

Being pregnant at the age of sixteen and not knowing the father of the child, she didn't let that drag her down but rather made her want to live for her baby After giving birth to male twins, she realised they didn't belong to her continent. They were nothing like her. She was African while her babies were Asian. The only thing they inherited from their mother was her rare green eyes. She decided to fly to the Asian world, where her little buns belong. What will happen when she encounters her babies father who is a big shot in the business circle, a man with multiple personality and is feard by many. Read to find out.

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16 Chs


Elsewhere in Africa

"Jim, Kim come out I'm taking you to grandmother " The voice of a young lady could be heard. "Hurry up sweets, I'm in a hurry" Two little boys came running to the living room. No one could tell the difference between those two little boys. They are too identical. "Mommy are you really taking us to grandma?" A little sweet voice could be heard from one of the little boys. "Yes Kim darling. I'm on morning shift so you guys will have to stay with Nana (grandma). I'll come pick you up the next day, does that sounds good? Lydia asked her adorable boys.

"But mama, we'll miss you so much" Jim said with a pout. "Aww sweets, we're being apart just for a jday. I promise to come for you the next day. Besides, we'll be travelling after that, just the three of us". Lydia said to the two little little buns with a beautiful and gentle smile on her face. She too is finding it hard to leave their sight. She feels tortured whenever she is away from her children.

"Are we really going to travel mama?" Little Jimmy asked sweetly. "Yes darling."

"Are we going to the place with kids with skin colour like me just on TV?" Kim asked adorably. "Yes baby we'll be travelling to those places now hurry up and have your breakfast and lets leave I'm getting late for work. " Lydia said while serving the boys' favourite; orange juice with toast and omelette. The family of three had a hearty breakfast.

After breakfast, She drove them to the Zimbis. Mama Zimbi was over joyed to see her two little grandchildren. "Nana!" The boys rushed to hug their grandma. Mama Zimbi hugged them close not wanting to let go. The kids were too adorable that no one could resist their charms. Anyone that saw them guessed they might have looked like their father since there was no resemblance between them and their mother. The only thing they inherited from their mother was her emerald like green eyes. Apart from that there was nothing they had in common, their mother had fair skin and they had white skin and they didn't even have her afro-hair.

Lydia left the house quietly without letting her boys know. She tiptoed quietly out of the house. she looked funny in her act. She has been doing things she never thought she'd ever do after becoming a mother at the age of sixteen. She didn't want them to know because they'd insist on going to her workplace and she didn't want that, with all her colleagues eyeing her enviously for having such nice and beautiful kids. She's even afraid they might hurt her boys through envy. The last thing she wants is her babies getting hurt.

Reaching her working place which is a hotel, She waved at the security man with a sweet smile and walked ahead to the huge and tall building. In the changing room, Lydia got a phone call from Maria. "Hello!"...."Hi! Lydia, how are you doing and my little prince's.

"A happy voice could be heard from the other side of the phone.

"We're great, how is it going on over there for you? "I hope you don't die of missing us". Lydia said with a chuckle. "Who said I missed you,I only missed my charming prince's okay?" "Okay we're no longer coming to Korea." "Come on I was just joking"

"Got you I was kidding too, haha...." "It's nice to know you're happy thanks for the arrival of those two sweet little guys." One thing Maria is not aware of is that, Lydia only shows this side to those closer to her.

"Alright I'm at work I'll call you later but just so you know, Ayaan is my new boss bye." "Wha.." Lydia disconnected the call leaving Maria itching for more. Lydia left the changing room to start her day. She walked hastily whilst tying her long hair at the same time, not wanting to be extra late. She turned the opposite direction quickly upon seeing her new boss. Right, her long lost bully.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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