

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 39: The Makings Of A Rampage

Unknown Location, Unknown State....

Beating filled the ears of the black brutish creature as it followed the sound swiftly rushing across open desert and leaping across barriers meant to keep out wild animals. It landed with a good deal of speed and force on top of a old truck crushing the tires and causing it to sink to the ground on all flats while denting the roof of the front part of the truck causing a stir via a watch dog barking wildly into the night. The sound of the beast jumping off the truck as it landed onto the ground echoed through the small town causing a minor tremor in it's wake. A lone man had come out from his house to investigate the noise. He was half naked and holding a very old shotgun as he attempted to seek out the cause of his awakening and the disturbance with his dog.

"What in the hell is going on around here?" he asked in a gruff tone.

He wasn't much to look at, just a run of the mill middle aged man with a beard and short brown hair. He wore a pair of boxer shorts and stepped out with his feet bare onto his porch where he aimed his shotgun in the distance as his flashlight came across an enormous black creature made of hulking muscle and dark fur with red glowing eyes standing in his yard.

He immediately started pulling the trigger as recollection about a rumored beast prowling about had returned to his frightened mind and he began to fire at the monster before him terrified of what it would be capable of should it escape or worse come after him.

The enormous brute snarled as thick clear saliva slowly oozed from it's massive jaws that were powerful enough to bit a man's head clean off. The beast flashed it's razor sharp teeth that appeared like daggers along it's thick black gums. The tongue was black in color as well and quite long if one were to measure it.

The trembling man attempted to aim properly once more shooting at the beast that stood before it. From the mass of muscle it seemed to carry it seemed that not much could stop it in the wake of a rampage but bullets still caused it to bleed and he took it as a good sign that it could be killed. The beast began to advance taking the bullets that did hit it chest first as blood oozed from the wounds only to quickly heal and disappear. The man fired shot after shot and pelted the beast with several more rounds before it closed in on him via it's advance while the man attempted to rush into his home for safety.

It did little to stop the beast which burst through one of the windows shattering glass in every direction and leapt onto the man before he could get through the door of his kitchen as it pounced on him sending both of them hurling onto the floor. The man dropped his shotgun and it slid across the hardwood floor amid the broken glass and splinted wood fragments that were all around them.

A deep and feral growl erupted from the beast as it immediately set to work getting to it's feet and stalking it's prey along the floor. The man was hurt badly in the wake of the fall and being crushed beneath the weight of the brutish beast. The coppery scent of his blood filled the flaring black nostrils of the beast as it suddenly pounced once more landing on the man as it's powerful jaws closed around the offending mortal's neck tearing out it's jugular vein and lapping at the gushing blood while devouring the torn flesh between it's razor sharp teeth.

The screams of the man ended in an instant as his blood gushed around his now still corpse and the brute indulge itself devouring what it wished of him. The kill seemed to have excited it as the flesh covering of it's vastly erect penis was pulled back to reveal the large pink organ that leaked all over the floor as it continued to devour pieces of the stilled corpse in the corner of the man's living room.

The scent of blood filled the air and the excitement continued to fill the creature as it moved through the household sniffing out anymore willing to die via it's powerful jaws but was disappointed to see that the man had lived alone aside from the dog in the backyard. The dog proved to be of no interest to the beast as it exited the way it came leaping across the buildings at top speed beneath the wondrous glow of the full moon above it.


Unknown Location, Unknown State....

Emptiness surrounded Channon Duko Lovell as he awoke in the middle of nowhere once more naked and covered in a good deal of blood. His mind was a hazy fog of screams and growls as he opened his dark blue eyes. As per the usual when he awoke in the morning, he was sporting a prominent erection and confused about how he had gotten to this place and been lying among the dirt and blood. Duko took a few breaths feeling the stirring of his loins as his eyes shifted from blue to yellow as the scent or Rae made it's way to him by way of the wind. He sat up as he looked around finding himself among numerous corpses all mangled brutally and layered with blood. He recognized them being human and animal alike this time around as he found himself spitting fur from his mouth after finding it on his tongue.

His body felt noticeably heavier and his muscles appeared to have been tense for quite some time as he began the slow trek back to the familiar location he last seen his wife and motorcycle before the apparent affliction took hold. The heat was already upon him despite the sun being nowhere in sight as of yet. He could feel his heart rate increase as he moved barefoot along the gravel road toward the lodgings of the roadside motel.

It would appear he had seen better days as the pounding in his head made it all the more difficult to navigate and keep moving. The last thing he needed was for the townsfolk to see him naked and coming back from who knows where covered in blood and disoriented. The images of them all forming some kind of a "lynch mob" to interrogate him about his strange behavior reminded Duko of a horror movie his father used to watch on occasion.

His main concerns had been for Rae and how she was faring following the long strange night and if it had any effect on her. It occurred to him that he left his wife behind to drink at the local bar and it was where all the trouble began it.