
Chapter 9 Remembrance

Why are they all against me? Have I done anything wrong? I asked turning to Gerald and Dena.

Please let's leave, Gerald said standing up to go,Dena followed immediately.

Let's go Lara, you need to pull yourself together, so you won't cause problem for your baby, Dena said,as we left the family house.

Something is not right and something is definitely going on, Gerald said as he increased the car speed.

Amidst of my tears, I asked,"Don't you think they are keeping a secret from me"?

Yeah, there is something your parents are not telling you, and you need to find out the hidden secrets, Gerald said,as he pulled over to our street, shaking his head and making a sad face.

Please don't think too much, even if you have to think much, remember there is a reason you have to stop, "The baby", Dena said smiling at me.

So how do I really find out about this secret? I'm totally confused right now, I said turning to Gerald.

He kept quiet for a while, until he was done with parking the car, I came down from the car, still waiting for a reply from him.

Let's go inside the house,he said leading the way.

He unlocked the door and we entered,then he let out a heavy breathe and said "Very soon, your family would say that Dena and I had been cooking up evill ideas with you, but I don't really care what they say or do"

So what do we do right now, I asked, sitting on the couch unrelaxed.

I think Caleb would be of great help,we have to call him, so we could put heads together and solve this problem, Gerald stated.

Yes, Gerald is right, I think Caleb would know specific areas to help us out with, Dena added.

I put my hand in my handbag and brought out my phone, I searched through the contacts, and tapped on his name, "Here is Caleb's contact, please call him", I placed my phone on the table for Gerald to copy the number.

Gerald immediately put a call on Caleb,who assured us that he would join us in the next ten to fifteen minutes.

I should go home today, right? I asked Gerald.

No, you should pull yourself together, and have some rest, before going.

Maybe you can go from tomorrow or next, that's if you feel you are okay to go home,if not stay back.

The door bell rang,Dena rushed to the door,she peered through the peephole, then she murmured "Caleb is here" before opening the door.

We're you close by when I called you? Gerald asked,as they exchanged greetings.

Not really, but I had to drive as fast as I could, knowing fully well, that there is a reason for me not to be late for your call, Caleb explained as he sat down on the couch.

Dena, how are you doing? I see, you're doing a good work on Gerald, and that's vice versa, he smiled staring at Gerald who also let out a little smile.

Yeah she's really doing great job on me, that's why you need to get married too, so that your wife can actually treat you good as well, it would also make you add lots of weight and make you look more younger and fresher, Gerald teased him.

Hahaha, that's true, I've actually been planning on that for long, but the problem is that I haven't seen the right person to settle down with, I'm still taking my time in making the selection, I don't really want someone that would break my head, so I want to get married to my humble heart and my peace of mind, not someone that would give me hypertension, you know I don't wanna die young,I want to grow old and see my grandchildren, Caleb said, letting out a loud laughter.

You know nobody is perfect, even mine is not, you just need to pick one,build her up to your taste and take care of her troubles, that's all, Gerald commented.

Ohh yeah, that's sure, Caleb replied gazing at me.

Lara, you don't look good, what's up? Your face isn't bright at all, have you been crying? He asked, peering at me for answer.

You asked as if you don't know what I'm going through, I shouldn't be like this if I don't have anything eating me up.

Please you guys should help me out, I'm breaking down every day and I'm confused as I'm speaking to you right now.

Don't worry Lara, you gonna be okay,we are here to help you with anything that is troubling you.

As your friends,we can't let you go down just like that, Caleb said.

Gerald related the whole incident that took place at the family house to Caleb, so he could know how to place his help.

After hearing about the incident, Caleb felt sorry for me,then cleared his throat,

I will join you guys to make sure we find out where the whole problem started and how to tackle them, Caleb commented. Seriously, I hate seeing people get sad,it makes me annoyed.

If I may ask, how long have you known Owen before you two got married? Caleb asked me.

I didn't know him quite long, after my parents changed me into a new school with no root cause.

I remembered I overheard my dad said to my mom in their room, that is time to change me into the new school, so that everything would work out as planned with the other family. Then I met Owen on the first day in my new school, and he told me Gerald and Frank were his new friends from the school, then after asking for my contact, he began to visit me in my parents house with his friends Frank and Gerald. And I thought about how Owen got to know my house address, but I knew it was Dena's that gave him our house address, that's her handwork.

Ahh! No, no, I didn't give Owen our house address, I was also surprised just as you were to see him and his friends visit us, but I thought you might have sent him our house address through text message. Everything can't be my handwork,Dena said.

I think I remembered vividly, Owen called Frank and I to accompany him to his new girlfriend's house for a visit, Frank asked him if he had Lara's house address, then he said that his parents gave him Lara's house address and there is a task that needs to be done.

Then I asked Owen,if his parents and Lara's parents knew each other before he met Lara in the school, his reply was that the plan has already been drawn for a long time, and left to be executed at the right time, Gerald explained.

Hmm! all these are actually making sense right now, with the incident that took place at the family house,then there is a hidden secret, that has been kept for long, and we must find a way to uproot it, Caleb said.

So the marriage was also rushed by your parents, because they found out their plans were gradually working out, and you two has fallen in love with each other. Who knows if love portion isn't involved in this situation,or is it just a natural love? Caleb asked, smiling at me.

I sighed and looked away from him, not wanting him to make any fun of me.

And now, I think Owen is forcefully trying to revenge on something which has been kept for quite long, maybe he couldn't wait for the time, for him to explore every hidden rats. Haa! is not really getting funny anymore, even if is a sealed secret that shouldn't be known by anyone, your parents are not supposed to keep whatever secret it is away from you.

Do you know know why? Caleb asked

No, I shook my head.

Is because you are their daughter, and their blood. Even if they kept it away from Dena, not definitely from you. Even if your father refused to let you know about the secret, your mom should have let you know, knowing the pains she passed through as a mother while carrying you for nine months, then went through the labour pains to bore you.

Like seriously, they act as if you were adopted, Caleb said with a sad voice.

So what should we do then? Dena asked peering at everyone.

I don't know if Owen's house would be safe for Lara and her baby, Gerald said as he walked into the kitchen and picked up a bottle water.

Lara you're pregnant? Ahh, congratulations to you Lara, I'm just hearing, Caleb said with a genuine smile on his face.

Thank you Caleb, but I'm afraid,I said, as I bent my head.

Afraid of what? Ain't you ready for it? Caleb asked

Should I tell Owen that I'm pregnant,or should I keep it to myself.

You must let him know about his baby, moreover he is your husband,he has every right to know,no matter what, Caleb replied.

I don't want to lose my baby either, I don't know if their plans is against my success and having a baby.