
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 84: A Legendary Genius!

Huangfu Qingmo decided to ignore this sudden rise of someone.

The Amos Academy of Magic is located in the small town of Songnai, which is well known to the people of the Xiang Continent because of the existence of the Amos Academy of Magic, the third-ranked magic academy in the Xicang Continent

Huangfu Qingmo and the others got out of the carriage and walked towards the Amos Academy of Magic, and now Huangfu Qingmo did not let Huangfu Liuyun hug her, because she was already thirteen years old at this moment, and she had also recovered her daughter's body, and it feels strange to be held.

Looking at Huangfu Qingmo who was walking in front of her, Huangfu Liuyun frowned in distress, she could let herself hug when she was small, but why didn't she let herself hug when she grew up?

Mo'er. Huangfu Liuyun called softly from behind.

Well? Huangfu Qingmo turned around and looked at Huangfu Liuyun.

Even if you don't let me hug it, can't you even hold hands? Huangfu Liuyun looked at Huangfu Qingmo with an aggrieved expression.

Huangfu Qing ink black line, why so many changes?

Huangfu Qingmo handed his hand out, and Huangfu Liuyun had a smile on his face and took Huangfu Qingmo's hand and walked towards the Amos Academy of Magic.

There was a great flow of people along the way, and many people walked in the direction of the academy, almost to the point of tiptoe on their heels.

Looking at the excessive flow of people, Huangfu Liuyun and Huangfu Qingmo frowned at the same time.

Shirmile was obviously used to the situation in front of her, but she slowed down and walked slowly.

Huangfu Liuyun took Huangfu Qingmo's hand, held Huangfu Qingmo's waist, flew up on tiptoe, and just clicked the head under his feet a few times, and crossed the crowd to the inside of the academy.

Looking at the four people who fell from the sky, the teacher of the Amos Academy of Magic was stunned for a moment, but he still quickly reacted and said, "What are you here for?" If you sign up, go there, and if you're already a student at the academy, go in from there. The magician pointed to the left and then to the right.

Huangfu Liuyun took Huangfu Qingmo's hand and walked to the left.

This test seems to be the same as the test of the Royal Academy, but the Royal Academy test uses a jade slip, while the Amos Academy of Magic uses a crystal ball.

Huangfu Qingmo received the number plate, and it was soon his turn to enter the room to test, "Come and put your hand on the crystal ball, don't think about relaxing your body." "

According to the magic teacher's words, Huangfu Qingmo put his hand on the crystal shu.

The magic teacher stared at the crystal ball earnestly, waiting for its reaction.

I saw that the transparent crystal edge seemed to be unable to react at once, and first paused for a while, and just when the magic teacher was about to reward the cloth for having no magical talent, he saw that the crystal ball suddenly showed a green light.

This is the plant system" Before Magic Eryu could say it, another burst of red light flashed.

Dual? It seemed that the surprise of the magic teacher was not enough, and another burst of blue light flashed!

Three, "Before the magic teacher's excited words could be spoken, another burst of light flashed!

Before the four words "Magic Genius" were finished, another burst of yellow light flashed!

Sky! "The magic teacher doesn't know what to say except a word!

Fortunately, there were only three magic teachers in this room, and there were no other testers, otherwise, it would have caused a stir. It's just that even if there are these three magic teachers from time to time, it's already amazing!

I saw that the three magic teachers who were originally calm all stood up and stared at the crystal ball that was originally transparent but now shimmered with various colors.

A burst of yellow light, a burst of black light, a burst of white light, and then everything returns to the gray of nothingness!

Oh! Amos! All Magical Geniuses! The three teachers are different. Said in unison.

This, this! You, you're pressing your hand on it! Seeing that Huangfu Qingmo put away his hand, one of the old men said in disbelief. Huangfu Qingmo frowned, and pressed his hand on the length of the crystal bead again, this time the crystal ball was not flickering, but directly occupied a corner of each color of light and glowed.

