
Chapter 10 The stranger

After the discussion, Caleb left, because it was already getting late, Gerald accompanied him to his car, while Dena and I sat back in silence at the living room, staring at ceiling and thinking on what next to do.

After seeing Caleb off to his car, Gerald returned to the living room and joined us. He let out a heavy breath as he sat down on the couch, with his right hand on his jaw.

I would be leaving tomorrow morning, I finally broke the silence, I'm just going to miss you guys.

I will miss you more,Dena said making a worried face.

Gerald exhaled, removing his hand from his jaw, and then looking down on the floor, he said, "Is true you have spent some time with us, but now you have to go, I will really miss you much, but I can't stop you from going home. And I don't know what next you're going to face once you get home. But all I pray and wish for you is peace of mind.

I really pray so too,I nodded, holding back my tears from rolling down my cheeks, and breathing through my mouth.

Dena sniffled and wiped her nose, and drying up her tears. If you get home and need anything, just call me, okay? She said forcing a smile on her face.

Alright dear,I nodded.

I will definitely do as you said. Thank you so much for being more than a sister to me.

What are we having for dinner? Gerald asked, staring at both of us.

We can just take tea and bread tonight, and go to bed,Dena said.

Ahh, seems you were in my mind, but we would add some eggs, please let's have the tea,I'm even very hungry, I stood up, turning to the kitchen,then Dena followed immediately.

After having dinner with them,we said goodnight to each other, I watched them enter their room, while I left for my own room.

I got inside the room, I removed my clothes and wrapped my towel round my body, I went into the bathroom and showered quickly,then got back to the room.

I arranged my bags against tomorrow morning, so I wouldn't have to forget anything, I laid with my back on the bed, staring up the ceiling.

I bit my lips, as so many things went through my mind, my life is no longer sweet as it was before I engaged myself into a marriage that feels like bondage. All I knew is that the God who has brought me this far will never disappoint me, I was still on the thinking process,not knowing when I fell asleep.

The alarm clock rang around 6 am in the morning, I turned it off with sleepy eyes and went back to sleep.

I woke up again and checked the time, this time it was already 8:32 am. And Dena hasn't come in here yet to make noise and disturb my sleep as usual.

I had to get up from the bed and get prepared for going back home.

I carried my things down stairs to the living room, Dena and Gerald was already seated on the couch, waiting for me to come down.

Ahh! You finally woke up from your deep sleep, I came and checked on you twice, but you were still asleep, I never wanted to disturb you as usual, so I let you have enough rest before going home, Dena said smiling at me.

Ohh, yeah, the alarm clock woke me by 6 am, I turned it off and went back to sleep.

I was surprised and glad you didn't disturb my sleep, thank you though.

Come and have your breakfast,we have been waiting for you to come down, Dena prepared your favourite meal, Gerald said smiling at me.

I sat down on the table, and quietly opened the covered food, and the aroma dealt with my nostrils.

I tasted the food and it was very delicious, Dena can never change in preparing delicious meals.

Ummh... this is very delicious, only the aroma can make someone ask for whole more,I said turning to Dena's direction, you never make bad meals, I see why Gerald can never let go,I said nodding my head to the delicious meal. Please package some for me, I would like to take it home.

I already did that, you don't need to tell me what to do, I know you very well, that's why I got everything prepared and packaged, because I know you would definitely ask for take home food, Dena said as she went into the kitchen and brought out everything she packaged for me and kept them to my sight on the table.

Thank you so much Dena, what would I have done without you, may God bless you more dear, I said, giving her a tight hug. You are one in a million, I patted her on the shoulder.

Anything for you dear,Dena replied with a bold smile on her face.

Gerald stood up and helped me take my bags to the car, while Dena brought her packaged food for me.

Thank you so much for being my family, I said as we bid goodbye to each other.

Please drive carefully Dena said, resting her head on Gerald's shoulder, and staring at me.

Talk to you later I said and drove off immediately.

I turned on the music in my car, and sang along as I drove home.

I found a deeper faith

Within your love's embrace

When all I want is what you do for me

I'm breaking from the curse

Of preying in disgrace

My heart is open wide

My hands are lifted high

You are my God

I am your servant

I am in awe of your love for me

Your mercy flows though

I don't deserve it

I'm gonna shout it out

I'm in awe of your love for me...

Awe of your love for me...

I sang until I got home,I drove inside the compound and carefully parked my car. I quietly brought out my bags and the other stuffs Dena packaged for me.

I gradually took them into the house, everywhere was calm and silent. Owen must had gone to work I thought as I climbed up stairs with my bags.

I opened the door to our room, and quietly entered,I peered around the room, but it seems nobody was actually home.

I was thirsty, so I went down stairs to take some water from the fridge and also to keep the package Dena gave me in the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen and was surprised to see a stranger in my kitchen, she was actually cutting some vegetables on the kitchen slab.

I stood behind her for a moment,at the same time thinking who she could be and what she is actually doing in my house,then in my kitchen.

Could that be a ghost? I asked myself, does ghosts really exist? No she can't be a ghost, even though ghosts are really in existence.

I cleared my throat and expected her to turn, but she still maintained her position.

Then I broke the silence.

Hello Lady, I said waiting for her to turn, but she didn't turn immediately, she waited for some minutes before turning towards my direction.

Good day, I greeted.

Please do I know you? I mean who are you? I asked.

She turned around and smiled, good day,

my name is Shila.

Immediately she turned her face, I recognized her face to be familiar,then I was wondering where I knew her from.

No need for your introduction she said,

I already knew whom you are, you're Lara, Owen's wife, who refused to take good care of her husband and you also fell in love with your CEO'S son.Thank you for leaving Owen for me, because he has been my long term lover, just before you stole him away, just because of the stupid issues going on with the two families from the earlier times.

Well, thank God I'm back to take what belongs to me,she said, turning back to check her cookings.

I remembered her face to be the lady I saw with Owen and my father in-law during the party period with Dena, Gerald and Caleb.Thinking very fast on what to do immediately. Why would another woman be in my house without my permission? I thought.

Ahh! Really? I asked.

Ohh yeah,she replied, staring the food on fire.

She has a good figure though, I thought, and I haven't set my eyes on my husband since I came home, and I don't know how far things has been going on in the house since I left for a holiday at Dena's place.

What should I do at this moment I thought,as I bit my lips.

Pushing her out of my kitchen would not do, and asking her to leave my house immediately, wouldn't be of a good idea.

What do I do right now I asked myself again.

"You said all you wanted in your house is peace of mind,then refrain from creating enemity and make her your friend "

A tiny voice whispered to my ears, I turned to see who it was, but there was nobody talking to me.

So Shila, where is Owen? And what are you cooking? I asked.

He left earlier to his office, I'm cooking spicy rice and vegetables, she replied.

Ohh, I love that, that's a very nice meal, I said trying to follow her up.

You love it? She asked

Yeah, I do, I answered.

Then let me finish up the cooking and get you some to eat,she said smiling at me.

Yes, just when you are done with the cooking, you can serve us together,I told her.

Alright then, let me finish up, just wait at the dinning table,she said.

No, don't worry dear, I would be bored, since you are here right now in the same house with me, is more lively right now.

I can stay here in the kitchen with you, we can gist together until you're done cooking,I replied.

Alright then, Lara, she said as she continued with the cooking that was almost done.