
Encased Resentment

"K-Kai" A confused voice called out to him.

The boy quickly turned around, feeling his chest tighten as the clay figure rose from the ashes. Her long black hair draped over her shoulders. Her body was completely covered in soot.

"It worked." He cheered.

"Shit it really worked! Ben, you have no idea ho-" A fist connected with his jaw.

His mind didn't have time to react as that seemingly delicate hand roughly swung against his face. He went flying into the forest. His body snapped against the trees as it flew by. A large tree caught him, allowing him to fall to the floor.

"What the hell Ben?" He groaned, clutching his side.

She stood above him, heavily breathing. She grabbed him by the collar, lifting him off the ground to glare into his eyes.

"Ben" He grunted.

He could see the sadness behind her anger as tears brimmed her eyes. Her brows knitted together as she lowered him to the ground. She opened her mouth to talk, but nothing came out. She tried to yell, to curse at him, but nothing happened. She let him go, holding her throat.

"Didn't it work?" He lifted her chin to examine her neck, noticing the faded wound.

"It did." Moako watched them.

"Then why can't she talk? And why the hell is this still here?" He showed her Ben's neck.

Ben slapped his hand away.

"Trauma can often leave behind scars. We can heal the body, but healing the soul is not as simple. That is something only she can do for herself."

Kai looked down at her.

Ben kept mouthing words at him. Pushing him roughly.

"I don't know what you're saying." He sighed frustratedly.

"Mmph!" She breathes out grabbing his hand to place it on her chest.

Electricity flowed out from Ben and into him.

"You asshole! I trusted you, and you left me there!"

Her piercing voice echoed in his mind, but her mouth wasn't moving.

"Okay. That's freaky." He turned to the witch doctor.

"Can you hear her too?"

"Nope. You're the one who formed a bond with the girl." She shook her head.

"Bring her to the side of the cabin when you're done." The doctor smirked, walking off.

"Oh!" Kai averted his gaze from Ben.

"I know you're pissed, but we can talk about this later. First, can you um, let go of my hand."

"What so you can run away again?" She huffed.

"No, because you're currently standing here without a single piece of clothing on. I'm trying to be respectful and not stare. So you might want to cover up."

She jumped, concealing herself as she knelt down. Kai laughed, watching her panic.

It's weird. The clay is so life-like.

He watched her arms move about.

"Here." He took off his beige shirt, tossing it to her.

He turned around. Ben quickly draped the large shirt on, glaring at him as she held the sides down tightly. She ran up to him, swinging her knee into the back of his.

"Hey!" His knees buckled.

"What is up with the violence? Just because y-you have energy now doesn't mean you have to use it on me." He weakly laughed.

She gripped his wrist.

"I hate you." She scowled.

"That's okay. As long as you're good, I'm good." He casually smiled down at her.

Heat flushed her cheeks as she frantically looked away letting him go. It flustered something inside her because it wasn't like his usual mocking smirk. This one looked sincere.

"Come on, little rat. Let's go." He walked off towards the cabin.

Unfortunately, she had no other choice but to follow him. Where could she go? They're in the middle of the forest, and she barely understands what's happening. The last thing she remembered was bleeding out on the ground. Alone, scared, and in pain. A large pit of emotions brewed within her. She didn't know whether to cry or scream. The only thing that felt certain was her anger towards Kai. One that grew from a deep sadness she wasn't ready to face.

"Hey" Kai held her hand.

"Come on." He gently smiled at her.

As they passed the entrance to the cabin, Ben peered in seeing the stone table which displayed her pale unmoving body. She let his hand go, walking towards the table. Kai quickly grabbed a sheet, ready to throw it over the body until Ben raised her hand to stop him as she stared at herself.

Is that me?

Tears fell down her cheeks as she laid her head against the dying version of herself.

Why didn't she run away when she had the chance? Why did she choose to go back to that hell? She was pissed at her father for what he did, pissed at Kai for abandoning her, but more than anything, she was pissed at herself for being so pathetically weak.

She hated it.

"Let's get you cleaned up." The witch doctor softly touched her shoulder.

"Once you're all nice and clean, I'll explain everything to you, okay?" She smiled gently.

Ben stood up straight, taking a deep breath while using her arm to wipe her eyes.

The doctor led her out of the cabin. Moako stood off to the side as she tapped the end of her cane against the ground four times. Leaves blew, revealing stones laid out down a strangely odd pathway through the woods.

"Come on now." She used the wooden cane to help her waddle through the leaves.

Ben cautiously followed behind. The energy around them was thick but airy. It felt as though the trees radiated with life.

"Be mindful of your steps. Only walk on the stones which have been laid down for us." She pointed down at the stone pathway.

Ben stared at the older lady in confusion.

"We are on sacred grounds." She tapped the stones as Ben carefully stepped down.

"Ancient beings reside here keeping this forest alive. They are mischievous little shits, but it's not without reason. A long time ago, they were hunted for the powers they possess. Demons and creatures alike believed that by consuming them, they could gain their powers but, those fools were misled."

From the corner of her eye, Ben could see tiny figures flash by.

"To protect themselves, they placed a spell on the forest. So when unwelcomed guests come here looking for trouble, they'll be cursed. Forced to wander the grounds until death is the only one who welcomes them." Moako gently caressed a leaf hanging from a branch.

Ben watched as the leaves danced in the wind. One of them approached her, swirling around her arm before landing in her palm. It was warm to the touch, and she swore she could feel it pulsate against her palm.

So it's like the forest is alive.

"Yes exactly! The forest acts as their guardian."

Hm? Did she just-

"But you see these stones, they are pieces of rock from the cave of the sacred pool. This protects us from that spell. One wrong move and, you step on a leaf, it's game over."

Ben tapped the doctor's shoulder, gesturing to the ground.

"Oh, you wanna know why they set this up?"

Ben nodded.

"Honey, that's because even they know that not all creatures are bad just because most of them are. They believe that the good balances out the bad. Plus, they have a special place in their hearts for us witch doctors." She winked at the girl.

The pathway led into a dark cave that was carved into the base of a mountain. The older lady led them in, tapping her cane across the slick ground. As a faint light lit up at the end of the tunnel, the sounds of soft bells echoed around them.

"Okay, here we are."

Ben peeked out from behind the elder.

Her eyes widened, seeing a beautifully crystal sapphire underground lake. Ben couldn't help but stare in awe at the cathedral-like ceiling. With its stone twisting down into pillars.

It was captivating the way water flowed in from the opening above. Ben carefully approached it, feeling the cool, slick rock against her bare feet. She crotched down, dipping her fingers into the water.

Oh! It's warm.

She swirled her hand in the water. She stopped and stared into the ripples, seeing a purple mist covering her face. She inched closer to her reflection, sensing something was off. As she did, her reflection's eyes turned black, and her lips contorted into a grin. Her heart beat faster, pounding against her ribs.

A hand sprung from the water and gripped her throat. She fought against it, but that pale rotten hand refused to budge.

"Don't mess this up." An eerie woman's voice whispered.

Ben struggled against the grasp as the sight of her reflection filled her with panic. It was oozing with anger and resentment. Her eyes widened when the cracking of clay echoed around them.

She's going to break me!