
Beauty in the beast world

Lyra is a 21st-century girl from the modern world who accidentally transmigrated into the beast world while swimming. what happens when a gorgeous young girl with golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes with ivory white skin doll falls into a world where the female population is drastically low. But as she stays in the world, she discovers many secrets about herself which she never imagined. Join her journey in discovering love, heartache, and the real truth of her life. This is my first story please support me and join me on my journey through this story. The cover photo is not mine Contains mature content with many r#18 scenes audience below 16 restrain from reading it. Follow my insta @ruby_rosie_2001

Ruby_rosie · Fantasy
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315 Chs


After sharing all their thoughts they felt even closer to each other, Lyra smiled still hugging and kissing his neck earning a groan from him "Lilly stop provoking me, I'm holding myself back for almost fifteen days now. I can't wait for you to give birth"

Lyra pulled away giggling "You! How shameless are you?"

He kissed her jaw and bit it gently "Do you know how enticing you look to my eyes? I just want to gobble you up"

"Stop it, this flirting will lead to something else. I feel hungry, I'll go eat something" she said and got up

As she entered the bedroom, she saw Lucas making clothes for her. She asked him to make loose clothes that could be comfortable during pregnancy and he was working on it. He sensed her presence and grinned "You are back?"

Lyra smiled and went to him and sat down with his support "You can do this slowly, there are still fifteen days left"

He kissed her forehead "I want you to wear something comfortable as soon as possible"

She smiled and caressed his handsome face "Can I ask you something?"

He held her hand and pressed it on his face "You don't have to seek my permission. Ask me anything"

Lyra put her head on his shoulders "What did you feel when I broke my promise and mated with Blake?"

He was surprised because of her sudden question but answered "Hmm, I felt angry at myself when you went missing, I wished I could have found you sooner so that I could prevent you from being with that snake. I for fraction of a second even thought of killing him off without your knowledge, so that you could accept me"

Lyra widened her eyes "Why are you guys scheming against each other? Are every male in this world like this?"

Lucas nodded his head seriously "Yes, every male here thinks like this, we just tolerate each other because of our love for our beloved female"

"And you guys never hate your female for choosing other males?" she said raising her eyebrows

"Why would we? we become mates with the female knowing that she would have other males. Everyone says that males mate with females to get offspring but it is the least important thing for us, we just wish to stay with the one we love. When we mate, our life falls into the hands of our loved ones" he replied

she frowned "Isn't it too harsh for males? To have your life depending on someone else"

He chuckled "That is how we are, We wish that kind of life where our life will be in our beloved's hands"

"In my case, You accepted me and I know that you love me. That is enough for me" he added

She pursed her lips "Then what if I accept other males in the future?"

His eyes turned darker "I will prevent it no matter what, without your knowledge of course. But if it is for your safety and to give you a more comfortable life then I will try to accept, no promises though" he said and laughed darkly

Lyra shrunk in his arms hearing his sinister laugh. Both of them were dangerous fellows, their minds only thought about her, and they didn't mind harming others for her. She didn't know what to feel after hearing both of their confession. They didn't appear friendly in front of her but also didn't fight. But hearing this, she knew one thing, they fought but not in her presence. There were so many things to understand about them, and she hoped she wouldn't meet more complicated males in the future trying to woo her. Hell, she didn't even want to meet anyone anymore.

After clearing her mind, Lyra ate lunch and took a nap in Lucas's arms. He looked at her face for a minute and tucked her to sleep, then went out of the room and found Blake standing in the living room crossing his arms. Blake said in a cold voice "You also smelled the scent on her?"

Lucas with an equally emotionless face replied "It is that old fish. He has said something to Ly, She asked a variety of questions to me today"

Blake nodded his head "Same for me, You stay here with Lilly. I have something to discuss with that old man" he said and slithered out of the house

Lucas returned to Lyra's arms as though nothing happened.




Gregory was staying near the cave of Noah's but both didn't speak to each other until now. Noah was always a reserved beastman who avoided Gregory as though he was air.

But today was different, Gregory was waiting for Noah near his cave and stood up as soon as he saw him "I was waiting for you Lion cub, I wanted to discuss something with you"

Noah was in a bad mood because of Lyra's rejection and seeing someone else near his cave made him irritated "What is witch master doing in my cave? And don't use that ridiculous nickname for me"

Gregory grinned "You may not know, but I'm your father's friend, and I met you once when you were still a cub"

Noah, unfortunately, remembered seeing him in his childhood but ignored this and said "I asked, what you were doing near my cave?"

"I came to talk about Lyra," he replied

Noah furrowed his eyebrows "About baby dove?"

"Wow! what wonderful nicknames you three males have for Lyra" Gregory exclaimed

Noah narrowed his eyes "Speak your reason for visiting me and get out of my sight, I'm not in a mood to talk to you"

Gregory nodded his head "You are in a bad mood? Of course, you would be, I was also sad when my mate rejected me in the past"

Noah sighed and turned around to leave but Gregory called him "Wait! have some patience, I came to inform you that Lyra's life is in danger"

Noah halted his steps and strode towards him "What are you talking about? What danger does she have!? Speak before I kill you!" he bellowed

Gregory put a distance between them for his safety and explained "You may find what I'm going to say as nonsense, but trust me it is not. I just want to protect that child, because she is my mate's daughter"

Noah revealed a confused face listening to his words. Gregory took a deep breath and revealed everything about Lyra. Her origin, where she lived before appearing in this world, her parents, about sapphire of wish, how someone is trying to bring danger to her because of that, and all other things.

Both stayed silent for a minute and after that Noah finally broke the silence "Do you think I'm stupid? If you are bored, then go out and play in the ocean, annoying fish" he grumbled and went to leave but stopped hearing someone's voice

"What he said is true" a cold voice spoke from behind