
Beauty of Magic

In the midst of a failed drug deal, Raven and his friend stumble upon a kidnapped girl, who turns out to be the second princess to the throne. This chance meeting thrusts the criminal Raven into the dangerous world. How will this meeting impact the life of a criminal like Raven?

Mesarik · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Sitting in the bar, I see Amber step over the bleeding thugs. Smiling, I spot the blood slowly flowing toward me. Putting my legs on a nearby stool, I see Amber step into the blood.

"Oh common! You could have just stepped on his dead body."

Looking at me, Amber says. "But walking over the dead is disrespectful." Waving her worries off kick the dead guy. "See? He isn't complaining." Sitting next to me, Amber gets all serious.

"Drop the act, I asked Edward if this is you and he told me that he never saw me in such a psychotic state, just accepted the fact that I'm part of the group now." Sighing, I tell Ireahc over the counter, grabbing two glasses and a bottle of rum.

"I-i-i Could have served that." Staring at the bartender, I signal him to get out. Running into the back, I wonder if there's a hidden tunnel. "What are you gonna do with that?" Pointing at the bottle of rum, I pour us a glass.

"Drink it of course." Asking me if it's a good idea to drink while we're waiting for the enemy, I brush her worries off. "it's fine, I can handle a single glass, but if I drink more, I won't be able to think straight."

Bringing in the last thugs from the outside, Edward sees us drinking. Raising my glass to him, I take a sip. "Is that all of them?"

"Yes, Some of them tried to fight, but most just tried to run." Nodding, I finish, my glass. "Amber, tie those guys up." Pointing at the trio that we bumped into, she asks me.


Nodding her head, she looks around only to ask another question. "With what?" Shrugging my shoulders, I tell her that it's for her to figure out. Getting up she grabs some of the curtains.

"That's no good, curtains are too soft to be used as an effective binding tool, I would instead rip them into some makeshift bandages." Pointing in the back room, I tell her that there's probably gonna be something better.

Dropping the curtains into the pool of blood she goes in the back while the 2:00 hits.

"Is the bartender there?" Getting a large no, she tells me that there's a tunnel behind some boxes. Nodding my head, I turn to Edward only to find him with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Edward!" Turning to me, he yells. "What?! I didn't light it!" Taking it out, to show me, I shake my head. Seeing Amber walk out with some ropes, I give her a thumbs up.

Tying the men up, I tell Amber to tie them to the heater so they can't escape.

Looking at one of the thugs, I ask. "You said that Sunny would be here at 2:00 it's 2:05 and I still don't see him." Trying to argue that he's not the one that said that, I signal Amber. Not knowing what to do she grabs a fork from a nearby table and stabs it into the guy's thigh.

"Jesus!" Both Edward and I are shocked at the sheer fearlessness.

Looking at the guy, he cries that he will talk. "He's usually here! I don't know!"

"What's going on here!?" Hearing someone yell, I see a man in the door. "You're Sunny?" Getting a nod, I pull out my gun and shoot him. Grabbing his stomach, he falls to the ground.

"W-w-why? Who are you?!" Squatting down to him, I say. "Me? I'm the boss of the men you attacked. ring a bell?" Smiling, he headbutts me. "Gha!" Catching my nose, I check if it's broken. Feeling it intact, I see him snap his fingers and create a sword out of flames.

"Wanna know why they call me Sunny?" Making his sword burn even more, he smiles. "Because my sword looks like the sun!" Laughing at it, I ask him what's he compensating. Slashing his sword, down, he quickly stops when he sees his men tied inside the building.

"Coward! Fight me like a man!" Smiling I tell him that I'm fighting like a man, after all, I'm using everything I have. Making his sword smaller, he clashes it with my cane.

"How?! Even Rebar melts under my heat!" Finally noticing the thin layer of ice on the cane, he realizes I'm cooling it. Kicking a stool at me, I jump over it.

Cutting the ground, he sets it on fire. Landidn in the burning ground, I start stoping out of it.

"What? Scared of flames?!" Telling him that he's dumb, I grab the bottle of Rum, and using magic spray it onto him through the flames. Immediately catching a blaze, he begins to scream in pain, or I thought until he gets up and brushed the flames off his clothes.

"You really thought I was this dumb?"

"With what you've shown until now... I wouldn't be surprised if you were." Turning to Amber, her eyes go wide as she realizes what she should do.

"Anyways Sunny, Why did you attack my men?" Facing me head-on, he spits on the ground. "Those were you, men?! That bunch of incompetent fools?! You should have seen how some of them screamed when they burned!" Sighing, I thank him for getting rid of any reaming guilt I had for what I'm about to do.

*Pop* Hearing the cork fly out of the bottle, Amber has lined up a bunch of bottles of strong liquor. Thworign my cane at Sunny, I clap my hands, and like snakes, the alcohol flows out of the bottle onto his men.

His eyes go wide in fear, as he tries to stop me, but his stupid decision is to swing his flaim sword at me. Igniting the alcohol in the air, he watches as his men catch a blaze. Turning his sword into thin air. he grabs one of the guys and tries to put the fire out.

"You monster!" Turning to me, he screams all kinds of profanities. "Let this be a lesson. Get out of Aquaria and never return." Picking my cane, he yells.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?! What gives you the right to do this?!"

Leaning on my cane, Edward lights his cigarette in the raging flames and takes a puff.

"I'm Raven, the New Crime Lord of South! Let's go, If I hear that you're in Aquaria in the morning I'll kill you." Leaving the bar, Amber runs to us and asks. "Did... Did we have to burn them?"

Stopping, I turn to Amber. "Do you feel bad about it?" Thinking about it, she says that he was a bad person. Not to mention he seemed to enjoy burning people. Telling Amber that most people here are criminals because there's no other choice, some people chose to become one, just out of the feeling of power.

Nodding her head, she asks which one I am. "Is that a serious question?"

Not answering, I say. "The first one, but I don't look like it. I get it. Anyways, we should go to the warehouse, we promised to be there in a few minutes and it's been over an hour"

Arriving on the street where the warehouse is, I see Emma standing around yelling at some of the men. "Emma! What happened here?" Running up to them they as where were so long.

"We've been taking care of Sunnies?" Nodding her head she tells me that clearly not all of them as a guy swinging a giant burning sword made a huge mess here.

"Sunny, that bastard, I should have killed him. How many were injured?" Shaking her head, she tells me that anyone injured is certainly dead due to infection. The people that were attacked were burnt until they looked like charcoal!

Entering the Warehouse, I see the stage room spaced out with guys burned to the crisp.

*Bhew!* Hearing Amber puke Emma, pats her on the back. "Do you still feel bad for what we did to them?" Seeing AMber shake her head, I tell everyone that if they need me I'll be in the office.

Short and a pretty bad chapter in my opinion, so I'm sorry in advanced for the low quality.

I promise that the next one will be better and move the story a little bit more.

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