

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 40: The Complacency Of Brutish Designs

Roadside Motel, Unknown Location, Unknown State....

Rae hardly got any sleep the previous night due to the eerie sound of a mournful howling filled the air. She spent the better part of the of the night with the covers pulled up to her chin and her knees covering her stomach as she sat and waited for her husband to return from wherever he'd been. Unlike before, she didn't sense that he'd been in immediate danger as he had been when they were still in Las Vegas, but she knew something was preventing his return. She chose to go along with the idea that he might have been in hiding from the creature that prowled and would make his way back to her when the coast had been clear. All her worries and doubts dissipated when she heard the rumbling of the door knob and Duke's harsh grunt on the other end of it.

Moving quickly, she climbed off the bed and rushed over toward the door just as eager as he'd been to see him as he'd been to get inside. When she opened it she took note of the fact that he'd been naked and covered in what appeared to have been blood. Duke stepped inside and swiftly scooped her into his arms noticing that she was only wearing one of his t-shirts like so many nights before.

He kicked the door closed behind him causing it to slam as he carried Rae, whom was clinging to him back toward the bed where he dropped her down onto the mattress and parted her legs kissing along the smooth flesh and pulling own her thin cotton panties as she watched him both confused and relieved that he'd been alright. A low growl rumbled from beneath Duke's throat as he fitted his body between her thighs and in one swift motion began lapping at her warmth via his tongue. Rae moaned as she reacted to the sudden stimulation running her fingers through her husband's slick messy black hair.

He seemed to delight in the fact that he could manage to turn her on even in the strangest of circumstances and continued lapping at her flesh while she mewed and clenched her slender thighs against his head. Rae continued to run her fingers through his hair gripping it as his incredible tongue did what it wanted to her young convulsing body. Rae could feel the makings of Duko's smirk against the wetness that came bursting from between her thighs and continued to lap at the slickness. She moaned out loud fidgeting in the center of the bed as he continued to tease her lightly nibbling at her soft flesh as she slipped further and further away and into a realm all her own her heart racing and her body given to sensation that threatened to overwhelm her still quite inexperienced senses.

She passed out upon release unable to keep her eyes open as more sensation began to overwhelm her already exhausted body. Once he'd been done, Duko withdrew his tongue and headed toward the bathroom, his face glistening via his young wife's slickness as he smirked once more before heading in to take a much needed shower.


Hours Later.....

The sound of rushing water in the distance had not disturbed the still slumbering Rae as she remained unconscious as her husband exited the shower strolling into the main room still dripping from his lack of effort in drying off and naked as per the usual with him when they'd been alone.

Duko made his way over to the causing it to dip due to his added weight against the springs and maneuvered his slick body between the slumbering Rae's slender thighs. He kissed her chest and neck as she began to awaken feeling his lips against her as well as his powerful arms moving her body to suite his purpose as he fitted himself against her. A low moan escaped her lips as she felt the familiar intrusion that caused her to open her eyes to find her husband thrusting forward as she took him in.

Rae immediately wrapped her arms and legs around him, as always loving the feel of him against her as she pulled him closer. Duko grunted in her ear, his charming manner of speech for most of their association when he was given to his lesser instincts. She was pleased that he had returned in one piece after hours of worrying about what state he would be in once he returned to her.

The larger muscular man towered above his younger wife kissing at the flesh of her neck and thrusting his hips into her pelvis as the bed below them began to shake and the springs began to creak in the wake of their act getting underway. Rae's rapid breaths and increased excitement were only adding to her husband's already apparent arousal as he pinned her arms to the bed above her hands and continued his line of rapid thrusting. Her scent was as intoxicating as it always was causing his nostrils to flare and his muscles to ripple with tension as he ploughed his enormous appendage into her warmth again and again.

Rae moaned losing herself in the sensation as her toes curled and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she took him and everything he had to offer in terms of his unruly passions when it came to their intimate moments alone.

"Duke..." whispered Rae when his ear came close to her lips as he continued to kiss her and drive his enormous appendage deeper and deeper into her warmth in a bid to sate them both as the mutual heat between them increased driving them both to the brink of an stated madness with their mutual longing for one another.


Mid Afternoon...

Rae was the first to awaken seeing Duke beside her made her smile as she shifted in bed feeling the effects of the sweltering heat with the air conditioner turned off and she proceeded to climb out of bed, awakening her slumbering husband with her movements. He was still naked and sleeping on top of the sheets his chest rising and falling with his breaths as a low growl rumbled from deep within his throat. Rae moved across the room turning on the much needed air conditioner only to find herself in the company of her husband as he wrapped his arms around her waist and began kissing her neck and sniffing her hair.

She smiled loving the attention despite the heat still reeling from the after effects of their previous act before the heat seemed to get the better of them. Duke kissed her shoulder and she could feel him getting excited once more, but she'd not been up for it still exhausted from the long hours of worrying for him with the vicious animal on the loose and him being out in the dark.

The two of them had been so content with their own little world behind the closed doors of their motel room that they had not taken notice of the flashing lights of an ambulance and respective police cars that swarmed the sleepy little town. There was an apparent investigation being launched about the untimely death of a resident whom had appeared to have suffered from a vicious animal attack in his very home causing the citizen a good deal of fear despite the rumors and the news replaying the attacks from Las Vegas and so on.

Duko had taken to kissing his wife a second time when a knock on their door got his attention. His body grew tense and he saw his way to blocking the view of anyone from seeing his naked wife as she listened in on the conversation while slipping back into the t-shirt he'd managed to get off her without much effort.

Duko opened the door finding himself standing face to face with an old detective whom had been investigating the case of the strange animal attacks and making inquiries as to how they occurred. The latest death suggested the animal was moving along a certain pattern between the states as the majority of the attacks took place in Oregon and now were showing up in Nevada.

He hadn't pieced together whether or not it was the result of desperation or randomness that prompted the creature to hunt a man in his very home due to all the other attacks happening on a large scale and out in the open.

The detective was insignificant as far as Duko had been concerned and annoying to say the least as he stared into the tired brown eyes of the less athletically built older man whom had already been showing signs of going gray along his side burns.

"Good afternoon, I'm detective Gordon Harper, and I've been investigating a string of killings that seemed to follow a select pattern as of late be believe it's some kind of rabid and enormous animal that is responsible." said the older man.

Duko leaned against the door not at all making an effort to hide his nakedness in front of the eyes of the older man and sighed.

"I've heard something about that...back in Vegas it was all over the news and what not." he admitted. "My wife's been a bit concerned about all the strangeness lately as well."

"Well I regret to inform you, that there's been another attack...a local this time in his own home." replied Det. Harper. "Many of the folks around here say they heard the creature howling late into the night and the screams of the deceased prior to his expiring."

"I ain't heard much aside from howling." replied Duko not at all wishing to deviate from the initial reports of the other citizens. "Of course I've been so busy with my wife I hardly noticed much of anything at all."

Rae came up behind Duke giving the Detective clear indication as to why they might have been too busy to hear what was happening to the local due to wearing only her husband's t-shirt as the older man drew his own conclusions.

"Well I am sorry to bother you both...if you do happen to recall anything, out of the ordinary at all here's my card." he said handing them a means of reaching him if they needed it.

Rae took the card and Duke wrapped his arm around her waist content to finish what he'd been starting before the unwanted interruption. They closed the door as the detective took notice of the motorcycle outside the room. It was the same motorcycle he'd seen when investigating outside of a motel room in Oregon.

He filed the little detail away for later and turned his attention to the issues at hand. Still he had a feeling he'd see that motorcycle again at the scene of another motel following the creature's apparent pattern.