
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 85 Experiment

"Oh." Huangfu Liuyun raised his eyebrows and looked at the green-haired young man in front of him, his courage didn't seem to be as small as he saw at first.

Hearing this meaningless answer, the green-haired boy looked up.

"They can stay here in the future, right?" Warren asked, looking at Huangfu Liuyun.

"Downstairs." Huangfu Liuyun said with an irrefutable command.

"Okay then." Warren turned to look at the two teenagers.

"What's your name?" Warren remembered that he didn't know the names of the two teenagers.

"Dean Warren, my name is Fern (Kaye)." Both spoke at the same time.

"Ferne, and Kaye. Go in and choose a room for yourself. After Warren finished speaking, the blonde-haired teenager Fern looked at Erin as if he didn't want to leave.

"Fern, what's the matter?" Erin looked at Fern Dao tenderly.

"Lady Irene, can I learn water magic from you?" Fern looked at Erin expectantly.

"You're a water magician?" Erin looked at Fern and there were no magic fluctuations because he hadn't started learning magic yet.

"No, I'm a water and light, a dual-line magician." Fern looked at Erin with some apprehension, afraid that she wouldn't accept it.

"Yes." A smile appeared on Erin's face, a dual-line magician, it's rare.

"My friend, Kaye is from the Mizuki Wind III, is that okay?" Fern looked at the gentle smile on Irene's face, pulled Kaye beside him, and looked at Erin.

"Three lines? It's true? Erin was a little shocked, although he was allowed to see a full range of magic geniuses today, it is not enough to say that the dual and tertiary systems that had not seen one in decades ago are complete today, right?

"Really! I kid you not! Fern looked at Erin seriously, thinking that Erin didn't believe it, and nodded seriously in reassurance.

"Hehe, I'm just so surprised. If it's a water system, of course you can. Erin said with a smile.

"Let's go, Irene," Aaron called from the doorway.

"I'll go first, you can go to me to cultivate from tomorrow," Erin said goodbye to everyone in the room gently.

The night was deep

Huangfu Liuyun and Huangfu Qingmo hugged each other and slept together, in his sleep, Huangfu Zhimo felt that there seemed to be a stove behind him, and he unconsciously approached backward. Huangfu Liuyun felt a familiar aura approaching him, and his hand subconsciously hugged him tighter.

In their sleep, both of them had satisfied smiles on their faces, and the hazy moonlight projected onto the bed through the window, and the room was peaceful and quiet.

The next day, Huangfu Qingmo went to class, and Huangfu Liuyun was in the room dealing with the account books sent by Xingyuan, as well as some things about the dark union.

"By the way, Sharon, are you interested in participating in the competition?" Warren looked at Huangfu Qingmo and asked.

Today, during class, Huangfu Qingmo also heard about the competition, but didn't this competition start very early? And the personnel should have almost settled down by now, right?

Huangfu Qingmo looked at Warren suspiciously.

"Hehe, are you thinking about the fact that the list of the competition is decided? You don't have to worry about this, although the competition is selected through layers of selection, some people are too late to participate in the previous competition because of the remoteness, and then the list of those who competed before the real competition with the Dongmang Continent can be changed. Warren explained to Emperor Fu Qingmo.

"I'm just starting to learn magic." Huangfu Qingmo looked at Warren and said, that although he is indeed a whole department, he has only come into contact with magic, and he has not even learned the most basic fireball technique, so he even asked himself to participate in the competition, doesn't he think it is very unrealistic?

"Well, we've thought about it, put you three boys together, special education!" Warren said.

"Three?" Huangfu Qingmo raised his eyebrows.

"It's the other two in your dormitory, although they are not as genius as you, they are also geniuses!" Warren said with excitement on his face, he has only taken over this magic academy for twenty years, and there are three geniuses here, and the magic academy must be able to ask the third in his own hands to become the first magic academy in the Xicang Continent!

"It's just that they're just in touch with magic, even if they're geniuses, you can't let them go from a beginner to a great magician in less than four months, right?" Aaron appeared behind Warren and said disdainfully.

"But these three are geniuses, if you don't participate this time, you won't have a chance in the future!" Warren looked at Huangfu Qingmo with pity.

"You haven't and haven't participated," Aaron said lightly.

"It's because I haven't participated in it that I don't want them to suffer my regrets once," Warren said with determination

"Let's go! I'll take you somewhere. Warren took Huangfu Qingmo's hand and walked out, and Huangfu Qingmo's hand moved lightly to break free of Warren's hand.

Warren looked back at Emperor Fu with ink. Warren, who was immersed in his thoughts, didn't notice at all how easy it was for Huangfu Qingmo to break free from his hands.

"I can go myself." Huangfu Qingmo said coldly, if it weren't for the fact that he had no ill will towards himself, then he would probably let his hand be abolished!

Aaron took a clear look behind him and looked at Huangfu Qingmo's eyes with more inquiry.

