but it couldn't hurt it in the slightest, as if it were bath water.


The fire dragon let out a roar, and a pillar of fire spit out from its mouth, extending more than 100 meters.

Large tracts of virgin forest were burned, and countless beasts were burned to ashes on the spot.

The fire dragon hovered over the island, as if to declare that this was its territory, that it was the overlord of the island.

"There shouldn't be any fire dragons in the One Piece world, right?"

Keynes frowned. He knew that there were many races in the One Piece world, and all kinds of strange creatures.

But fire dragons should be creatures that exist in fantasy, especially like this fire dragon with flames burning all over its body, which is more terrifying and domineering than the fire dragon imagined by Keynes.

(There are two fire dragons in Punk Hazard, but they are both made by Vegapunk.)


Suddenly, the dragon noticed the existence of Keynes.

The huge wings shook and flew towards Keynes.

"Interesting, do you want to fight with me?"

Keynes knew that beasts were territorial.

This fire dragon is obviously the overlord of this island.

And when Keynes broke into the island, he invaded its territory and acted as a provocation to it.

"Weibull, play around on the island by yourself, and I'll be right back."

After he finished speaking, Keynes turned into a black streamer and shot towards the fire dragon.

The distance of thousands of meters was approaching in an instant, and Keynes appeared on the top of the fire dragon's head, suddenly drew his sword, and slashed down.

A huge flying slash burst out of the air and hit the back of the fire dragon.

I saw that the flames on the fire dragon were split by the slash, but the slash was blocked by the scales of the fire dragon!

"What a strong defense!"

Keynes was secretly surprised.

This sword, he did not use Armament Haki, is an attack released only by physical strength and swordsmanship.

But with his swordsmanship at the level of a great swordsman and monster-level power, the power of this sword is enough to split a hill or a meteorite.

Even if it is a pirate with a reward of 200 to 300 million, as long as there is no Armament Haki, it will be killed in seconds.

But this fire dragon was unscathed, and its defensive power was evident.


The fire dragon roared, and the huge eyes exuded the fierceness of humanity, and its wisdom was not low.

The dragon's mouth opened wide, and a huge pillar of fire spewed at Keynes.

The terrifying heat had dried the air around Keynes before the flames could come.


Keynes slashed diagonally with the knife, and the flying slash burst out of the air, tearing the flames apart.

Then the figure flickered, disappeared directly, and appeared on the back of the fire dragon.

"I want to see how hard your dragon scales are!"

Keynes held the black knife in his hand, and Armament Haki stretched out, covering the blade.


The sword light flashed, faster than lightning.

At the moment when the flying slash appeared, it had already traveled through space and slashed on the back of the fire dragon.

puff! ! ! !

The dragon scales shattered and blood splattered.

The fire dragon let out a wailing and fell from the sky.

However, it didn't hit the ground.

When there were still more than ten meters from the ground, the fire dragon stopped the downward trend.

The dragon wings waved violently and rose into the sky again.

Keynes saw that the huge wound on the dragon's back was healing fast, and new scales were growing quickly.

This fire dragon is not only terrifying in terms of destructive power, but also extremely powerful in defense, and even has a very strong self-healing ability.

"Very well, that's how it is!"

Keynes was delighted to see the hunter, and he wanted to take the fire dragon as a mount.

First, this fire dragon is extremely powerful, and if it can be subdued, it will be a very good one.

Second, with a fire dragon as a mount, he doesn't need to fly by himself every time he travels.

Determined to pay attention, Keynes's eyes flashed coldly, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

call out!

The black light flashed, and Keynes disappeared instantly, appearing in front of the huge head of the fire dragon.

Keynes' eyes met Fire Dragon's, his pupils shrank, and Conqueror's Haki exploded in an instant.


An invisible momentum swept out with Keynes as the center, and the fire dragon bore the brunt of the momentum.

Conqueror's Haki is the best way to conquer the beast.

The beasts have no resistance to Conqueror's Haki and are inherently weak.

Although this fire dragon is strong, it is also a first-class beast, and it also has this disadvantage.

The fire dragon was attacked by Conqueror's, with humanoid fear in its pupils, and it fluttered back unconsciously.

Keynes chased after the victory, appeared high above the dragon's head, and slashed down.