
Become A True God, I Created A Chat Group

Traveling through the chaos, experiencing hundreds of millions of years, and becoming a true god in the confrontation with evil gods, Chen Fan was so bored that he fell into a deep sleep. In his sleep, Chen Fan created a chat channel in a daze, and pulled in characters from many dimensions. When Chen Fan woke up, he felt his youth returned. When Uchiha Itachi embraces different ideas? When the Celestial Dragons and the nobles of the world perish? When the Tathagata Buddha was crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain? When Yang Jian becomes the new emperor? When Acedes fell in love with Tazmi? Chen Fan: Just let the powerhouses of countless dimensions accompany me to pass the boring time! Original Author: Chat Career Source: https://wap.faloo.com/980123.html

skiptail · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

It's Not A Monster, It's A God!

Kirielod's Third Generation felt aggrieved. They were supposed to fight one-on-one, but where did they come from? They are small, fast, and not weak in attack.

The Kakuzu on the head is about to be split open, and this Tiga is still doing a sneak attack.

Ti Jia, who was also firmly suppressed by the powerful type, is extremely powerful at this time.

It was the ghost of the huge beam of light before!

This power of light is so annoying!

Dijia seemed to want to take revenge for all the grievances of the previous two beatings. The two fists were like huge hammers, and they hammered the head of the Third Generation of Kiriarod. The scene was too cruel.

Obviously Tiga has the upper hand.

Humans who pay attention to the battlefield are in ecstasy.

Although I don't know who the two people who shot before are, it seems that they should be Dijia's friends or they also want to protect the earth. It's really great.

The third generation of Kiriarod protected his head and face with two arms, and he couldn't help twisting his body, trying to break free.

Tiga is constantly adjusting his posture following the actions of the Kirierod Third Generation, how could he let you escape!

The red body has a fiery will, and the fists are different from before.

Even the Third Generation Kiriarods couldn't bear such power.

It has been wounded and its strength is exhausted.

So, isn't it invincible under the Patronus?

Obviously it is the strongest fighter of the Kiriarods.

Whether it is the first generation or the Second Generation, it is not worthy of mentioning shoes.

Now it's in this state.

Damn it, if it wasn't for the little guy who made trouble just now, I wouldn't fall into such a disadvantage.

The Kiriarod Third Generation roared, and the powerful dark energy turned into black mist and spewed out a large amount from its mouth.

The black mist with a large amount of dark energy particles has the effect of polluting light, and is also powerfully corrosive and destructive.

At such a short distance, such a move would even affect the third generation of the Kiriarods themselves by the black mist.

This huge dark energy itself does not belong to it, but is bestowed by the patron saint.

It got stronger.

But after all, it is impossible to fully control this powerful energy.

It's just that no matter how you say it, in terms of the impact, it must be smaller than Tijia.

The black mist sprayed out, and Dijia was caught off guard by being smoked, covering his face in pain.

A large amount of black mist is full of ominous atmosphere at first glance.

The body of the third generation of Kiriarod is also in the black mist, and it is not feeling well now. The corrosive black mist spreads to the ground and the nearby ruins, and the reinforced concrete is being corroded.

Tiga is attacked and corrupted by dark energy.

The people of Kyriairod suffered no less.

But Tiga is not the only one who has the will to fight.

On the one hand is the bright justice that protects the earth and human beings. For the Kirielod Third Generation, conquering the earth and letting the earth accept the leadership of God is its dark "justice"!

Every Kiriarod has a fanatical belief in the patron saint of his race.

It is willing to fight and die for the gods.

At this time, the Kiriarod Third Generation fought back the pain and broke free, staggering and crawling outward in the black mist, looking like running.

Luo Hao and Edward Newgate who were nearby saw this scene, and of course they would not let the other party escape so easily.

Third Generation doesn't have the ability to defeat the berserk Kirielod, but it has the ability and courage to hinder the opponent's actions.

Edward Newgate charged up and blasted out his full blow.

The power of Shock Fruit was released at this moment.

The whole space seems to be about to explode.

The powerful shock waves all hit the calf of the Kirielod Third Generation.

Third Generation, a Kirielod who was affected by the state of the black mist, staggered, and ran out of the black mist resolutely.

Luo Hao began to chant, and performed the Dafa of Vigorous Vajra and Dragon Chanting and Tiger Roaring with full force.

This time it was a huge golden fist and a terrifying shock wave that changed the color of the world.

The originally dark sky seemed to be swept by a hurricane, and thunder sounded again.

The third generation of Kirielod didn't seem to see it. They rolled and crawled just to run, and all the attacks were taken as they were ordered.


The powerful hammer hits the knee socket.

The Kirielod's right leg went limp, and a sharp pain came from the socket of his right knee.

As if to be torn apart.

It may have been torn apart.

After being beaten up by Tiga, affected by the black mist, and not noticing the attack as if he was about to run away like crazy, it was the first time that the third generation of Kiriarod had obvious injuries.

But at this moment, the Third Generation of Kiriarod jumped and rolled on the ground, finally getting away from the black mist.

"It's still able to move, it's really a powerful physical defense." Luo Hao sighed, he originally thought that he was considered strong even in other worlds.