"Aaron, you go and bring the other two." Warren walked outside the door and suddenly turned back to Aaron in the room.

"Okay." Aaron turned and walked towards the dormitory.

Knocking on the door, it was Fern who came out to open the door.

"Fern, go and call Kaye to go with me to a place."

"It's Mr. Aaron," Fern said respectfully.

"Teacher." Kaye came out to see Aaron and said respectfully, he didn't call Aaron Aaron's teacher like Fern, because he was Aaron's student.

"Mr. Aaron, where are we going?" Fern's grinning personality quickly left respect behind him.

"Just follow along." Aaron walked unhurriedly.

A moment later, the three of them came to a two-story building, with white walls and smooth tops, like a square box standing in front of them.

Everyone walked in after Aaron and saw Huangfu Qingmo and Warren sitting on chairs. And in front of Huangfu Qingmo, there were several high-grade spars.

The high-grade heroin was there, and the others would have pounced on it, but now the three children glanced at it and turned their heads to look at Warren, waiting for Warren to speak, with a completely precious, completely unaware of its preciousness.

"Dean Warren.!" Fern and Kaye stood in front of Warren and said respectfully.

"Sit down," Warren said kindly.

Everyone took their seats one after another, and the expression on Warren's face became solemn.

"I have something to discuss with you, and as you can see, this is a high-grade spar. You should know that the hadron can improve people's magic power. Still, because the improved magic power is not accumulated by oneself little by little, it will affect one's future cultivation in the end, which makes many people give up the method of using spars to improve their magic power. Warren said, pausing.

"But in fact, what many people don't know is that the hadron enhances the magic power, as long as the method is used correctly, it will not affect the individual's future cultivation." Warren paused again, looking at the three people sitting across from him.

"How?" Fern looked at Warren curiously.

Warren was relieved to hear Fern's question and finally had a hook.

"The method is very simple, as long as there are two masters at the level of a mage to purify your magic power, and then enter your body, it's fine," Warren said easily, but what he didn't say was that the level of these two Magisters who purified their magic power would drop by a whole level, that is, from Mentor to Magus!

At this time, who is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others? You can only raise the opponent by two levels at a time, and you can't improve when the opponent is promoted to a magician!

"What are the side effects?" Kaye looked at Warren and asked, because if there was no thunder, this method would have spread all over the continent a long time ago, instead of thinking about it now, everyone just used hedron to restore mana~

"The side effect is that the magic of the Magus who has evolved your magic power will drop by one level." Before Warren could speak, Aaron had already spoken.

"Since that's the case, forget it, anyway, you can reach that level by slowly cultivating." Fern pouted disdainfully and said that he couldn't do things that he could do at the expense of others.

"But have you ever thought about it, this thirty-year East-West Continent Fighting Conference is a chance once in a lifetime, and if you miss this time, you will miss it forever!" Warren looked at the three of them and said anxiously, not wanting the three of them to give up.

"Although it's a pity to miss such a grand competition, it's okay to not be able to play in person and watch it, so there's no need to let others sacrifice to be able to participate in the competition."

"And I think that brother's role should be more than just demotion, right? If it is a downgrade, then it is only a matter of time before the cultivation comes back, many big families can use the Magister to raise the level of their descendants, and then let those downgraded magics go to a place where no one is to cultivate, after all, they have already cultivated once, and it is not very difficult to cultivate again. Kaye could have said what had come to mind.

Huangfu Qingmo glanced up at the green-haired young man, his mind was flexible, and he could think of so many other things through this simple thing, which was good.

"Because this demotion is a permanent relegation, it is impossible to recover," Aaron said in a deep voice.

"Gone." Huangfu Qingmo stood up expressionlessly and walked out, and the other two followed him and walked out.

"Warren, they won't agree to what I said." Erin came down from the upper floor.

"But they'll regret it in the future," Warren said with a sigh.

"Do you regret it?" Erin asked, looking at Warren across the face.

"How could I regret it!" Warren looked at Erin with determination in his eyes and instantly understood Erin's words, Warren was relieved.

"Alright, we might be able to get them to bring some hadrons back and use them to restore their magic," Erin said as she picked up the high-grade heroin on the table and walked out.

In the dormitory building, Huangfu Qingmo entered the room, only to find that Huangfu Liuyun, who was supposed to stay in the room to deal with things, had disappeared!

Huangfu Qingmo frowned, although he knew that Huangfu Liuyun would be fine, there were still some strange emotions lingering in his heart, which seemed to be an emotion called worry.

Huangfu Qingmo shook his head and expelled the inexplicable emotions from his brain, calmed down, and began to cultivate according to the method he said in class.

The mind is let go and everything around it, particles of various colors appear in the mind of Huangfu Qingmo, some of the writing particles move quickly, and some move slowly. Huangfu Qingmo carefully touched those particles with his heart, and soon all kinds of emotions came from the particles, some lively, some steady, some irritable, some gentle, some dark, some tolerant, and some seemed to be very quiet.

