
Become A True God, I Created A Chat Group

Traveling through the chaos, experiencing hundreds of millions of years, and becoming a true god in the confrontation with evil gods, Chen Fan was so bored that he fell into a deep sleep. In his sleep, Chen Fan created a chat channel in a daze, and pulled in characters from many dimensions. When Chen Fan woke up, he felt his youth returned. When Uchiha Itachi embraces different ideas? When the Celestial Dragons and the nobles of the world perish? When the Tathagata Buddha was crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain? When Yang Jian becomes the new emperor? When Acedes fell in love with Tazmi? Chen Fan: Just let the powerhouses of countless dimensions accompany me to pass the boring time! Original Author: Chat Career Source: https://wap.faloo.com/980123.html

skiptail · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 28

Soon, everyone saw the whole picture of the owner of the silver and black palm.

A huge figure emerged from the gate of hell.

And Tiga's nirvana, Pelio Ray, doesn't work at all.

The enemy blocked his attack with only one hand.

The Lord Chen Fan was waiting for finally appeared.

The reason for the emergence of the Kiri Aelod Third Generation lies in this guy.

In the scene of the story, a god that only exists in the population of Kyriaelod.

Kirierod God.

The "Great Being" that all Kirilloids believe in.

Possesses extraordinary strength.

According to the scene of the story, it can protect the people on Earth before the evil god Gatanjae wakes up.

But pay attention, what is said is before awakening, not after awakening, maybe there is some special means to prevent the evil god Gatanjae from awakening, or to transfer all human beings away?

It's a pity that this race is too arrogant and regards human beings as stupid creatures. In the long history of human beings, there is no record of them.

From the ultra-ancient civilization to the present era, the Kirielod people have at most been silently watching the development of human beings.

It was Tiga who defeated Melba and Gorzan. Why should human beings trust them and accept their rule.

The BOSS that had never appeared before appeared at this moment.

Being able to resist Tiga's nirvana in the current fluorescent state with one hand shows that his strength is far above that of the Third Generation of Kiriarod.

It is difficult to judge the strength of characters that have not appeared in the original story scene, and can only be roughly inferred to be strong.

But this Kili Aylord god is not the original product, Chen Fan has already seen through the other party's roots.

If it is the original Kiriarod god, it can't reach this level, and it can't create a fighter like the Kiriarod Third Generation.

Now the god Kirierod is not something Tiga can handle.

This is already a strong player comparable to Gatanjae.

It was enough to shake the world when he appeared on the stage.

If it weren't for the good position of the gate of hell, the god Kirielod made a grand appearance, but he didn't deliberately destroy the city, I'm afraid the end of the earth would come early.

Even so, when the silver-gray body steps out, it is enough to make many people who pay attention to the battlefield pale.

What kind of existence is this? The head looks much more rounded than that of the Kiriarods. There is only one horn on the head, one eye with a light pink light, and a silver substance wrapped around the body like an armor. Wearing a silver cloak, it looks really mysterious.

The momentum alone is already better than the Kirielods. The Third Generation doesn't know how much.

This guy who originally ran away after the resurrection of the evil god Gatanjae, the aura displayed at this moment is no less than Gatanjae.

No, it should be said that there is a darkness like the evil god Gatanjae on his body.

At the same time, there is another power.

The whole earth seemed to vibrate because of its existence. At this moment, a voice echoed in the hearts of the people on earth.

"Humans on Earth, give you another chance to believe in me, and I will save you from being destroyed in the future."

With a lofty voice, full of majesty.

Tiga is using Otto to look at the guy who came out, "Who are you?"

With such a powerful aura, should we be glad that this guy didn't come out like the evil god Gatanjae to engage in world-destroying activities?

Even if you have guesses in your mind, you still have to ask the other party's identity, and at the same time you can think about countermeasures. This enemy cannot be defeated by force.

"I, oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the god Kirielode, the little girl before, didn't you want me to come out, now I am coming out, Tiga, you still want to fight me for the so-called protection Do the people on Earth need you to protect them? Your strength is too weak!" said Kirierod indifferently, and these words also reached the hearts of the people on Earth.

At this time, the humans on this planet also panicked.

what happened.

Tiga defeated a strong enemy, and another monster came?

The Kiriarod god, is that the god that the Kiriarod man said before?

The victorious team is not calm at this time.

"Bastard, another big guy came out!"

Don't look at what this guy said is nice, he can protect human beings from harm and avoid the fate of destruction, just this guy's high-ranking appearance, and his subordinates pretended to be angels before they appeared on the stage, saying that people on earth are ignorant, follow this God, will the people on earth really be better off?

If Dijia can defeat it, it would be the best.

Can it just be knocked down?

Jujian Huiyuan looked at the power of the Kirielod god, and only prayed in his heart.

Di Jia, this god-like titan, who appeared not long ago, can defeat this true god?

"Human beings will not accept the rule of other races!" Dijia really couldn't find a way, and he didn't understand this guy at all. There was no such thing in the story scene.

The other party should not have appeared.

Why on earth did it go wrong!

God Kyriairod: "Do you want to stop me?" The being who claimed to be a god stretched out his hand, and energy was gathering in the silver-gray hand.

The black is wrapped in green light, exuding a frightening atmosphere.

The terrifying energy contained makes Tiga a powerful type, and the defense in this state is relatively high.

There is no way.

Looking at the 70-meter-tall Kirierod, Di Jia realized that he didn't know how to win.

The strength of the opponent is too strong for him.

Edward Newgate: "This breath, the dimension difference is too big, I'm afraid I can't help you."

Luo Hao frowned, and punched Kirierod with her huge golden fist, she was not a strong person who would be afraid.

This Kyriairod god is far worse than the group leader.

This time, the attack from the combination of Dafa of Dafa of Vigorous Vajra and Dragon Singing and Tiger Roaring did not work.

Luo Hao had already made a sneak attack quickly.

The god Kirierod seemed to have expected it long ago, and raised his other hand to defuse the attack.

At the same time, black mist erupted from both hands, wrapping green light attacks.

The light passing through the air can even burn the space, as if the power emanating from the depths of hell bursts out with the power that seems to be able to destroy the world.

Both Ti Jia and Luo Hao felt the strength of the coming attack.

I can't escape it!

Will get hurt the last time!

At this moment, a dazzling light appeared.

Instantly illuminate this dark world.

Two beams of light blocked Di Jia and Luo Hao.

Full of sacredness and simplicity.

A light that seems to have existed since ancient times.

this breath.

Dagu's consciousness froze.

Such a gracious light.

Kirierod's attack was deflected by the beam of light, and it didn't even come out for Hanabi.

"Who is it?!" Kyrierod knew that someone was hiding in secret to help them.

His own hellfire destruction light cannot be blocked by Di Jia.

This light is really annoying.

The god Kirierod, who possesses huge dark energy in his body, hates the power of light contained in this beam of light.

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth curled up. It's not easy to use the power of the real body in this world, but the power of light can be borrowed.

And when Chen Fan wants to use the energy of light to fight, he will not be a part of someone.

The Mysterious Four Olympiads won't work either.

In this world, there are many powers of light.

Not only the earth has.

There are also in the universe.

Therefore, Chen Fan took three steps forward calmly.

A huge figure appeared in the field.

That warm, sacred, simple, and invincible light radiates.