

John Keynes bound tyrant system. Open the novice spree and get the superhuman black hole fruit. Kill Shichibukai Moria and gain high-level armament. Conquer Cavendish and gain high-level arrogance. Kill the rebel pursuers and gain domineering power. Returning to the country for revenge, succeeded as king, and obtained the swordsmanship of the great swordsman. Conquer the giant pirate group, get the six-style training method of the navy, and increase the physique tenfold. …… With the help of the system, John Keynes became stronger and stronger, surpassing the Admiral and the Four Emperors. Attack all countries, destroy the four emperors, unify the four seas, and establish a new holy land!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 113 Kill the tyrant in the name, control the world

In the sea area of ​​​​the Karo Empire, a merchant ship with a unicorn flag passed the inspection of layers of checkpoints and entered the core of the Karo Empire.

Today's unicorn flag is a symbol that no one dares to mess with in New World.

After seeing this sign, the pirates of New World turned their heads and left, daring not to offend the looting at all. (Except for the Four Emperors and supernovae, which are more precise.)

When the merchant ship entered the kingdom's port, the news was reported layer by layer, and finally it was reported to Keynes who was in the palace.

"Captain Keynes, the cargo with Doflamingo has arrived."

In the Genting Sky Garden, Keynes said respectfully.

"Is it finally here?"

Keynes closed the book in his hand and looked out at the sea, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

Previously, Keynes had a deal with Doflamingo, in which Keynes bought a batch of artificial Devil Fruit.

It was only because of the sudden outbreak of Summit War that Doflamingo was forcibly drafted into the war, so the deal was delayed for a while.

"How many fruits were sent?

Keynes asked as he walked.

"Checked, there are three hundred in total."

Badgers said.

"But does this thing really work?"

Badgers still finds it hard to believe that Devil Fruit can actually be made.

You know, Devil Fruit is known as the secret treasure of the sea.

Eating one can bring huge power, which is extremely rare.

It is precisely because it is powerful and small in number that it is known as a secret treasure and is expensive.

If such things can be man-made, wouldn't the world be about to change?

Whoever has the power of Master has the possibility to rule the whole world!

"It's not as exaggerated as you think, artificial devil fruits have shortcomings."

Keynes said coldly: "First of all, the artificial Devil Fruit only has Zoan, and they are all ordinary Zoan, there are no ancient species and phantom beast species.

Secondly, "Of the ten people who eat the artificial Devil Fruit, only one will get the ability, and the others will be permanently upgraded."

"In short, the technology of artificial Devil Fruit is far from mature."

As Keynes walked, he took the cable car to the floating Sky Island.

The production of artificial Devil Fruit utilizes the bloodline factor technology, and Judge is undoubtedly an expert in this field.

The reason why Keynes bought the artificial devil fruit from Doflamingo was not only to give his subordinates the ability, but also to research this technology himself.

Judge's technical ability is no worse than Caesar's. If Caesar can research it, Judge can also do it.

By then, Keynes will be able to create an artificial Devil Fruit himself, without having to borrow the power of Doflamingo.

Floating on the first island of Sky Island, 300 artificial Devil Fruits have been delivered to the research room.

When Keynes came to the lab, Judge was (bfaj) inspecting an artificial Devil Fruit.

"how do you feel?

Keynes asked.

"It's amazing. When you first told me, I didn't believe it. I didn't expect them to actually make such a thing."

Judge said in a deep voice, with a sigh in his tone.

It was he and Vegapunk who first discovered the existence of the lineage factor.

As a result, the two of them used the technology to develop something different.

Judge uses the bloodline factor to evolve the human body and create a clone army.

And Vegapunk, is to use this technology to create artificial devil fruit.

(The artificial Devil Fruit was originally developed by Vegapunk, and Caesar just learned the technology.)

One technology can extend two different technological means, which shows the power of the bloodline factor.

"Let's see the effect first. Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you know its power."

Keynes picks up an artificial devil fruit with a strange pattern on it.

All artificial Devil Fruits look exactly the same in appearance, so it is impossible to tell what abilities it contains from the outside.

What ability the user can get depends only on luck.

"You're right.

Judge nodded.

Keynes walked to the island Colosseum, where two hundred and fifty soldiers were already waiting.

They are all guards of the Caro Empire, and they have all learned a few styles in the Marine Six Styles, and they are the elites in the guards.

These people voluntarily became experimental subjects after knowing the shortcomings of the artificial Devil Fruit.

This is the appeal of Keynes today, and every soldier in the Guard of the Caro Empire is willing to give his life for him.

After Keynes gave the order, several soldiers carried five boxes containing two hundred and fifty artificial devil fruits in front of the soldiers.

A total of 300 pieces were sent by Doflamingo, but Keynes kept 50 pieces for Judge's research.

Two hundred and fifty soldiers each took a bite of Devil Fruit at the same time.

Afterwards, two hundred and fifty people changed at the same time.

A part of twenty-six of them had changed.

Some people grow the claws of crocodiles, or the heads of lions and tigers, and some people grow wings, or the organs of other animals.

These twenty-six people gained power, but only a part of their bodies changed.

As for the others, they do not gain power, but become delighters permanently.

There was no other expression on his face except a smile.

"Twenty-six of the two hundred and fifty people succeeded, which is almost one-tenth."

Keynes was expressionless, watching the scene quietly.

Not moved by the fact that more than 200 soldiers were sacrificed.

However, Badgers, Cavendish and others next to him were sluggish at the moment.

They did not expect that the artificial Devil Fruit actually existed.

Although it has major flaws, it is also a terrifying force.

"Successful people, try to see their abilities."

With an order from Keynes, the incapacitated soldiers stepped aside.

The twenty-six people who got the ability immediately scuffled together.

They have already mastered several styles in Marine Six Styles, and their combat power is not weak.

Now that he has obtained the power of Devil Fruit, his strength has suddenly doubled or even several times.

"Judge, how are you feeling?"

Keynes asked calmly, watching the battle in front of him.

"Very good. If the artificial devil fruit can be combined with my clone soldiers, the power will be stronger."

There was a frenzy on Judge's face, "And we also have 1Q plants. Recently, research on human genetic evolution drugs has progressed."

"If these three forces can be combined, the resulting army will be a hundred times stronger than the current army!"

"It's all up to you, don't let me down."

Keynes patted Judge on the shoulder and said.

"Don't worry, you won't wait too long."

Judge said confidently.

"It won't be too long until Germa regains her dominance over North Blue!"

That's what Judge told himself.

And Keynes looked at Badgers and instructed: "Go to Doflamingo and say that I am very satisfied with the artificial devil fruit, and the deal is established."

"As much as he can provide in the future, I will ask for as much."

"Yes, I see, Captain Keynes.


Badgers turned and walked away, bursting into his signature shrill laugh.

After that, Keynes left the floating Sky Island and returned to the Royal Palace Genting Sky Garden.

Judge, on the other hand, continued his research on artificial Devil Fruit and 1Q genetic evolution potion.

There are ready-made ability and experimental products, plus Kazhi's understanding of lineage factors.

Keynes believes that his research on artificial devil fruits will be very fast.