Oh! Amos! It turned out to be a balanced genius of the whole system of eagle law! Oh, there's even a space department! The magic teacher who was too excited forgot to announce the results of the test and forgot that there were other colleges behind him, but he just looked at Huangfu Qingmo excitedly, and his hot eyes almost made Huangfu Qingmo think that he was going to eaten!

Buckle up! There was a knock on the door, and the three excited old magic souls shook back.

Classmate, what's your name? One of the overly excited magic teachers asked.

Huangfu Qingmo frowned, turned around, and prepared to leave.

Wait a minute! Wait a minute! The magic teacher came back to his senses after asking, and when he saw that Huangfu Qingmo was leaving, he hurriedly said something.

Classmate, I'm so excited, that's it, you wait, I'll inform the dean. Well, you've passed. The teacher was a little incoherent with excitement.

In the academy, Dean Warren, who was sitting leisurely in the room drinking wine, was so shocked by a rapid knock on the door that he almost threw the wine glass in his hand to the ground!

In! What's up! "The dean's face was a little dark, but the magic teacher didn't care about you.

Dean, I've discovered genius! A real genius, absolutely, definitely a genius beyond Amos, the magic teacher said with great excitement, and the dean frowned when he heard this.

What is a magical genius who will surpass Amos? It's impossible! Dean Warren felt that he was exaggerating what the magic teacher said.

Dean I don't believe you go and take a look, balance the magic geniuses of the whole department" The magic teacher directly stepped forward took Dean Warren's hand, and walked out, and he had already forgotten what Zun Zhuo had forgotten.

Looking at the magic teacher's excited look, Warren suddenly thought that maybe it might be true. Warren was also thrilled at the thought that there might indeed be a magical genius beyond Amos in his academy.

Amos is the most genius three-line magician in the history of magic, and his three-line magic has reached the point of a god and finally disappeared, no one knows where he went, and no one knows if he crossed over and became a real god!

When Dean Warren arrived at the test site, Huangfu Qingmo had already left impatiently.

What the! Let's go! Why don't you stop him? Warren blew his beard, glared at him, and roared.

We can't forcibly keep her, and she's already a student of our academy, so I've already placed her in that separate dormitory. The magic teacher looked at the dean aggrievedly.

Well, good, you're doing a great job. The dean nodded, his eyes narrowed, and turned to walk towards the dormitory.

With the absolute genius of Huangfu Qingmo, the latter ones even came out with three double lines, and they were not very excited.

It was a quiet dormitory, where one house was not far from the other, but not far from it, and a garden separated the two houses.

The four of them looked at the house in front of them, and nodded, quite satisfied, not far from the back of the courtyard was a wide lake, and in front of the courtyard was a lined forest, there was a dormitory on the left and right, but it has also been separated by a garden, and the environment is quiet and elegant.

Inside, there is a carpet on the ground, it looks like a material, with no return, and the style is simple and generous. Several ink paintings are hanging on the wall, and there is a fireplace on the right-hand side of the entrance, but there is no fire in the fireplace because the weather is not cold now.

A few chairs are placed not far in front of the fireplace, as well as a coffee table. On the left-hand side of the entrance, behind the chair is a staircase leading to the second floor.

There was a door to the left of the fireplace, and the emperor Qingmo looked at the room at the door and nodded. Head up the stairs.

On the second floor, a round room appeared in front of the eyes of the four people, Huangfu Liuyun took Huangfu Qingmo's hand, looked at it one by one, and finally selected the room for four people in the row of rooms near the lake, Huangfu Liuyun insisted on sleeping with Huangfu Qingmo.

Ye Wushuang and the Demon Immortal quickly tidied up the room.

Who are you? Ye Wushuang looked at the old man standing in the living room and suddenly came out of the inkstone and asked.

I'm the current dean of this college, Warren. Warren finished introducing himself, and his eyes began to roll from side to side.

Master. Knowing Warren's identity, Ye Wushuang also knew the purpose of Warren's visit and went upstairs to the front of Huangfu Qingmo's room and called.