As a result, it was the first time he crossed the world and was slapped in the face.

In his own world, it is impossible for any godslayer and god of disobedience to be able to act so violently immediately after receiving a blow.

And Chen Fan, who has been paying attention to the battlefield, understands, no, the Kirielod Third Generation is not strong enough to defend and continue to move quickly, but this villain also has a strong will.

But if the body is not strong enough, no matter how strong the will is, it will not be so easy to escape.

Because that leg would be broken straight away.

If a leg is suddenly broken, no matter what happens, it will have a huge impact on the body, which is independent of will.

At this time, Dijia also emitted a large number of light particles, eliminating the influence of the black mist.

He is really uncomfortable.

Seeing that the Third Generation from Kyriaelod wanted to run, he quickly stood up and wanted to catch up.

Unexpectedly, after escaping from the range covered by the black mist, the Third Generation of Kyriaelod stood up, his right leg was still slightly bent, but he opened his arms, and soon, a deep hole appeared in the sky behind him.

An uneasy atmosphere emanated from the hole, and there was darkness inside.

The deep hole in the sky made the hairs on Luo Hao and Edward Newgate stand on end.

There is something scary inside.

"That is, the gate of hell?!" All the members of the chat group present recognized it.

In the scene of the story, the gate of hell summoned by the Second Generation of the Kyriairods is a space channel through which companions can be summoned.

It must be destroyed, who knows how many companions the Kirielods have.

Tiga rushed forward without hesitation, wanting to wipe out the Kyriaelod Third Generation and the gate of hell together just like in the story scene.

However, the Third Generation of Kiriarods flew up, firing balls of dark energy light towards Tiga and the city below.

This place will be wrecked if it is not stopped.

Although the battle had already destroyed a large area.

However, the attack range of the Kyriaelod Third Generation this time is too large.

Dijia had no choice but to go up, use the Otto defense, and take the initiative to intercept those energies.

Just doing it like this, the energy consumed by the Kirielod Third Generation is also huge.

Consumes more energy than Tiga.

Luo Hao and Edward Newgate did not decide to continue watching the play.

It's really soft-hearted, the opponent obviously wants to delay time, and directly seize the opportunity to eliminate the opponent together. There will be some losses, but it is better than risking the enemy's success in summoning a large number of companions.

If so, it is hard to say what will happen to this earth.

Luo Hao and Edward Newgate quickly ran back to their own world.

At this time, the physical strength of the Third Generation of Kirielod was rapidly declining, but there was some movement in the "Gate of Hell".

Di Jia has already noticed something is wrong, and can feel the great horror hidden in the dark hole.

What kind of companion is this guy going to summon, unexpectedly has such an aura.

It is already Ultraman's body, why do you feel the chill?

This is the chill that emerges from the bottom of my heart!

It cannot be delayed any longer.

Luo Hao and Edward Newgate had also changed their sense of direction and launched an attack towards the side of the Kirielods.

Shock Fruit!

Vigorous Vajra Magic and Dragon Singing and Tiger Roaring Dafa!

A powerful shock wave and a golden fist hit the Kiriarod Third Generation.

With such a large amount of dark energy attack, the opponent cannot last at all.

I am afraid that the ones to summon are not ordinary companions, or in other words, they will be powerful enough to conquer the earth.

The Third Generation, a Kirillodian, was no longer easy to deal with. The aura in the gate of hell was only leaked, and Luo Hao and Edward Newgate were already aware of the terror.

It must be stopped.

However, the Killierod Third Generation's body was shaken here and there, but there was a fanatical breath on his body, and he made a monster sound.


Tiga bounced back a series of dark energy attacks with Ultra defense, and started to counterattack at this time.

Change back to compound type, body color becomes red, purple and white.

O ray of light!

White ultra-high heat rays shot out.

In terms of power concentration alone, it is extremely powerful.

Right in the middle of the body of the Kiri Aelod Third Generation.

Eat it all!

This is the nirvana of the compound type.

The power is huge.

In the fluorescent state, even more powerful power erupted.

Sparks ignited on the body of the Kirielod Third Generation, and the strong light really hit it hard.

It will be wiped out.

The remaining dark energy of the Kiriarod Third Generation is not enough to resist this powerful light.


The Kiriarod Third Generation uttered its final voice.

The mighty warrior finally died.

The body exploded.

However, those present did not notice that he was laughing before he died.

Luo Hao and Edward Newgate had already run away.

It's done!

After defeating the Kirielod Third Generation, Zapelio Ray continued to attack the gates of hell, intending to destroy them together.

At this moment, when the victorious players who were paying attention to the battlefield were about to cheer, a big silver-gray hand stuck out from the door, blocking the white light directly.

The originally dark sky was even darker at this moment.

The sky and the earth seemed to be shaking.

The earth is trembling.

"What's that?! A new monster has appeared?!" Ju Jianhui's eyes widened.

The atmosphere of terror is spreading.

The owner of this silver-gray palm is not of the same rank as the Third Generation of Kirielod.

If there are other Kyriairods here, they will tell Jujianhui that it is not a monster, but a god!