

John Keynes bound tyrant system. Open the novice spree and get the superhuman black hole fruit. Kill Shichibukai Moria and gain high-level armament. Conquer Cavendish and gain high-level arrogance. Kill the rebel pursuers and gain domineering power. Returning to the country for revenge, succeeded as king, and obtained the swordsmanship of the great swordsman. Conquer the giant pirate group, get the six-style training method of the navy, and increase the physique tenfold. …… With the help of the system, John Keynes became stronger and stronger, surpassing the Admiral and the Four Emperors. Attack all countries, destroy the four emperors, unify the four seas, and establish a new holy land!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 28 New Giants Pirates


With a loud bang, the wall burst.

A dark figure jumped out from behind the wall and appeared behind Keynes.

"Boy, you're finished!"

The man, a shirtless, muscular man with spiked gloves on his hands, smashed Keynes in the head.

"Not good! Let that idiot Uther take the lead."

"This bastard!"

"Another over-the-top idiot is dying."

People in the town reacted differently, some watching a good show, some gloating, and the despicableness of human nature was vividly reflected.


Keynes struck like a lightning bolt, coming first, choking Uther's head before his fist fell.

With a firm grip with five fingers, with a click, Uther's neck was directly twisted.

Throwing the corpse on the ground, Keynes remained expressionless as he continued toward the depths of the town.

It was quiet along the way, and the guys on the sidelines dared not release a trace of malice again.

Uther is a pirate with good strength, and he is somewhat famous in Corosas.

But in Keynes' hands, he was as weak as an ant.

Those who can crush Uther to death at will, are naturally not the ones who can provoke them.


The island of Corosas is not big, and the Giant Soldier Pirates are a very obvious target.

Keynes soon found them on the coast on the other side of Corosas.

However, the Giant Soldier Pirates are fighting.

Their opponent is a group of human traffickers.

In Keynes' view, human traffickers are just as evil as pirates.

But unfortunately, Marine doesn't go out of his way to hunt down the traffickers.

Because the human traffickers are backed by the Celestial Dragons and nobles, who are the largest slave users.

As long as the Celestial Dragons and the nobles don't fall, the trade of human traffickers will never die.

There are also strong people among the traffickers, otherwise they would not dare to capture those special ethnic groups.

For example, the female warriors of the Nine Snakes, the Giants, and the Murlocs of Daughters Island are all very powerful races, and it can be said that everyone is a warrior.

But the traffickers can still catch the people of these races and take them to the auction house for auction.

Keynes saw that there were a total of five slave ships that rounded up the Giant Soldiers Pirates, with a total of three or four hundred people.

Three or four hundred people swarmed up, guns fired in unison, and the five giants were shot as living targets.

Although giants are huge and tough, they have innate advantages.

But this is also a disadvantage.

Their movement speed is too slow.

In front of the strong, they are living targets and can only be beaten passively.

However, this group of traffickers obviously did not have the strength to hunt the new giant pirates.

The five giants launched a fierce attack, and Helding could smash a dozen people into flesh with one punch.

A group of traffickers can be trampled to death with just one foot.

The gang of human traffickers also wanted to use iron nets to restrict the giant's movements, but it was torn to shreds by Helding.

The gangs of human traffickers were losing ground, and they were soon beaten and fled.

"The strong can indeed capture giants, but not everyone can capture giants."

"A bunch of idiots who are self-sufficient."

Keynes shook his head and pointed his finger at the five slave ships fleeing at sea.

call out!

A small black hole shoots out of the fingertip, hitting a slave ship with precision.


A loud bang.

The giant Great Fireball generated by the explosion was hundreds of meters in diameter, and devoured all five slave ships at the same time.

Hundreds of famous traffickers instantly turned to ashes and disappeared.


The five giants who were chasing the gang of human traffickers were stunned.

The many pirates and bounty hunters who were hiding and watching the battle were all taken aback.

This kind of attack is simply too terrifying, but not everyone can do it.

Someone noticed Keynes hovering in mid-air and backed away quietly.

No matter what happens next, it's always a good idea to leave this place of right and wrong early.

The five giants also apparently discovered Keynes' existence.

"Who are you? Why are you helping us?"

Helding asked.

Although Keynes helped them, the five giants did not let their guard down.

There will be no unprovoked kindness in the sea, and most of the people who give their trust casually have died with no bones left.

(Introduction to the members of the New Giants Pirates:

Helding: Captain, the weapon is a shield.

Gerd: Ship doctor, giantess, samurai is a big axe.

Rhodes: Navigator, the weapon is a broadsword.

Gold Barger: Chef, the weapons are a mace and a shield.

Statham: Boatsmith, the weapon is a sledgehammer. )

"I didn't plan to help you, I just wiped out a few unsightly ants."

Keynes floated down from the sky, hovering where Helding's head was.

Helding is 22 meters tall, while Keynes is only 3.1 meters.

Talk to Helding, don't stand on the ground, or you won't even be able to see his face anywhere.

"You're also a trafficker, and you're here to arrest us?"

"Or the pirate hunter, who came to take my head?"

The five giants took an alert posture, ready to strike at any time.

"Don't worry, I'm not a trafficker, and I'm not interested in your head."

Keynes crossed his arms and said coldly, "I need a few strong subordinates. I heard that the New Giant Pirates have some strength, so let's take a look."

"You want to recruit us?"

Helding laughed, very loudly, but then showed anger again.

"Little devil, you are too arrogant!"

"What do you mean by being a giant? You are insulting the glory of the giants!"

Helding slammed Keynes with his fist, but before the fist could reach it, the hurricane had already set off.

call out!

Keynes disappeared in an instant, appearing next to Halding's head, his fists pitch black.

"It's not that I'm arrogant, it's the truth!"

Keynes punched Helding in the face.