Huangfu Liuyun took Huangfu Qingmo's hand came out of the room and walked downstairs.

Warren was stunned for a moment when he saw Huangfu Liuyun, he didn't feel the magic fluctuations on the other party's body, but he felt a sense of danger, and the domineering spirit of Huangfu Liuyun made Warren think of the emperors of the four empires he had seen. However, he has seen the emperors of the four empires, and he is sure that no one has the same cultivation as the person in front of him, Warren was secretly shocked in his heart, when did they not know except for such a person?

You're Sharon? Warren looked at the small body in front of him who knew his chest, and the bumpy figure, female?

Right. Huangfu Qingmo raised his eyebrows, unhappy with the suspicion in Warren's eyes.

I'm the dean of the college, Warren. After introducing himself, he looked at Huangfu Qingmo. Hope to get a response from her.

Huangfu looked at Warren expressionlessly, waiting for him to say the next thing.

Can you be my student? Warren looked expectantly at the Emperor's ink.

What will you be? Huangfu Qingmo raised his eyebrows.

Well. I will", Warren was interrupted by a rough voice before he could finish his sentence.

Warren! You are a contemptible old man, you have a good apprentice, and you want to monopolize it! The typical person arrives before the sound is heard.

Warren, it looks like you want to fight me. A faint and breezy voice sounded, as ethereal as the wind.

It's just that Big Brother Warren is always so contemptible. A gentle female voice spoke, and a gentle tone said words that were not gentle. Hearing these words, the light in Huangfu Liuyun's eyes flashed.

I, where is despicable! You bastards! Warren was not lightly. With the words, several old men came in, a red fire mage robe, and a cyan wind mage robe. A blue water-based mage's robe.

Hum! Isn't it humble to come alone? "

Well, it's indecent. "

That's right, I always like to hide good things. "

The three of you are here to dismantle me, right? "Warren is on fire.

That's right! The three of them spoke in unison.

You, you guys! Warren pointed at the three, his beard shaking.

You guys quarrel and go out to quarrel," Huangfu Liuyun raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

The four of them stopped and looked at Huangfu Liuyun, the three of them showed a look of surprise, and Warren shut up and sat down.

I want to take my daughter as an apprentice. Huangfu Liuyun said and looked at the four of them, and the four of them all stared at Huangfu Liuyun, for fear that he would say no, but the four of them thought about it too much, and sent them to the Academy of Magic to study just to find someone who could teach magic, since there are powerful ones, of course they agree.

Yes, but the condition is ...

What is it? The four of them looked at Huangfu Liuyun vigilantly.

Your sincerity must be shown. Huangfu Liuyun said with the corners of his mouth slightly hooked.

Sincerity? The four of them repeated, looking at each other.

Warren thought for a moment and took out a piece of clothing inside the spatial ring.

Doomsday Guardian! The red-robed man looked at it and exclaimed.

The other three looked at the robe in Warren's hand, and their eyes were somewhat surprised, they never thought that the Doomsday Guardian would be in the hands of the dean, it was a legendary magic robe, that could resist the four magic forbidden spells of earth, fire, water, and wind at the same time, but this Doomsday Guardian has a chicken rib that you must know these four systems of magic, otherwise you will wear it and ordinary clothes, which is useless, and it will only be a series of magic, and it will not be able to activate the magic array on the Doom Guardian at all!

By the way, I got this some time ago when I went hunting Warcraft! The man in the cyan robe also took out a magic forest from his spatial ring.

I saw that the magic coin was very ancient, but in that ancient flutter, there was a sense of long history. Seeing the magic wand Emperor Fu Qingmo, felt that he was being called, and reached out to take it.

I've looked it up in books, but I can't find any information, and I don't even know what it's made of. But he can increase the power of all kinds of magic, and I've tried this for others. "

The other two watched the two of them each take out such a good thing, but they didn't have anything suitable for taking out their hands, so they looked at each other helplessly.

I don't have anything good but this. "The old woman in the blue magic robe (?) ), took out a gray spar and handed it to Huangfu Qingmo.

