
Beautiful trap in the MCU

Aniel was a 25 year old ordinary worker but he had a secret, he dreamed of being a beautiful trap and sucking his best friend's dick but unfortunately he ends up passing away but he was lucky and in his new life he became a beautiful trap and still won a strong transmigrator advantage, besides being handsome he will be the strongest on the planet and all avengers will be his private harem [protagonist will like both men and women, but I warn you that he will be very gay]

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Now suck my dick

Anne used her powers and placed the two of them on the ground under the bridge.

Fisk and Murdock were fully conscious, they were scared looking at Anne but couldn't even scream due to the frightening pressure Anne put on their bodies.

"because they look at me scared, i mean don't take my comment seriously daredevil ok hahaha" Anne

"I'll release some of the pressure, but I don't want to hear screaming or I'm not going to be a bad girl ok" Anne

Finally Fisk and Matt managed to sigh

"you, who are you and why protect Fisk?" Matt

Fisk seemed calmer, he had dealt with mutants before, even though they were weak mutants, he knew that if he wasn't killed by her then he had something she wanted.

"protect? I don't know what you're talking about" Anne

"Girl, what do you want?" Fisk

"See, this is how you should react daredevil, a straight man" Anne looked at Fisk

I must say the unglybastard tag had always attracted Anne in her old life, so looking at Fisk's big fat body she felt very attracted

"what I want is simple, I want your dick!" Anne

"Girl you're strong but you look young, don't play with it, how about letting me go, Fisk is a criminal of the worst kind and I should take him to jail" Matt

Fisk didn't speak, but even he thought it was a joke

Fisk has always had a complex with his looks, he'll never believe a pretty girl like Anne wanted his dick

"kidding? ok so what do you think about it" Anne, she pointed her finger and their clothes started to rip

Anne only left Matt's mask, so as not to reveal his identity to Fisk.

The two were suddenly naked, Matt was thin and had a defined and beautiful body in addition to being hairy which was very masculine

However, Fisk that drew attention, his body was fat and huge without any hair, his dick was still soft for he was already 20 centimeters and the two balls were huge, it looked like the testicle of a bear

Anne looked at them both and a fire burned inside her, her lust aroused

Fisk and Matt got scared

Anne started to take off her shirt and bra, soon her two perfect nipples were on display.

She walked seductively over to Fisk, she then sat on top of him and placed her nipples close to his face.

"Suck my breast" Anne

"Girl I have a wife and I love her, I don't want to" Fisk

"That wasn't a request, it was an order, suck my breast" Anne

"I...don't want to betray my Vanessa" Fisk

"Damn you stupid fat, you don't seem to understand your situation, now suck my nipple or I'll go after your beloved Vanessa and I'll throw her naked in the middle of a male chain full of abusers" Anne threatened

For the first time, Fisk was afraid, with the strength of this girl he didn't doubt

Fisk then opened his mouth and put the pink nipple if Anne inside, his tongue started to lick

"Ahhhh this, lick more" Anne moaned

Anne lay on top of Fisk as he sucked on her nipple.

"Ahhhhhhh" Anne

Fisk, who didn't want to do that, started to like the situation, after all who wouldn't like to suck a beautiful nipple?

He even wanted to fuck that girl's pussy all over him Too bad he will never be able to do that, because Anne doesn't have a pussy but a beautiful fluffy penis

Anne then felt something behind her skirt, she used her hand and touched it, that huge Fisk cock rose up, it was at least 30 centimeters long and it was huge

Anne had an urge to let that huge monster into her ass and destroy her virgin pink hole.

"Girl let me fuck your pussy if you want it then I'll fuck you" Fisk

"Hahahaha if I had a pussy I would leave" Anne

"I didn't understand,?" Fisk

Anne still laughing got up, she took off her skirt and panties getting naked and taking the doubt of Fisk

there was no pussy, just a beautiful little pink penis

Anne brought her pink dick to Fisk's mouth, her dick is only 12 centimeters

"Now suck my dick" Anne smiled