
Beauty of Magic

In the midst of a failed drug deal, Raven and his friend stumble upon a kidnapped girl, who turns out to be the second princess to the throne. This chance meeting thrusts the criminal Raven into the dangerous world. How will this meeting impact the life of a criminal like Raven?

Mesarik · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Opening my eyes, I pull off a heavy blanket of myself. Having my entire torso wrapped in bandages, I see Edward cooking something. "What are you making?" Almost dropping his pan, he turns around.

"Raven! Are you okay?" Feeling a stabbing pain in my side, I say. "Does it look like I'm fine? I have a hole in my stomach." Laughing at me, Edward serves the food. "Looks good, how long was I out for?"

Seeing that it's dark outside, Edward tells me that I was asleep for the whole 18 hours.

"I see, did anything important happened?" Shaking his head, I smile.

Preparing to eat, we hear a knock on the door. "I'll get that." Getting up, Edward tries to tell me, that he will get it, but I'm already up. Opening the door, I see a familiar blonde girl.

"No! Out! NOW~!" My argument falls on deaf ears since my voice cracked.

Walking in, Edward spot's the blond. "AMBER?!" Smiling she stabs her thumb into her chest.

"The one and only! I've come back!" Closing the apartment door. Shit sits on my place and looks at the food. "Looks good what is this?" pointing at the salad, Edward replies. "It's the garden shell salad, one of my personal favorites."

Leading a completely normal conversation, I finally snap out of the trans. "Just a second! am I the only that finds this whole situation weird?!" Getting a nod from both of them, I give up. Joining them at the table, I grab an empty plate and grab a portion as well.

"So tell me, what are you doing here?" Losing all her manners Amber speaks with her mouth full of food. "Ah... you know... I was bored." While Edward laughs it off, I feel like ripping my hair out.

"Just when I condiment Gunter, for getting entangled with the royalty...."

Patting me on the back, Amber tries to ensure me that there won't be any problems. "No problems?! Amber, I just need someone to figure out that you were shot through the soldier and be sent to the chopping block!"

Smiling, Amber tells me that she got permission from her Grandfather.

"The Hero agreed to this!?" Dropping his spoon, Edward looks at Amber in disbelief.

"What's the problem? It's not a big deal, I just told him what I did with you guys and he told that as long as I'm having fun I can go back." Now fully standing, I swing my arms.

"Your grandfather! The Hero of Humanity! The First King! How the fuck am I alive when he knows what happened?!" Shrugging her shoulders, Amber argues that he grandfather doesn't take anything seriously.

Deciding that I ate enough, I lay down on the couch. "I'm sorry to burst your bubble Amber, but I'm not planning to do anything." Trying to relax a bit, I hear the phone ring.

While Amber goes to pick it up, I quickly stop her. "Don't! If you pick it up we will have to do something! and to be honest, I would like to take a break for a second." As I say, that I hear the iconic sound of answering a call.

"Boss?! We have a problem!" Getting pissed because this call is actually important. I get up and Answer. "Yes?"

"Boss! We have a problem some thugs are acting up! They beat up a good number of our men in our territory! They're saying that it's their under the control of Sunny!"

Rubbing my forehead, I tell them that I'll be at the warehouse in a few minutes. Hanging up, I see, Edward ready to take Amber with him. "No, She's staying here."

"Why?!" Talking in unison, I open my mouth to argue but give up before saying anything. Celebrating their victory with a high five. "Yay!" Sighing, I tie my trusted scarf.

"Just a question Raven, why do you always wear a white scarf? wouldn't something darker be better for sneaking around in the night?" Hearing Amber's question, I tell her that's an esthetic choice.

Leaving the apartment complex, Amber asks where were going. "To our job place, you could say." Even though it's the middle of the night, the slum marketplace is still fully active.

"Good evening officer." Saying hi to a nearby volunteer, he tips his head to me.

"Why did you do that?" Asking questions, I tell Amber that she's curious like a kid. Taking offense to that she tells me that her grandpa always asks stupid questions.

"Those who ask stupid questions learn! While those who don't! Will forever live without knowing the answer! or something like that." Telling her that it's a nice bit of wisdom, I decided to share one of mine.

"While it's true that a fool that asks questions will stop being a fool without realizing it. A person who knowledges their foolishness will improve in every aspect than just their intellect."