Huangfu Qingmo knew that it was the element. The moment those elemental examples came into contact with Huangfu Qingmo's mind, it seemed to be sucked and quickly swam toward Huangfu Qingmo's body. The emotions that often came to those elements were not diverse, but a feeling of happiness, even the originally dark elements were happy.

Huangfu Liuyun came out of the Qiankun ring, only to see Huangfu Qingmo sitting on the bed in the room, there were eight ribbons around her body, and as time passed, those ribbons became thicker and thicker. Eventually, the entire room shimmered with this colored light.

The movement of Huangfu Qingmo's cultivation was too great, and the colorful light refracted by the open window of the cave, as well as the violent elemental fluctuations, made the two people downstairs Kaye and Fern have to stop cultivating because the elements around them didn't say anything close to them, but flew directly upstairs, which made the two of them sit there Although they could see the thick elements, they couldn't absorb a little bit of the elements anyway!

Warren and the others sensed the unusual elemental activity in the academy and hurried towards the center where the elemental activity was most intense. When they arrived at the scene, several elderly people who were nearly 100 years old were stunned on the spot.

Where is this cultivation, is it the use of magic arrays to gather magic elements?

A few people quickly walked towards the dormitory building, only to see that the entire dormitory building was shrouded in elements, and the other people in the dormitory building had been squeezed out by the rich magical elements!

And the elements in the dormitory building tend to thicken!

"Quick! Tell her to stop! If you continue like this, your body won't be able to stand it! Warren looked at the others who appeared in front of him and Fern and Kaye and thought of who might be cultivating inside, so he hurriedly said loudly, he didn't know what to say when he made such a big move in his first cultivation.

As if to confirm Warren's words, Huangfu Qingmo in the room only felt that the blood vessels in his body seemed to be broken, which made Huangfu Qingmo frown.

"Mo'er, stop!" Huangfu Liuyun heard Warren's words, quickly entered the room, and found that Huangfu Qingmo's face was a little pale, and hurriedly spoke.

Huangfu Qingmo knew that his absorption today had reached the limit, so he quickly retracted his mind.

With the return of their minds, those magical elements seemed to lose their direction and quickly dissipated into the air, while Kaye and Fern quickly sat down and began to cultivate on the spot. Seeing that Kaye and the two of them were cultivating, the other students who had rushed from other dormitories sat down and began to cultivate.

After a while, the element returned to its original concentration, and the cultivators stopped.

"Okay, go back." Warren showed his majesty as a headmaster so that all those who wanted to stay and watch the excitement had to leave.

"Headmaster." The old man of the academy came to Warren and called out with some suspicion.

"Okay, it's okay, the magic array was given to him by me, and it is estimated that the magic array was activated out of curiosity to make this happen." Warren didn't say what he was guessing in his heart, he just took all the reasons for it all on himself.

"Well, Warren should remember to remind him next time not to make such a big noise." Erin rebuked gently but harshly beside her.

This adds credibility to Warren's words.

"Got it." Warren shook his head helplessly, with doting in his eyes.

'It's Principal Warren's students who are causing trouble this time, but when did Principal Warren take in the apprentices?' A new question arose in the hearts of the people.

"Alright, you all go back, it's okay." Warren waved his hand, and all the teachers left.

It wasn't until everyone had left that Warren and Erin entered the dormitory. I saw that at this time, Huangfu Qingmo's face was ruddy, and his hands were changing for a while, a water balloon, a fire bead, a wind blade, and an earth thorn.

"Sharon, you've studied magic before?" Warren asked, looking at the primary magic in Huangfu Qingmo's hand.

"Nope." Huangfu Qingmo didn't raise his head, and the magic in his hand kept changing.

"And how did you know about the magic?" Leo couldn't help but ask.

"Think about turning them into fireballs, and they become fireballs." Huangfu Qingmo said that it was reasonable, and other people who knew magic were terrified and jealous when they heard it.

"Just thinking about it?" Kaye and Fern asked, confused. Why is it different from what we hear? Didn't you want a magic spell? "

"Hmm." Huangfu Qingmo snorted, and no one noticed that a fireball and a water ball suddenly appeared in his hand, and then rewarded

"Bump!" With a loud bang, the coffee table in front of Huangfu Qingmo shattered into blocks, and in front of him stood an elemental shield known for its various elements.

"You, what did you do?" Warren and the others felt a burst of elemental fluctuations, subconsciously propped up the elemental shield, and then heard a loud noise, and then saw the corpse of the coffee table.

"Fire and water are incompatible, try." Huangfu Qingmo said that what is written in those novels also makes some sense, the collision of water balls and fireballs can cause explosions.

"Try, try?" Warren stammered, it was the first time he had encountered such a thing when he was almost a hundred years old, and someone would just test magic without caring about the number of people.

"What's wrong?" Huangfu Qingmo finally looked up, and in his hand, he was holding a ball of light and a dark ball with a dark luster.