

John Keynes bound tyrant system. Open the novice spree and get the superhuman black hole fruit. Kill Shichibukai Moria and gain high-level armament. Conquer Cavendish and gain high-level arrogance. Kill the rebel pursuers and gain domineering power. Returning to the country for revenge, succeeded as king, and obtained the swordsmanship of the great swordsman. Conquer the giant pirate group, get the six-style training method of the navy, and increase the physique tenfold. …… With the help of the system, John Keynes became stronger and stronger, surpassing the Admiral and the Four Emperors. Attack all countries, destroy the four emperors, unify the four seas, and establish a new holy land!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 118 Killing Weapons Beyond Pacifists

It's been a week in the blink of an eye.

The battle between Akainu and Qingzhi has come to an end, but the aftermath of the battle is still spreading around the world and intensifying.

Countless people are talking about this war, and it's the best talk in the world right now.

At the same time, the army under Keynes began to be dispatched.

The expansion war of the Caro Empire has broken out again!

The Genting Sky Garden of the Royal Palace, Keynes is sitting on the throne, in front of a huge screen.

Enel, Badgers, and Cavendish have returned from Punkhaza Island, and are looking at the screen in front of them at the moment.

On the other side of the screen, is the Kingdom of Hollandon, one of the famous powers of the New World.

There are more than half a million troops in the country, and they can repel the invasion of foreign pirates without relying on Marines.

(Alabasta has millions of troops, so the number of troops varies.)

This is the country that the Carlo Empire will attack this time, and the leaders are Judge and Marco.

The entire process of the war was transmitted to the Karo Empire through the video phone bug, allowing Keynes to see the details of the scene.

On the screen, Judge led Germa's army to the port of Dun in the Kingdom of Holland.

First, with a round of artillery bombardment, Germa's army directly broke through the port army defense of Hollandon Kingdom.

The clone troopers then transported huge iron cages to the port.

After opening the iron cage, a huge beast wearing only a collar broke out of the cage and let out a loud roar.

A giant tiger with three heads, eight giant lions with strong claws, a monitor lizard covered in hard scales, and a giant snake with two heads and a diameter of more than ten meters.

Each beast is more than five times larger than ordinary beasts, and the ferocious throat aura emanating from its body is trembling.

A full twenty beasts were dropped into the port of Hollandon Kingdom, causing the civilians in the port to flee in fear.

This is the latest upgraded beast that Judge has cultivated with 10. The level of brutality and ferocity is even greater than before, but Judge has the means to control them.

The collars around the necks of the beasts are what makes them obedient.

At this moment, the smoke of gunpowder filled the distance.

The main force of the Kingdom of Hollandon finally arrived.

Judge stood on the bow and pressed a button in his hand.

The collar on the neck of the beast immediately made a sharp electronic sound.

When stimulated by the electronic sound, the twenty beasts became even more violent.

They all rushed towards the Horanton Kingdom army ahead.

The three giant tigers jumped and jumped directly to a distance of 100 meters.

The high-rise buildings under his feet were smashed by it, and huge footprints were also stepped on the ground.

Three giant tigers rushed into the army, and immediately tore a gap in the army.

The giant tiger's claws slashed and sent dozens of soldiers flying out.

The armor of the soldier who was recruited shattered, his internal organs and bones were all shattered, and he died immediately.

The giant tiger's tail swept away like a long iron whip used by flying, directly smashing dozens of soldiers into a pool of mud.

Countless soldiers slashed, shot, and fired cannons.

Countless bullets and shells hit the giant tiger, but they couldn't hurt a single hair on it.

The sword and spear pierced through the giant tiger, and the sword broke instead.

The terrifying combat and defensive power of the giant tiger made the soldiers of the Kingdom of Hollandon desperate.

Three giant tigers rushed into the army to kill wantonly, and in just a moment, hundreds of soldiers died tragically under its claws.

At the same time, giant lions, monitor lizards, giant snakes and other ferocious beasts also rushed into the battlefield and launched a ruthless slaughter.

The proud escort of the Kingdom of Hollandon collapsed after just one encounter.

The 30,000 vanguard troops were like ants with their arms as chariots, but within half an hour, they were trampled to death by twenty beasts.