Telling me that she doesn't understand that quote, I explain that doing things for self-improvement is good, but without realizing your flaws it's pointless. NOddingher head, Amber thanks me for explaining.

Grabbing us by the shoulders Edward tells us that it's enough of philosophizing, but accidentally pushes me and Amber to the side causing me to bump into someone.

"My apologies." While I let it off the guy wanting to act tough doesn't. "Apologies my ass! Do you know who you're messing with?!" Saying that Edward immediately has to suck in his lips to stop himself from laughing.

"Hey, jackass! didn't you hear?! We're the Sunnies! And this is our territory!" Starting to surround us. One of them pokes at Edward for going to the gym. No longer keeping it in Amber starts to laugh.

Of course, this whole commotion gets the attention of the nearby volunteers. Walking over, they ask us what the problem is. "These bastards! They hurt my friend!" Pinning the blame on us, I raise my hands in self-defense.

"Sir, I believe that there's some misunderstanding, I did indeed bump into him, but I didn't hurt him." Calling me a liar, we go back and forth for a few minutes before the volunteers decide that we should go our separate ways.

"This isn't over you bastard! Our boss Sunny will hear about this!" Being escorted away by the volunteers, I thank them for their understanding. Now no longer being pestered, by the thugs or volunteers.

I look around and start to follow the Sunnies. "What are you doing?" Getting asked by Amber, I answer. "Getting rid of some nuisance." Seeing them enter an alley, I try to follow but Amber stops me. "I have a bad feeling about this, I think w should stop."

Smiling, I tell her that one way or another we will have to take care of them since they're part of the sunnies that attacked my men. Entering the alley, I see a guy standing by the stairs.

"Huh? Who are-" Not waiting, I jab my elbow into his nose. Feeling the bone break, I grab him by his hair and slam him against the railing. Having enough, I pull him up and ask. "What's down there?" Telling me to just wait a second, I slam him against the railing.

"I asked what's down there, not to wait a second."

"Wait-" Hitting him again the railing again, he finally speaks up. "Sunny! It's the Sunny bar!" Smiling, I tell him that he did good and ask him another question.

"Today, not too long ago, you attacked some people, why?"

Telling me that they hurt some rumors about the instability in the underworld, they decide to take so streets for themselves. "Godd, If you we this cooperative before we wouldn't have to do this."

As his eyes open wide, he tenses his whole face, only to get punched in the stomach. Falling to the ground, I make sure to step around the blood. "See? it's easy." Walking down the stairs, I enter the bar

"Who here is named Sunny?!" Getting the attention of the whole bar, I spot the thugs I bumped into. "It's HIM! He's the guy that we met!" Seeing them point at me, one of the big guys stands up.

"What do you want with our boss- GHA!!!!-" Kicking his knee in, he falls down, and the second he lifts his head, I split it with my cane.

*Crunch* Pulling it out, the bar goes crazy, Jumping from their chairs the guys charge me. Running out of the bar and up the stairs, I yell at Amber. "This is what you wanted right? a little bit of fun?!" Spraying water onto the stairs I freeze them making them incredibly slippery for the thugs.

Falling like dominos, I ask. "You said that you wanted to learn right? Lesson one! "When fighting use your surroundings!"

Leaning on the wall, Edward lights his cigarette. Slapping it out of his hand, I say. "We said we would quit didn't we?" Not saying anything he just nods his head and throws the cigarette on the floor.

Stomping on it hard, he says. "You're right, anyways now what?"

Seeing the thugs start t get up, I kick the top guy down. Walking back into the bar, I ask.

"Who is the boss here?!" With a shaky hand, the bartender points at the large man wich head I split like a coconut. "Well, that's unfortunate. Was he the right hand of Sunny?" getting a nod from them all. I walk over to the bar and sit down.

"When is Sunny coming back?" Looking at the bartender, I see his shaking mouth say. "2:00" Seeing that it's 1:30. I smile. "You know, I'll wait for you boss."

2 Chapters in one 10 hours! I'm on a run baby! for the 3 people that read this mess! Thank you! :D

And if you still like it, vote or something IDK if there are some form of likes on Webnovel. :D

PS, please do tell me if I'm getting better at writing or getting worse, cause I have no idea :d

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