Space Crystal?! Warren exclaimed, looking at the gray heron.

This is a rare thing, I didn't expect you to be willing to take it out, Irene. The man in the cyan magic robe said.

Aaron, although this space spar is rare, there are still some of them, no better than the magic forest in your hand, that's just this one. Erin said softly and helplessly.

This is for you, although it is not as precious as theirs, but I have created it with my own hands. The man in the red robe took out a red flower and said.

Well? Huangfu Qingmo bears the red flowers, looking at the man in the red robe.

Leo, I didn't expect you to take out all your housekeepers. Warren looked at Huangfu Qingmo jealously.

This is made by Leo himself, don't look at this thing as ordinary, but he has something else, a petal can be topped by a high-grade fire muntjac method. Erin explained.

Huangfu Qingmo lowered his head and counted, a total of more than twenty petals.

This is used to deal with unexpected situations, such as when you run out of mana, or when someone is plotting against you. Leo explained.

Well. Huangfu Qingmo nodded, these things are very practical.

Now it's okay", the four of them gave the gift out and looked at the emperor.

Although Huangfu Liuyun was not very satisfied with the latter two, he reluctantly passed.

Come, Sharon, call the teacher. Warren looked at Huangfu Qingmo with a smile on his face.

Teacher. Huangfu Qingmo's cold voice called.

Hey, okay, okay. Warren had a happy look on his face.

I want it too! Leo stretched out his hand to pull Huangfu Qingmo, but before his hand touched Huangfu's ink, he was interrupted by Huangfu Liuyun on the side.

Don't touch Mo'er! Huangfu Liuyun stared at Leo with cold eyes, Leo's cold hair stood up after being stared at, and he quickly withdrew his hand.

Because of the cold voice of Huangfu Liuyun, the building suddenly fell silent awkwardly.

This is it! The environment here is nice! There was a sound of talking outside the building, and then only a sound of footsteps.

Syllable! "The door was pushed open from the outside", the two teenagers felt the silence in the room, thinking that there was no one inside, but they didn't expect to push it open, there were so many people sitting inside, and because of the arrival of the two teenagers, everyone else looked in the direction of the door, Huangfu Liuyun was not pleased with the noise of the two, and his eyes were as cold as ten thousand years of ice.

The two teenagers who pushed the door stood at the door in fright, not daring to move.

I, we, are", the bold young man opened his mouth to look at the emperor Fu Liuyun's cold eyes, and the words were directly silenced, and he stood at the door tremblingly.

Huangfu Qingmo looked at the two teenagers at the door, both of them had short hair, one was blonde like the Demon Fairy, and the other was a turquoise color full of vitality.

The two teenagers were very handsome, but at this time, the two of them were frightened by Huangfu Liuyun's eyes, and their faces were unusually pale.

Come on in. After all, Warren was the principal, and when he saw the appearance of the two people, he knew that they were freshmen, seeing that the two of them were frightened, he quickly stood up and grabbed the gaze of Huangfu Liuyun.

You, me," the bold blonde boy looked at Warren, unable to move or retreat.

I'm the dean of the college, don't be afraid. Warren said with a kind smile on his face.

Hello Dean Warren! The two teenagers bowed at the same time, with excited expressions on their faces.

The two teenagers saw that the dean had let them in, and they also walked in with courage, only when they entered the room did they have the mood to look at the people in this room, and when they saw the other three old men, the faces of the two teenagers showed a look of surprise.

Are you Lady Irene? The blonde boy came up to Erin and asked in surprise.

It's me. Erin said with a smile.

I'm "The blonde boy was about to introduce himself.

What did they come for? Huangfu Liuyun interrupted the young man's words coldly, he was not interested in listening to an outsider's self-introduction.

It should be a student, and you have to live in. Warren said.

We are new students this semester, and the teacher in front of us arranged for us to move in. It is said that there are no empty rooms in other places. The green-haired boy seemed to have adjusted his mood and stepped forward to explain in a low voice