Even the knight commander of the vanguard army who once killed 100 million pirates was bitten off half of his body by three giant tigers and died tragically on the spot!

The fighting power of these beasts has far surpassed the pirates who offered a bounty of 100 million, and was even stronger than Marine's pacifists.

Keynes nodded inwardly as he watched the battle on the screen.

Such a beast was what he had always wanted.

The lethality is terrifying, the defense is powerful, and the self-healing ability is heaven-defying, and it can also control the formation of an army at will.

There is an army formed by such beasts, expanding territory and attacking various countries, which can be said to be unfavorable.

At this moment, Keynes saw from the screen that Marine, who was stationed in the Kingdom of Holland, finally arrived.

At the head was a Marine Vice Admiral, but Keynes didn't know him.

I saw Vice Admiral stepped on the Moonwalk, moved around in the air, rushed to the top of the three giant tigers, and slashed the back of the giant tiger with a knife.

The blade was pitch black, apparently covering the Armament Haki!

But this knife only cut through the fur of the three giant tigers, and the wound was not deep at all.

The giant tiger roared wildly and slapped Vice Admiral with its claws (bfaj), sending it flying like a fly.

Vice Admiral fired backwards, penetrating three towers, and was buried in the rubble of a fourth tower.

The wound on the giant tiger's back healed in just a few breaths, and not even a single scar could be seen.

One thousand Marine soldiers couldn't stop the beasts at all, no matter whether it was gun attacks or other, it was useless.

And some colonels who will use Armament Haki, because Haki is too weak, can't even break through the beast's fur defense.

By the time Marine Vice Admiral crawled out of the rubble, a thousand Marine soldiers had already been killed.

When Marine Vice Admiral saw the tragic death of his subordinates, he was instantly furious and his eyes were split.

"Damn monster!!!"

Vice Admiral dashed over a double-headed Lion Majesty and slashed horizontally.

With a flash of sword light, Lion Majesty's head was directly cut off, and blood spurted out like a torrential rain.

Before Marine Vice Admiral was happy, however, he saw blood surging from Lion Majesty's fracture.

A new head soon grew out, exactly the same as the snake's head that had been cut off before.


There was a detonation sound in the air.

The serpent's tail came furiously, hitting Marine Vice Admiral on the back.

Suddenly hit hard, Vice Admiral spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then the body turned into a cannonball and flew out.

On the other side, there happened to be a monitor lizard.

Seeing Marine Vice Admiral flying, he immediately opened his bloody mouth and swallowed it.

There are six rows of sharp fangs in the mouth of the monitor lizard, and it is as easy to crush steel as it is to crush tofu.

A mere Marine Vice Admiral can't even cram his teeth.

After killing a thousand Marine soldiers, Judge controlled twenty beasts and continued to advance into the hinterland of Hollandon Kingdom.

As a result, the entire Kingdom of Hollandon fell into a crisis of destruction.

No matter how many troops the King of Hollandon sent to fight, they all died tragically under the claws and fangs of the beasts without exception.

Three days later, Judge led the beast to break through the palace of the Kingdom of Hollandon.

The strongest guard general of the Hollandon Kingdom was defeated by Marko and died tragically on the spot!

Half of the 500,000 Hollandon Kingdom troops died tragically, and the rest either surrendered or fled to the sea.

King Hollandon VI begged to surrender but was rejected by Judge, and was finally swallowed by three giant tigers.

Following the order of Keynes to cut down the grass and root, all the royals and nobles of the entire Hollandon Kingdom were killed, and not a single fish slipped through the net.

In the ruins, Judge planted a unicorn flag on the roof of the Palace of Hollandon, officially announcing the incorporation of the Kingdom of Hollandon into the territory of the Kingdom of Kahlo.

At this point, the famous Hollandon Kingdom of the New World has perished!

In this war of extermination, Judge and the clone army under his command did not spend much effort.

The entire process was almost entirely completed by twenty beasts.

When the war ended, except for one of the twenty beasts killed by Hollandon's strongest guard general, the other nineteen were all intact.

Today's group of beasts, unless they can kill with one blow, no matter how good the injury can be healed.

Only 20 of them can easily destroy a big country in the New World!