
Beauty in the beast world

Lyra is a 21st-century girl from the modern world who accidentally transmigrated into the beast world while swimming. what happens when a gorgeous young girl with golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes with ivory white skin doll falls into a world where the female population is drastically low. But as she stays in the world, she discovers many secrets about herself which she never imagined. Join her journey in discovering love, heartache, and the real truth of her life. This is my first story please support me and join me on my journey through this story. The cover photo is not mine Contains mature content with many r#18 scenes audience below 16 restrain from reading it. Follow my insta @ruby_rosie_2001

Ruby_rosie · Fantasy
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315 Chs



The fox king Jacob hit the stone slab in front of him breaking it into pieces "How dare they betray me!" his booming voice resounding in the stone castle.

"Those snake bastards! They dare break the alliance with me?" he continued screaming.

Michael the stray beast leader wore a calm face and let Jacob continue his madness.

Jacob breathed heavily and pointed his finger at Michael "This is all because of your incompetence, if only you were the king of stray beasts, I wouldn't have to go through this humiliation"

Michael sighed inwardly. It was always like this, whenever Jacob didn't get his way, he would blame others, especially him nowadays.

He wore a blank face "Father-in-law, you know that I tried my best to become the king. If only my opponent was not an immortal beastman, I would have that seat by now"

Jacob clicked his tongue "That arrogant vulture! He ruined our plan"

"But what happened to Peter? Why did he suddenly break ties with me?" he added

Michael answered him "I heard that the snake king is reclaiming his place, and he decided to cut ties with you. The ever-loyal Peter accepted it without questioning his king"

Jacob narrowed his eyes "Snake king? The crazy one who abandoned his clan because of his boredom? The one who left his seat for such a ridiculous reason is back?"

Michael chuckled "Yeah, it is the same crazy one. However, I heard that he got himself a mate, the one you said that the princes of the wolf and lion tribe fell for"

Jacob snickered "That female again? She already got a beast king as her mate? well, she is beautiful, wouldn't it be interesting to kill her off and see the agony of her powerful mates?"

Michael frowned seeing the sick expression on the fox king's face "Talk something that you can do. Don't indulge yourself in unnecessary matters, our goal now is to get allies not to make enemies"

Jacob pressed his forehead "Losing support from the snake clan is the biggest loss for us. I'm not even confident in talking to the snake king, he is irrational and won't listen to me"

"Maybe I should try talking with the stray beast king" he added

Michael widened his eyes "Are you already done with your life? He will take your limbs out before talking to you, first of all, he isn't a stray beast, he is just living like that. Don't forget that he killed his father to sit on that seat"

Jacob nodded his head "I know I know, but we don't have any other options, do we?"

"Unless" he paused "We kill him off, making you the new king"

Michael was dumbfounded "He is an immortal beastman, we-we can't" he stammered

Jacob wore a relaxed expression "Indeed, we can't face him head-on, but it doesn't mean that we can't sneak attack, even though he is immortal and doesn't die of aging, he can feel pain, we can kill him unnaturally"

Michael's pupils shook "He doesn't even come out of his cave, how can we sneak an attack on him?"

Jacob smirked "Michael, attack the island where the snake king is currently living and try to hurt his female. And make sure to do it when the snake king is not around or lure him out if it is necessary"

He laughed maniacally and added "We will make both the kings face each other, no matter who dies it will be advantageous to us"

Michael furrowed his brows "How will this make the stray beast king come out?"

Jacob smiled "You know what that bird hates the most? Someone opposing his authority. With the temper of the snake king, he will provoke that bird, then it is not even necessary to give them a reason to fight"

Michael shook his head "He is not that easy to deal with, he may be impulsive but his mind works differently, his twisted thinking will cost us our heads first before he goes to face the snake king. I suggest we first deal with the stray beast king, we can always use your first plan later"

Now that Jacob thought about it, the stray beast king is indeed someone a little different, more accurately he is crazy and will figure out their plan, he tapped on his stone chair "How about we lure him out and use scorpion poison on him? Then kill him off when he is still in his delirious state?"

Michael frowned "But the scorpion venom will not affect him for a long time, he has a great resistance against poisons"

Jacob lifted one of his brows "Get an eagle beastman to attack his wings, Not matter how strong the bird tribe is if they get hurt in the wing then we can defeat them. Send someone to ask my son in law the eagle king to send some powerful eagle beastmen"

He looked at Michael's eyes "Remember, you have to kill him before he starts to recuperate"

Michael nodded his head but thought about something "But my men will be hesitant in attacking him, he is after all our king"

Jacob widened his eyes "How could I forget this? Michael, never face him yourself, I'll get my tribe's men to do the work. You have to make him believe that you are one of his men, just in case if we fail"

"And, send someone to contact scorpion king. Give him the same exchange promise as we gave to the snake clan. Both are cold-blooded beastmen, they will agree to it. I want them on my side" he added

Michael nodded his head and left the castle.

After he left an old fox beastman with grey hair and slightly bent back holding a walking stick entered the room "I see that you are using him well"

Jacob turned his head towards the voice and greeted "Fox king greets you witch master"

The old man nodded his head and sat on the stone chair "You are far more intelligent than your father Jacob"

Jacob smiled faintly "It is my father's teachings master, I'm just trying to complete his dreams"

The witch master still with a stern face informed "I have good news for you, I can sense the presence of 'Sapphire of wish' in the beast world. Theodore's daughter has returned"

Jacob's eyes gleamed "I heard it before from Michael, but didn't take it seriously. But now that the master has confirmed, then I will get my hands on sapphire of wish. I should also get a hold of Theodore's daughter, only she can make a wish from it"

The witch master looked at him "But don't forget, as soon as she makes a wish, we should kill her off"

Jacob smirked "Just like how my father killed Theodore's mate?"

The witch master smiled eerily "Don't speak so casually, we should keep her reason for death as a secret"